Los Soledados de la 2-0 Regimente Caballeros Permente

The above unit of 28mm 'Old Glory' Mexican Cavalry are from the Army of Ed Sansing

Jackson Gamers' schedule of games for 2004

Scroll down to see all months.

This year we have decided to structure our schedule somewhat differently. We have divided the year 2004 into four "quarters" (WHAT an innovation!). In each "quarter" we will have a theme and four games will be played in that theme and with the same set of rules. The remaining games will be "wild cards" each unrelated to the others.

In months that have five weekends, we will game on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturdays instead of just the 1st and 3rd.

Please realize that changes will be made to this schedule of games. We try to give a weeks notice here, but if you are travelling from some distance, please confirm that the game will take place as scheduled. This should be considered as tentative until we actually start rolling the dice for the game!

First Quarter

Saturday 1/3/04 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Colonial game
Title: On the North Central Frontier
This is the second game in our colonial campaign begun in 2003. The King-Emperor's forces are attempting to force their way into Ahoogastan to put paid to the border raids of Khan Abbis. They were unsuccessful in game #1. But now, they are back, determined to prevail!
Rules: The Sword and the Flame, 20th Anniversary edition
Gamemasters: Jay Stribling & Jim Pitts

Saturday 1/17/0410 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 15mm Russian Civil War

Title: The Reconnaisance
The Whites are massing for an attack. The Reds send out a cavalry division to find out what the Whites have and where. Forward-thinking peasants have informed that there are "Many reactionary Czar-loving foreign-supplied and aided White troops in this area. The Red units must probe to find out what units are here, and how many of them. Overhead the valiant Red Aviators seek to wrest control of the skies.
Rules: Our own RED AND WHITE
Gamemaster: Jay Stribling

Saturday 1/31/0410 am. at HOBBYTOWN
No Game Scheduled yet

Saturday & Sunday 1/31 through 2/1 - Fuzileer Muster
A convention in Hattiesburg MS. I am certain that some Jackson Gamers will attend.


Saturday 2/7/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Colonial game
Title: On the North Central Frontier
This is the third game in our colonial campaign begun in 2003. The King-Emperor's forces are attempting to force their way into Ahoogastan to put paid to the border raids of Khan Abbis. There have been two preceeding games, so the starting point of this game is determined by the result of game #2 (see above).
Rules: The Sword and the Flame, 20th Anniversary edition
Gamemasters: Jay Stribling & Jim Pitts

Saturday 2/21/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm colonial battle
Scale: 25mm
Title: On the North Central Frontier
This is the fourth game in our colonial campaign begun in 2003. The King-Emperor's forces are attempting to force their way into Ahoogastan to put paid to the border raids of Khan Abbis. There have been three preceeding games, so the starting point of this game is determined by the result of game #3 (see above).
Rules: The Sword and the Flame, 20th Anniversary edition
Gamemasters: Jay Stribling & Jim Pitts

MARCH 2004

Saturday 3/6/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm colonial battle
Scale: 25mm
Title: On the North Central Frontier
This is the fifth and last game in our colonial campaign begun in 2003. The King-Emperor's forces are attempting to force their way into Ahoogastan to put paid to the border raids of Khan Abbis. There have been four preceeding games, so the starting point of this game is determined by the result of game #4 (see above).
Rules: The Sword and the Flame, 20th Anniversary edition
Gamemasters: Jay Stribling & Jim Pitts

Saturday 3/20/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Napoleonic Battle
Title: The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!
It is 1813, the armistice is over in Germany. A massive Russian force moves westward, confident that only a small garrison of French allies stands in its way. But the Emperor Napoleon still has enough cavalry to see their overconfident movement! He gives his orders...
Rules: Egypt to Waterloo
This is a test of rules that will be released, later in the year.
Gamemaster: Jay Stribling

Second Quarter

APRIL 2004

Saturday 4/3/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Napoleonic Battle
Title: Waterloo
The Emperor has returned. The Prussians are finished. Marshall Ney has pushed the British back to a hillside near Mont St. Jean. It only remains for Napoleon to finish them off. It is 1:45 pm on June 18, 1815 and Marshall d'Erlon's corps moves forward against the center of "the sepoy general's" line.
Rules: Egypt to Waterloo
This is a test of rules that will be released, later in the year.
Gamemaster: Jay Stribling

Friday-Sunday 4/2 through 4/4/04- Coast Con
A Fantasy, Science Fiction and Gaming convention in Gulfport MS. In the past, some Jackson Gamers have attended.

