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January 16, 2007

In Your Face Advertising

Saw this car driving around the valley the other day, it belongs to veteran porn star turned producer Brandon Iron.

Iron currently directs movies for Platinum X Pictures so it is probably no surprise that he drives a mobile advertisement for the company.

However, it isn’t as bad as VouyerMedia.com’s studio on wheels, (yes vouyer is misspelled on purpose to make the line more distinct).

It’s stunts like this that are one of the reasons the government cracks down on porn.

You can't shove this type of content in the faces of young kids driving down the freeway in their parents SUV or mini van, causing them to ask their mothers and fathers uncomfortable questions.

Yes, parents should be talking to their kids about sex, but the time and place shouldn’t be dictated by a ten foot tall half naked chick with the “just give it to me” look on her face.

Porn has done a lot to become more accepted by society, but it only takes a few mavericks to push the envelope to far and ruin things for everyone.


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