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The following programs are highly recommended by me to watch in the upcoming weeks. Included is the date, the show, and why it's a must see. Don't expect this list to be very large however, considering the vast amount of crap that is polluting the channels. This will just be a helpful guide to the highlights, so that when you do decide to watch television you will actually get something out of it, instead of killing more brain cells than you would by smoking crack.

The Shows

The Show - Behind The Music: Dr. Dre

Time - Sunday. February 2nd, 6:00 PM / Thursday. February 3rd, 9:00 PM

Well, son of a bitch... Of course I wasn't allowed to watch either episode, because my mom and my grandmother wanted to watch something else. The first time I missed it, was because my grandmother was watching "Golden Girls". A very successful sitcom from the eighties, early nineties I believe. About four senior citizens, all women, and their various old people problems. She's watched every single damn episode like twenty times though! Why would you want to watch the same damn thing over and over? I mean, watching the occasional repeat of Seinfeld and Simpsons episode is always great, but I wouldn't want to watch the thing forty times in a row. That's ridiculous.

The second time I missed it, because my mom wanted to watch "Dumb and Dumber". Now, that is a respectable movie. Funny as Hell, and excusable for wanting to watch it. However, it wasn't possible for my mom to watch the entire movie, because she would have to go to bed at 10:00. Nevertheless, she insisted on watching it. So, hopefully anyone who took note of me even acknowledging this program, didn't get screwed in not being able to watch it either.