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Our Backyard

Growth of our garden is rapid during Spring and continues to progress as we gallop towards Summer.

Back View

A view taken from the decking of our swimming pool hopefully gives you some idea of one of the Kangaroo Paws in full flower, as well as the back of our home.

Mr. Davi Picking Sweetpeas!

Back on page 5 you may recall seeing our sweetpeas growing up the chicken wire. Considering that mr. davi is 5'10" tall, you can imagine the difficulty he is experiencing as he attempts to collect armfuls of sweetpea blooms. Should they continue to grow taller, he is shortly going to require a ladder!

Feathered Friends

Above you will meet our pair of 'wild' black ducks, sitting upon the birdfeeder and in the background upon the roof line, you can see a wood pigeon. The black ducks adopted us during our first year here and now often swim peacefully on the pool, permitting us and all our pets to walk within close range.

Dappled Shade

Shady nooks can be found in various parts of our garden. Here in the protection of the branches of our Jacaranda, Maple, Cherry and stately gum trees, we frequently enjoy sitting quietly to watch the birds feeding, listen to their varied songs or avidly read articles in gardening magazines.

Well, there is always a little corner somewhere in the garden to plant that extra-special shrub!

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