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Summer Time in Davi's Garden

The summer season is here and the plants are appreciating all the mulch which was spread so thickly during our winter months. This task has reduced weed growth to almost zero and our water consumption is proving to be quite dramatically reduced.

Salad Days

As promised our summer picture of the vegie patch shows our tomatoes and corn are growing rapidly. Fresh peas and zucchini are delicious and it's the time for daily visits to collect fresh lettuce leaves, herbs and vegetables for our salads.

Cooling Off

Not all of our time is taken up by working in our garden. We enjoy using our spa and swimming pool during warm lazy days catching sunbeams and relaxing. Many trees in our garden provide us with delightful shady nooks.

Splashes of Colour

We've planted hardy pelargoniums in the areas enjoying full sun, so they give colourful surprises in various parts of our garden. These eye-catching plants in the picture have nestled in contentedly along part of the rockery, keeping company with our ivy geraniums spilling over a fence. Neither require much water or attention.

In the background one of our native Melaleuca Trees (Honey-myrtle or Paper-bark) can be seen in full bloom.

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