Saturday 4/17/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 15mm English Civil War game
Title: Forward - in the name of Parliament! Can Rupert and the King stop Sir Thomas Fairfax, bent on revenge after the last battle that we fought (2003), in which the King's forces triumphed? This will be the first in a 4-game semi-campaign in which each game's starting forces will reflect the results of previous games.
RULES: Our own ECW Rules
Gamemasters: Jay Stribling and Jim Pitts

Friday 4/26 through Sunday 4/28/04 - RECON 2003
A convention in Tampa Florida presented by HMGS South. In the past some Jackson Gamers have attended this convention and LOVED it.

HMGS SOUTH Home Page Link

MAY 2004

Saturday 5/1/04 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 15mm English Civil War game
Title: The Pursuit! Can the winner of the previous game capitolize on his victory? He must make haste to sweep up the enemy supplies and magazines. This will be the second game in a 4-game semi-campaign in which each game's starting forces will reflect the results of previous games.
RULES: Our own ECW Rules
Gamemasters: Jay Stribling and Jim Pitts

Saturday 5/15/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 15mm English Civil War game
Title: The Counter-Stroke! Can the loser roll back the winner of the previous game. His reinforcments have arrived, but God help us all. A more unwarlike mixture of green lads and ancient drunkards has to be seen to be believed. Will they fight? This will be the third game in a 4-game semi-campaign in which each game's starting forces will reflect the results of previous games.
RULES: Our own ECW Rules
Gamemasters: Jay Stribling and Jim Pitts

Friday-Sunday 5/28 through 5/30/04- NASHCON
A Gaming convention in Nashville TN. In past years Jackson Gamers have attended.

Saturday 5/29/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 15mm English Civil War game
Title: The Battle against the Scots Both sides have changed, now that the King has surrenderd to Parliament. The roundheads now march north to throw the Scots back into Scotland. The rump of the King's army, partially disbanded fights alongside the Scots. This will be the fourth and last game in our 4-game semi-campaign.
RULES: Our own ECW Rules
Gamemasters: Jay Stribling and Jim Pitts

JUNE 2004

Saturday 6/5/04 , 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm American Revolutionary War
Title: The Battle of Springfield
Rules: "Sons of Liberty"
The British army comes out of New York into "The Jerseys" to seize arms and stores in the town of Springfield. The Patriots have other ideas.
Gamemaster: Jim Pitts

Friday-Sunday 6/12 through 6/14/04 - BAYOU WARS 2003
A gaming convention in the Big Easy! Hosted at The Quality Hotel and Conference Center, 2261 N Causeway Blvd. Metairie LA 70001. In years past, the Jackson Gamers have attended and had a great time.

BAYOU WARS Home Page Link

Saturday 6/19/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 1:1200 WWII Naval action
World War Two Naval battle
An action in the North Atlantic.
Rules: our own Surface Warship
Gamemaster: Robert Whitfield

Third Quarter

JULY 2004

Saturday 7/3/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm 1846 Mexican-American War
Title Cerro Gordo
Rules: Brom Standard with some modifications to the 1846 play sheets
This will be an adaptation of the Battle of Cerro Gordo. Can General Winfield Scott move his army off the coast and start his campaign to take Mexico City? Or will Gen. Santa Anna prove himself to be the 'Napoleon of the Americas' and keep his wooden leg from being taken as a prize of the Gringos?
Gamemaster: Ed Sansing

Saturday 7/17/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - Battletech Game
Title: Every Man a MechWarrior
Rules: A Mixture of "BattleTech" and "Every Man a Briton"
Every player's mechs will strive to destroy a force run by the Game Master. No other details yet.
Gamemaster: Fred Diamond

Thurs-Sunday 7/22 throgh 7/25/04 - HISTORICON 2003
The premier miniature gaming event in the United States. Sponsored by HMGS - East, in Lancaster PA.

Saturday 7/31/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 15mm ACW Naval Battle
Here they come!
A carefully hoarded force of Confederate ironclads and wooden gunboats steam downriver to destroy or drive off the Union blockaders. There are Union ironclads to stop them, but will the Northern Monitors have their steam up?
Rules: Steam, Iron, & Tin
Gamemaster: Jay Stribling


Saturday 8/7/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Wild West Game
Showdown in Jerkwater
Rules: Fill Yore Hands! (Our 'Desperado' variant)
The Snodgrass boys and the Burps fight it out for control of the town of Wheat City in the "Ancient West". Virgil Burp and Kid Snodgrass start the action, facing each other in the center of Main street, hands poised above their guns. Everyone else has scurried for cover - or have they?
Gamemaster: Jay Stribling

Saturday 8/21/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Sikh Wars game
Sikhs vs. British
Rules: Flames in the Punjab
Can the mixture of East India Company's troops with a few British Army units defeat the fanatical, European-trained Sikh army? The Sikh forces are much the larger army.
Gamemaster: Mark Stevens


Saturday 9/4/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm "Future Wars"
Title: Down on the Killing Floor (Warning: Not a game for the politically correct or weak of heart)
Description - It started off as a typical day on the other side of the tracks in Sunnydale. The street punks, "gangsters", rednecks, bikers, bikini babes, and some Rastafarians and Yardies were involved in their usual gang warfare for control of the drugs and sleaze in Sunnydale. The cops were doing their best to limit the killing just to the gangs and make a slight profit at the same time.

