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This section concerns my personal opinions on various controversial subjects that I feel are important or need to be addressed. Hopefully, they will bring some perspective to people and give them a little inside information on something that they wouldn't have known otherwise. Please keep an open-mind when reading these and formulate your own ideas from them. However, my views are obviously going to be biased.


I was watching the movie "American Psycho" on USA today, which is an excellent movie by the way, and it showed how people have no interest in what you do or what you have to say. That everyone believes that everyone else's world is contrived and that they can't see beyond that fact. Everyone is a mask who just nods and smiles and makes such fascimile conversation, that all and all, it adds up to nothing. The guy is a serial killer and tells this to several people, but either they don't notice anything he is saying, or they take it as a joke.

I can relate to this movie in more ways than one. People act like they are concerned, act like they care, but really it's all a mask. Now, I am not condemning all people. I know there people who care out there. But the ones who do, usually can't or don't make it in the world. They usually get shit on for actually caring, until someone does need them. Then they use them to get well again, and then they become their hypocritical self once again. And the person who cares, becomes so emotionally over-wraught with these feelings and crap, that they fall into one of three categories.

1.) They become overcome by the feelings of grief and betrayal and other bull-shit put on them by other people, they end their life.

2.) They become a manic-depressant and either get cast off into their own little world, where it's the safest haven for them, or start to abuse a substance; whether it be themselves or partake in using a drug of some kind.

3.) Rise through the adversity and manage to give the help to the needy people and keep their head at the same time.

I am at stage 2 1/2 right now. I was at point one half-way through my freshman year, into half-way through my junior year. Then, although I had been physically abusing myself up to that point, don't know when I started, I have been at stage two until now. I am almost at three, however recent events have set me back. While the abuse of myself, is becoming minimal now, I have been mentally unstable, in a sort of manic-depressant state. Betrayal is the leading cause. However, I have been getting the same mixed messages I once had back in the beginning of my high school years. Although now, I can actually talk to people. I am on the border-line of actually making friends. But, at the same time, people have begun to verbally abuse and mock me again. Or leading me to believe that they could be trusted, when they really couldn't. I believe I am on the upside, however. I have had a weekend to recooperate, and I am feeling much more at ease with life in general.

My point is, is that masks exist everywhere in society, today. In fact, I have become one as well, as a sort of safety mechanism. To try to conceal my true self, and not care to deeply about how others really feel and act. Living out in the open is a very dangerous thing. I hope soon, I will be strong enough to be able to come out, and show the whole world once again how I really am. A playful and talkative person, who sincerely loves people. I sound gay, but there you have it.

Christmas Vacation

This bothers me immensely. No, I am not an anti-christ, sadanistic, devil worshipping, imp. Hell, even if I was a Christian, I would have a problem with this. Why does the whole damn nation revolve around, Christianity? Sure, people who are Jewish can take off days from school or work because of their religious holidays, but they still are given holidays because of Christian holidays. Personally, I hate celebrating Christmas, my dad isn't a Christian, although he believes he will go into eternal damnation when he dies, and my mom is a shaman, who has her own set of beliefs. Yet, we have to do something for the day anyway. Something special. Why? I am an athiest. My mom and dad don't believe in Christianity either. It's from the pressures of society. And when I have kids, I will feel the same pressures, however I will let them figure out what they believe in. I just believe, that you should stand by what your beliefs are, otherwise what's the point of having them in the first place?

Kenny G.

Okay, name a saxophonist. Did you name Kenny G.? I wouldn't be surprised if over 90% of people who were asked this question answered Kenny G. Is this right? You may be saying, who the fuck cares? Well probably no one but me, but don't you think that someone who could arguably be the best saxophonist of all time, should be named? Or is Kenny G. really the best? Or just the most successful?

John Coltrane, although he had a short career, has had a much more prolific career and also a huge influence on music, not just jazz. Probably, because Kenny G. is consistently on top of contemporary jazz charts, or at least was for such a long time period, and relatively recently, is the reason why he is so well known. His music is more pop than jazz, being melodic and predictable, and despite being hugely successful and popular he is also despised. He is the musician most people love to hate.

I've only heard one of his songs, although I am sure I have heard many more of his and just not realized it, and remarkably I really liked it. However, I have no clue as to what it was named. He definitely has a knack for a melody, but because he hasn't had particular success for more-or-less a decade, I am somewhat annoyed that the saxophone is synonomous with his name. If you were to ask who someone who does the blues, most would name B.B. King. He definitely deserves such recognition. So why doesn't Stan Getz get the same respect? He has arguably one of the most beautiful tones in all of jazz. Yet, I bet the average person has never even heard of "The Sound".

I believe that the main difference between these classic saxophonists, and Kenny G., is that when Kenny's name is mentioned, it is almost mentioned with a snicker. When Coltrane or Getz are named, they are said in a serious tone. Thankfully so. But, hopefully a largely successful saxophonist without pop cheese will become huge once again and show the world what jazz really is about. Just like rap, jazz is more impressive when done freestyle, than by repetitive notes or choruses. What makes Eminem so great, is that he can rise above nearly anyone else in a freestyle. His genius is best when his mouth is running faster than his mind. Just like Coltrane or Getz. I'd like to see Kenny G. do an impressive freestyle, or Nelly or some other cheese artist.

