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December 19, 2006

A Natural Need

Some women would argue, probably quite rightly, that men are driven by two basic emotions – hunger and sex.

Forget cocaine, nicotine and caffeine – testosterone is the drug to which most men are addicted. And unlike other drugs, we have a constantly renewing supply of this potent stimulant with us at all times.

When God created us, our primitive brains were hardwired to go forth and multiply.

Monogamy is not in our nature.

Simply put, we have been pre-programmed to fuck as many women as possible.

However, in the real world, despite our deep-rooted desire to do so, this is not always possible – particularly for those of us that have elected for the road of being in a committed monogamous relationship, which is why porn is such a powerful stimulant and fills the void left by not being able to realize these carnal desires.

It might not be as good as the real thing, but the theatre and illusion that is porn goes a long way to help meeting that enormous global demand fueled by the pent-up frustration of not able to do what comes naturally when we want, and with whom we want.

Some may claim that America is addicted to porn, but they miss the point; The U.S., and indeed the world, is addicted to doing what we were created to do: the desire to procreate is firmly embedded on our hard drives, with no delete option available.

Governments may try, but the underlying global architecture of the Internet makes it very difficult to censor in its entirety.

The need for sex, be it for real or virtual, remains a basic human instinct which transcends all races and religions and, like hunger, is truly universal.


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