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Landscape Designer

Last year Greenleaves brought aboard Julie as our
Landscape Designer.
She is our 'Nerd' in Plants, Trees, Shrubs
and Flowers with certification through CNA.
Julie has managed to accomplish her life dreams
with energy and excitement. She is dedicated to
our clients in meeting their needs. Julie has a
way of bringing your yard full of color and
fragrance with elegance and functionality.

As an artist and visionary, Julie can create
a landscape exactly like you want whether
basic or exotic, green or xeriscape, or a mixture
of both.
Her designs are drawn on paper so you, as our client,
can actually see what your yard will look like.

Julie's talents are awesome to say the least.

Greenleaves is proud to have Julie as part
or our team!
Site Navigation


"Retaining Walls"
"Raised Islands"
"Grass Yards"
"Landscape Ideas"
"Our Landscape Designer"
"Our Office Manager and Author"
"Our General Manager Home Improvements"
"Our Team Leader and Craftsman"
"Our Certified Plumber and Athlete"
"Our Team Manager and Website Promoter"
"Greenleaves History and Philosophy"