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Initiation Rites and Procedures, a Great Place to work!

Statement of Purpose

Polices & Expectations of Members

Initiation Rites and Procedures

The Coven of the Lunar Spawn

Knowledge Brings Understanding

• A potential member will be considered by no less then three current members of the coven.

• The consideration period will begin upon the night of the nearest full Moon and will end (if all considering members are unanimous) upon the following full Moon. If accepted, the new member will gain official membership upon the setting of this full Moon.

• If the considering members are not unanimous, then they may extend the consideration period indefinitely, so long as the extension is within reason and treats the potential member with respect and dignity. If a decision is made to allow them membership, only the setting of the full Moon can officially initiate them.

• Consideration for membership may involve, but is not limited to, any or all of the following, as decided by the considering members:

o Verbal interviews

o Written questionnaires

o Essays

o Interviews with relevant individuals in the potential members life (so long as such interviews do not interfere with the potential members safety, or right to privacy and discretion)

o General observance of lifestyle and personality

• The potential member will be treated in a dignified and respectful manner at all stages of consideration. There will be no “hazing” involved with potential, or newly initiated members.