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Henchman of Frieza, Blueberry is dog-like in appearence. When searching for Vegeta and the dragon balls, he and his teammate Raspberry encounter Bulma, who has a dragon ball. After learning what the balls can do, Blueberry decides to find them himself and take over the galaxy. He is eventually killed by a giant crab after mistaking it's eggs for dragon balls.


Bojack is an incredibly strong warrior who was sealed inside a star by the Kaios. After Goku destroys Kaisama's planet, Bojack is freed and takes over the Tenkaichi Budoukai. After easily beating Trunks, Vegeta, and Piccolo, Bojack fights Gohan. However, Bojack is easily defeated after Goku helps Gohan become Super Saiyan 2.


King Gurumesu's Terminator-like henchmen in the first DB movie, Bongo follows orders without question. When battling Goku, he is defeated but not killed.

Bon, Son, and Ron Para:

Bon, Son, and Ron Para are the three brothers hired by Mutchy-Motchy to gather the dragon balls. They use a strange dancing skill to cause their enemies to dance until they run out of energy. When goku asks for the universe's energy, they help out.


Father of Upa, Bora protecs Karin tower. When attacked by Tao Pai Pai, he is killed but is later restored when Goku gathers the dragon balls. He doesn't make that many more appearances in DB GT, but does help when Goku asks everyone on earth to give him energy to kill Majin Buu.

Boss Rabbit:

Gang leader Boss Rabbit has the ability to turn people in to carrots. When confronted by Goku, he is defeated.


Vegeta and Bulma's second child, Bra, doesn't have much of a role in either DragonBallZ or DragonBallGT. She has the ability to control ki, as seen when she flew to help Bebi, but never transforms into a Super Saiyan.


The legendary Super Saiyan, Brolly was born with a power level of 10,000! His hatred for Goku dates back to his childhood, when Goku, made him cry. Brolly makes three movie appearnces in 8, 10 and 11. (One of my fav. characters!)
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