Death Row

In a more serious topic, in a little over 25 years, more than 85 prisoners who were on Death Row, were released after being proven wrongfully accused. The question is, what is wrong with the justice system and what should be done to change it?

One of the biggest reasons, is that DNA testing is only allowed in New York and Illinois. While they may hold two of the top three biggest metropolitans in the United States, one would think all the states would allow DNA tests. I imagine they are pretty expensive, but Texas which has the highest count of executions out of all states, not to mention one of the five biggest states, doesn't have this instated into their courts? It's probably the most Republican out of all states. It's not like they don't have any money. And what about California?

And let's not forget who make up the majority of all juries, white caucasians. Now if you were to say there was no racial bias, you would be like any other police district, even though they continue to do racial profiling. And while I don't know the statistics, I'd be willing to bet that at least 75% of all the inmates on Death Row are black. No racial profiling my ass.

"If you are unable to afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you..." This is commonly heard if you are ever arrested. The Miranda rights may be a good addition to the justice system, but like the amendments to the constitution, they only go so far. The Miranda rights never say they will give a competent lawyer, an unbiased lawyer, a lawyer out for your best interests, a lawyer... you get the point. The justice system should have lawyers reserved just for these incidents. Ones that are paid a generous salary and of high education and repertoire. Not some scrub that graduated from some poor ass institution that even someone who repeated the ninth grade three times could graduate from. An institution as crooked as lawyer who graduated from it.

If these were all seen to, I believe you couldn't try to wrongfully sentence someone (which is what the justice system does now). Let's hope the recent incident in Illinois will help the U.S. Congress pass these laws as soon as possible, so that the "justice" can be put back into the system.


You know what curling is correct? The Canadian sport that no one has ever seen actually played but is somehow an Olympic event? Well, apparently they have this rule about crests... Yeah, crests. Damn Canadians making up their own words. You would think they would leave English alone seeing as how it isn't even their own language. You don't see us making up new French words. French is a pretty gay language anyway so that's probably why.

Crests are advertisements. Apparently, they are allowed to only put one "crest" onto their warm-up suits, but none on their actual "jerseys". The controversy is that they only wear their warm-up jacket for like ten seconds as they enter the rink and then they take them off. This obviously makes it so that you will only be able to notice the insignia for a few seconds.

The sponsors are getting annoyed at this because they are spending all of this money (like anyone really pays attention to whatever the advertisement is on the jacket anyway) and no one gets to see it. So they want to have a crest on the jersey as well as the jacket. The authorities don't want this in the least. Why? Probably for fear of looking like NASCAR cars, which is pretty understandable.

My opinion is don't allow any "crests" in the first place. Curling is more of a hobby than a sport. Anyone who is ridiculous enough to pay money to see a curling match probably what products the curler uses in the first place and doesn't need any advertisements to play. Sure on NBA jerseys it says they're made by Champion and NFL helmets are made by Riddell, but do they have some patch on their jersey that says Motorola? That would be ridiculous. Get rid of the "crests" and shut up and play.

Dracula Park

How many people know about the country Romania? Well I'm sure most don't. The fact is, American news is so pitiful considering in the half an hour of "world news" basically only concerns us. Unless of course there is an assassination in some country, in which case a five-second blurb will be mentioned. One timeless piece of pop-culture however is Dracula. In fact, Romania is where this legend was created. Somewhat fact, but mostly fiction, Bram Stoker's dracula was a huge success spurring many spin-off's and movies alike. Bram Stoker had heard legends of the famous Vlad Dracul. He was a very barbarious character who enjoyed watching captured victims of invaders or soldiers captured from invasions, being tortured while eating a hearty meal.

As disgusting this act is, he was definitely not a vampire. He never sucked blood or bit his victims or any of that nonsense. However, this was the basis of Bram Stoker's creation and many Americans only know this interpretation.

Romania has just recently gone through a break-through in their government, finally destroying the system of Communism and reaping the benefits or parliament. However, their economy is still very weak and are very unstable. They are still in a trough of their economic depression, although they are starting to rise out of it. This being so, the Tourism Minister has been embracing a new idea called, "Dracula Park".

This Dracula themed Disney World would be placed into the countryside of Transylvania. The people there are riddled with various Dracula trinkets, hoping to lure American's to spend their money. However, this theme park would change the entire landscape of the community forever. The Tourism Minister is threatening to leave if the plan doesn't go through. He even wears a pair of fangs wherever he goes, to show his support (what a nut job). But building such a structure would cost so much money, that it would be better spent fixing up Romania as a whole. As well as protecting the history of the Romanian people, instead of blowing up Dracula as a cartoon character and destroying the true image and history of Vlad Dracul.

Personally, I hope that the Dracula Park doesn't get through, and that the fool wearing those fangs goes away. Sounds like a fruitcake to me. I think that the money would be much better spent on fixing the economy as a whole instead of put into some Dracula gimmick that would destroy Romania's environment (no it's not a wasteland as some may imagine) and put a bigger dent into their already deteriorated culture. I don't know, but traveling all the way over to Romania just to go to a Dracula theme park seems pretty disinteresting to me. Not to mention a waste of money. And how would they advertise to the world? Even if they put articles in the New York Times, do you think an American family will choose "Dracula Park" over Disney World? Of course not. More fun and cheaper. The only benefit of the Romanian park would be no lines.