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Ket's Bio



Sticky Situations



Bi-Weekly Sermon

You're blowing your own cover, way to be a CIA agent

June 30, 2004

I don't look that scary, do I? I just finished filling out this form I stole from Lexi who stole it from Talia, just to see what I would get. I was kind of bored so I decided to put it up here. I think I'm going to put up more random things that talk about me later. I generally don't like to talk about myself, but there are too many people that don't know anything about me out there, and I'd like to try to fix that... If its really such a good idea. This is good to start, but later I think I'll add snippets from my msn and yahoo profiles, and maybe some random online quiz results if I get really bored.

Ok, I'll be updating this page later, along with everything else on the site. Probably add some sort of quotes page too while I'm thinking about it...

[Name:] Kevin Allen Nott
[Name Backwards]: tton nella nivek
[Does your name mean anything?]: you mean my real name?
[Were you named after anyone?]: i think i'm named after my uncle al in some twisted way
[Nick Name(s)]: psycho, colombine, nazi, maybe a few more
[Screen Name(s)]: ket xi, shase, kirby...
[Current Location]: Killin'ly
[Hair color]: let me pull it out and check...
[Eye color]: green/blue/gray... depends on what kind of light im in
[Innie or Outie?]: innie
[Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?]: right, but i can throw knives with my left too

Do You Have...
[Any sisters]: no
[Any brothers]: dog count?
[A Disease]: mental or physical? or both?
[A Pager]: mom does, i can take it if i want..
[A Personal phone number]: 465-7581
[A leather jacket with studs on it?]: oh god i hope not
[A Pool or hot tub]: pool, but never use it
[A Car]: im turning mom's geo metro into a dune buggy someday, but till then no

Describe Your...
[Personality]: they tell me i'm 88% insane
[Shoes]: old man shoes, need to duct tape them back together, maybe spraypaint while im at it
[School]: killingly high... is that even a real school?
[Relationship with your parent(s)]: i try to leave them alone, but i think they want to kill me too

Do you...
[Believe in yourself]: if i did, id be worse off than i am now
[Do you believe in love at first sight?]: anything's possible
[Consider yourself a good listener]: above average, but i talk in riddles so nobody notices
[Consider yourself a good friend]: hell no
[Save your e-mail conversations]: i have a couple hundred saved logs somewhere
[Like to make fun of people]: depends
[Like to talk on the phone]: no
[Get motion sickness]: only vertically
[Eat Chicken fingers with a fork]: 2 forks
[Dream in color]: only if i turn it on
[Type with your fingers on home row]: i type with my fingers in the fps position (wasd)
[Sleep with a stuffed animal]: not lately

What Last Is/Are/Was...
[Right next to you]: as in on my right? or just next to me in general?
[On your mouse pad]: no mouse pad
[Your bedtime]: half past when my head hits the keyboard
[Under your bed]: my couch, which is actually what i sleep on
[Your worst fear(s)]: anything with more than 6 legs, people who smile, life without a computer
[The time?]: 5:26:32 PM
[The date?]: june 30th, 2k4 annum domini
[Your scariest moment]: too many to count

[Number]: 7
[Color]: forest green
[Month]: february, because the sun goes away alot
[Movie]: ghostbusters! actually idk...
[Season]: winter is too cold, summer is too bright...
[Class]: whatever comes after latin
[Drink]: caffeine
[Veggie]: no preference, really, but i dont get why people dont like spinach
[TV Show]: im a trekkie, go figure
[Store]: gamestop
[Animal]: ring-tailed lemur... no, llama! i dont know... catbirds are cool
[Flower]: poppies
[State]: wtf is up with wisconsin? its got all the werewolves...

[Me/You]: depends on the situation
[Coke/pepsi]: as in the specific sodas or the companies?
[Day/night]: night, day hurts my eyes and makes my skin burn
[Aol/aim]: aim
[Cd/casette]: cd
[Dvd/vhs]: dvd
[Jeans/khakis]: khakis
[Car/truck]: car
[Tall/short]: i like more short people than tall people
[NSYNC/BSB]: who?
[Britney/Christina]: they're different people?
[Gap/Old Navy]: who?
[Silver/Gold]: silver can supposedly kill a werewolf, but i think hollywood made that up...

