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The following has been taken from the UK newpaper the Daily Star:

Madonna has banned husband Guy Ritchie and his cockney mates from calling her Madge - because she DETESTS it. The Queen of Pop has issued strict orders that no one uses the nickname - first given to her by her movie director love. Friends say the American superstar "absolutely hates" being called Madge and has insisted that everyone calls her by her full name. The revelation was made by British actor Jason Flemyng, who became a close friend of Guy when he starred in his movies, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch. Jason said: "She just hates 'Madge'. We're under strict instructions not to call her that. She absolutely abhors it." But the British star insisted that Madonna was not at all stuck up, saying she was "one of the boys". He said " She loves being one of the lads and being treated normally". Mum-of-two Madonna, 43, is currently living in the UK with her husband and children. Although Brit Guy adopts a mock-cockney accent, he comes from a wealthy, blue-blooded family and went to a top public school. Madge recently announcing that she wanted Guy to be knighted - so she could be called Lady Madonna. However, it only showed her lack of knowledge of British noble affairs - a knight's wife always takes her husband's surname, so she would be Lady Ritchie. Madonna, who is shivering her way through her first British winter, isn't totally taken with our way of life. She recently blasted workmen doing up her central London home, claiming that the British working week seemed to start at noon on Monday and end at noon on Friday.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I have been so busy with getting the picture gallery up and all that other good stuff. However, here is what Madonna said the other night at the Turner Awards. Everyone seems to be making such a big deal out of it, I thought I'd put it on here!

"Thank YOU sir! I'd like to thank you all for coming to my house, I hope you like my art collection. I have a new record in stores right now, it's called "GHV2" and Stella Mc.Cartney designed my clothes. Seriously... Welcome to Tate Britain. It's a little bit strange handing out a prize for the "best" artist because there is no such thing as the "best" anything - there are only opinions. Personally I think award ceremonies are silly. Does anyone agree on the same thing? Never. Do awards make the world a better place? No... Does an artist whom wins an award become a better artist? DEFINITELY not really. Is it nice to win twenty grand? Definitely - but after spending so long in this city I can tell you that it won't last very long. What I do know is that art is at it's best when there is no money, because art has nothing to do with money and everything to do with love. And like love, it can be inspiring, inexplicable, provocative and sometimes infuriating. Nevertheless, we cannot live without it and that is why I'm here. Not because I think that one artist is better than another, but because I want to support any artist who not only has something to say, but the balls to say it. In a time when political correctness is valued over honesty, I would also like to say RIGHT ON, MOTHERF*CKERS". Everyone, EVERYONE is a winner. So.... And the winner is.... Huh.... Right, ahem, right.... And the name is Mrs. Ritchie thank YOU very much. Oh.... Oh! And the winner is Martin Creed. Don't spend it all in one place! Nice coat!"


There will be music video special for Madonna on VH1 December 11 (next Tuesday). Don't forget to watch it! Also I have been hearing that "Love, Sex, Drugs, and Money" (formerly known as Swept Away") will be released next fall 2002.

As for this site the new name is M-Zone. Part of the whole new format for the whole new year. It isn't the first time this page has changed names though, it used to be Madonna Demented. I won't go into that name right now though. However, I'm planning on making a page that will tell the whole history of this site. You'll notice that "playground" is still in the address. I tried to make a new account (you're account name is your address) but I kept getting all these error messages. Finally, you'll also notice that all the old news is gone. Well, it's not. Just click on Archive Two above to see that good ol' news. (I'll take you there!)

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