has flown by swiftly since the last publication of The
Black Doll-E-Zine. I can hardly believe that we
are approaching the middle of 2006 and not one new issue
of the 'zine has been published. Well, it's back, and hopefully another six months will not speed by
before a second issue is published this
the last issue of BDE, a not-so-traditional doll
artist was profiled. This issue includes a profile of an artist who creates beautiful
African-American doll sculptures. These two
artists are a testament to the fact that Black dolls can
never be lumped into one category; they are as varied as
the hues of our complexion. From simplistic to
complex, Black dolls comprise a full spectrum of
mediums, categories, price ranges, etc. Black dolls are created for the collector with the most discriminating taste as well as for those who simply love dolls. I hope you'll
enjoy meeting the current doll artist and perhaps adding
some of her awesome pieces to your collection.
been an unfocused, impulse-buying collector for many
years, I enjoyed compiling the current collector's
profile. As a collector, she has her head on
straight and gives me the incentive to continue to be
less impulsive about doll buying.
"Doll in the Spotlight" and "Doll Care" articles take on new twists and the "News" article should be informative. I hope you'll enjoy each
article and every picture, and that you will stay tuned for a post-issue
update planned for mid-to-late June.
For feedback or
Write to:
blackdollezine@sbcglobal.net (Deb)