[What is the biggest mistake you've made?]: biggest is too specific, i think ive had too many to say
[Last thing you said]: kirby was annoying me so i told her to shut up
[Who is the last person you saw?]: dog
[Who is the last person you kissed?]: dogs are people too
[Who is the last person you hugged?]: lexi... or maybe the dog
[Who is the last person you were on the phone with?]: dad at midnight 2 days ago, calling to get a ride home from the middle of nowhere
[What is the last TV show you saw?]: i dont watch tv
[What are you wearing?]: pajama bottoms, dirty socks, and a tan t-shirt
[What are you doing?]: plotting world domination, then later some cs
[What song are you listening to?]: steve vai's rendition of beethoven's 5th symphony
[Where are you?]: my big leather office chair
[Who are you with?]: shase and kirby
[How are you feeling?]: they say i'm maniacly depressed
[Are you in a chatroom?]: last chatroom i was in, the most intelligent thing somebody said was remarking on how stupid everyone else in there was was
[What day is it tomorrow?]: thursday
[What are you going to do after this?]: cs
[Who are you going to talk to?]: im gonna yell at kirby if she doesnt stop distracting me, and maybe lexi or kiefer if i feel like socializing
[Where are you going to go?]: where? you mean away from my computer? how dare you suggest such a notion!!
[How old will you be when you graduate?]: 18 if i dont get committed
[What do you wanna be?]: terrorist, or maybe a lawyer

Here's some more I stole from Lexi's livejournal, I really need to thank her for all these...

Do drugs?: nope. scary, huh? this is me NORMAL!! haha... cept caffeine...
Read the newspaper?: only if i see something bad about my town on the front page
Pray?: *atheist*... hareu no hanekata... hm? oh, nothing
Been in love?: i think i am... but i dont want to be
Gone skinny dipping?: probably
Had a medical emergency?: several
Had surgery?: oh god i hope not
Ran away from home?: i wasnt gone that long, i got my point across
Played strip poker?: i dont think so...
Gotten beaten up?: eherm- computer geek here
Beaten someone up?: again, computer geek
Been on stage?: too many times for comfort
Slept outdoors?: yes
Pulled an all nighter?: cs
If yes, what is your record?: like 130 and 24.. oh you mean the all nigher? about 42 hours, give or take
Made out with a stranger?: again with the computer geek thing
Been on radio/tv?: good morning america!
Been in a mosh-pit?: a what?
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: who doesnt?
Pepsi or coke?: which one has more caffeine?
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate
Internet or phone?: phone?
Suicidal?: give me a .45 and i'll tell you
Stubborn?: depends on how right i think i am
Open-minded?: scientificly speaking
Arrogant?: who isnt?
Patient?: not really, but i forget things easily so it all works out
Hyper?: kirby is
Nice?: shase is
Happy?: kirby looks it
Depressed?: shase and ket are... kirby doesnt like to let on
Shave your head for $1000?: oh come on, youve got to have more than that...
Like candles?: ooo, fire... purdy...
Believe in soul mates?: everything's possible
Believe in love at first sight?: everything's possible
Believe in forgiveness?: why do i need to believe it?
Want to get married?: if i could find somebody, sure
Want to have kids?: the idea doesn't appeal to me
Ever want to adopt kids?: not too keen on the idea

[three words that sum you up]: poke me + die
[jewelry worn daily]: do my purdy shoes count?
[wallet]: its like, neon yellow w/ black lining, not that i actually carry it around
[coffee]: where?!?
[shoes]: they need some duct tape and a paint job
[cologne/perfume]: = money
[clothing you have on]: cargo shorts, tan t-shirt, dirty socks

[cried]: wanted to
[bought something]: that involves getting up and spending money
[gotten sick]: swallowed some hydrogen peroxide, that aint cool... and ive been hearing things all day
[sang]: blood gulch blues
[been kissed]: dog
[felt stupid]: intelligence is highly overrated
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: ok i want to do that every day
[talked to an ex]: you people just dont get it!!
[someone you have a crush on]: maybe...
[had a serious talk]: depends, serious for me, or somebody else?
[missed someone]: depends on your definition of 'missed'
[hugged someone]: dog
[argued with a parent(s)]: i told him bringing the book case we found into the attic was a bad idea.. did he listen to me? nooo

[best girl friend]: lexi
[best guy friend]: josh or kiefer... damn i need to get some new friends
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: never had, and looks like never will, whoopdie fukin do
[hobbies]: fps, rpg, shooting things, throwing knives, graphic design
[pager/cell]: mom's pager sucks, i really dont want it... my damn cell was $50 with a $50 rebate, and im not sure if it was even worth it.. purdy thou
[car you drive]: bike count?
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: right now? a date, just so i could have one...
[job]: web banners $40 and up, email ket_xi@hotmail for details, paypal, visa, and master card accepted
[attend church]: church?
[like being around people]: depends on who, how many, and if they know the difference between ram, rom, and a keyboard