Let me start off by saying that, I'm a good person who tries to live achristian life and not complain about much.(Well, excaept to my closest friends.) But, this is something that has been bothering me and I need to get it off my chest.

If you're reading this,you have already read Swyndle's entry. I'm writing about the same thing, but from an outsider's perspective.

Our vacation was suppoosed to be a time to relax and plan our wedding. It started out great. The plane ridewas good. I got a little ill(motion- sickness).

I sat down with N to talk when we got to where we were staying, but then all hell broke loose.

On Saturday morning,N was laying into Swyndle about not having a christian attitude, and not wearing christian clothes. My viewpoint on all of that is: If you believe, God doesn't care what you wear. As for the attitude... WHAT ATTITUDE!?!

I defended him, telling her we both believe and talk about our faith, but, being a parent, she didn't hear that.

Then Sunday happened.

Since I'm not part of the family yet, I tred to make myself scarce. After lunch Swyndle went into the dining area and told N that they needed to talk things out. That was my cue to leave.

I went outside. I didn't hear what happened, but Swyndle came out very upset. He was being treated like a little kid again.

At some point after that, Swyndle got REALLY upset. I tried to calm him down, but you can't stop a volcanoe from blowing it's top.

He went inside, screamed, and came back outside. At this point N came out and yelled at me to calm Swyndle down. Like it's my job. So I tried. Then both parent units came out to tell us to leave.

Now, here is my biggest complaint: In any relationship, why would you just run away? I hate using this line, but here it is: If they really loved him, they would have tried to work things out.

So we got packed up. I was in the living room waiting when N told me the devil had gotten into Swyndle. Now, at this point I could have put her in her place, but I just stared.

A few days later, we met up with my parents. We told them about it. Well at least they love us. Things like this happen and you know who you can lean on. My parents "D" &"J", have And will always support us in anything.

Well I'll just say this: they will get to babysit our future children.

In closing, D told her mom about it, and she said, and I quote:"Doesn't sound like they are very christian." I told D and I'll tell you: Judge not lest ye be judged. That is how everything got started. Noone but God has the right to judge a person,even if they are family!!! The moral of the story is: don't become a jesuscrispy*.

"You put him on a chair and say that's great, and you get right down to the god you made. And you keep him up there, so he can save you, and you kick him out the very next day. This is why I don't trust you." -Sister Soleil


*one who looks and finds evil everywhere. And speaks of nothing but their religion.Salem sound familiar?

Uploaded 22nd August 1999