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Ty Pond
Greenleaves Team Leader and

Ty will keep our teams in tow. He has
leadership qualities that we all would be
grateful to have.
Ty organizes the teams that best meet the
clients landscaping needs.
He pulls the experts to the job when needed.
Ty brings with him the skills to do the job and
do it right!
Greenleaves is honored to have Ty as our
Team Leader!

When Ty is not working the teams he finds
pleasure in wood crafting.
He is a wood craft master; designing products
of wood.
Ty can make pieces of wood into a master piece
for all to envy.
His hobby and talents are phenominal.

Site Navigation


"Retaining Walls"
"Raised Islands"
"Grass Yards"
"Landscape Ideas"
"Our Landscape Designer"
"Our Office Manager and Author"
"Our General Manager Home Improvements"
"Our Team Leader and Craftsman"
"Our Certified Plumber and Athlete"
"Our Team Manager and Website Promoter"
"Greenleaves History and Philosophy"