However, there is a new horror in town. They are moving slow, showing no favorites, and devouring everyone they touch. Will the gangs figure out what is happening in time to unite and save themselves?

To find out, be at the game!!!!!!!!
Rules: Future Wars (Modified)
Gamemaster: John Switzer

Saturday 9/11/04, in Hattiesburg MS
HUBCON! 2004
The "Fall" gaming convention in Hattiesburg. The Jackson Gamers have been several times and enjoyed themselves every time.

Saturday 9/18/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN -15mm Napoleonics
Napoleonic Battle
Title: Battle of Linddenau
Description - This is a river crossing. By the end of the game if the Austrian's are across the river they win. This will force Napoleon to send more troops to the south to secure his line of retreat and communications. If the French can keep control of the river they will win.
Rules: If Only We Could All be Napoleon
Gamemaster: Larry Reeves

Friday-Sunday 9/24 throgh 9/26/04 - HURRICON 2004
A miniatures convention in Tampa Florida, sponsored by HMGS South. Mark Stevens and Jay Stribling of the Jackson Gamers have attended this convention in the past and are scheduled to go again. There we hope to meet former Jackson Gamers Larry and Lori Brom as well as Eric Teuber.

Fourth Quarter


Saturday 10/2/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Renaissance game
Title: The Relief of Paduan
Besiged by the forces of the French King, the city of Paduan cries out to the Imperial army for relief. Can the forces loyal to Austria and the Pope defeat the French/Swiss army and raise the siege? How well can the Landschekts handle the Swiss pikemen?
Rules: Pikes & Gendarmes
Gamemaster: Jay Stribling & Jim Pitts

Saturday 10/16/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - Outer space
Title: Pigz in Zpaze - Part Duex
Rules: "A Sky Full of Ships"
Setting: "In the deepest reaches of space, the armada swiftly presses onwards towards its goal - the deep space warp point portal known as Pegasus. Standing on the flag bridge of the command dreadnaught, the Admiral gazes into the star sprinkled darkness..."

For the second time, the Jackson Gamers venture into space (the final frontier). We will be using a (currently) free set of rules called "A Sky Full of Ships" which can be found at: www.geocities.com/dan_055/ .

We will be using ship models from the Babylon 5 universe (courtesy of our friends at HobbyTown, who generously sold them to me at discount from the remainders bins). But the ship characteristics will be fictional to my "universe."

There will be enough commands for 11 players, plus your venerable game master who will control the Pegasus warp point. Each command will have its own "victory" conditions, so this could turn into a space-based "wild west shoot-out."
Gamemaster: Jim Pitts

Friday-Sunday 10/15 throgh 10/17/04 - WARGAMERS' REUNION 2004
A miniatures convention in Memphis TN, sponsored by HMGS Mid South. Larry Reeves and several other games of the Jackson Gamers attended this convention last year and plan to attend it this year also.

Saturday 10/30/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Renaissance game
Title: The Battle of DeNovo
This is be the second in a series of 25mm Renaissance battles. The Imperialist forces plan a devious trap for the French king and his swiss lackeys.
Flollowing the French victories at Paduan, the Imperialists invite the French to overextend themselves at DeNovo. Will the French see the trap?
Rules: Pikes & Gendarmes
Gamemaster: Jay Stribling


Saturday 11/6/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 15mm Franco Prussian War
Title: Napoleon III vs. Von Molkte
No Details yet!
Rules: Chassepot & Needlegun
Gamemaster: Larry Reeves

Saturday 11/20/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Renaissance game
Title: Struggle in the Rain
This will be the third in a series of 25mm Renaissance battles. Imperialists vs. Swiss/French in truly appalling weather.
Rules: Pikes & Gendarmes
Gamemaster: Jim Pitts


Saturday 12/4/04, 10 am. at HOBBYTOWN - 25mm Renaissance game
Title: Battle of Vermicelli/Pignoli
This will be the fourth and last in a series of 25mm Renaissance battles. One town and baggage train for each side. No Mercy - seize the wagons, kill the enemy!
Rules: Pikes & Gendarmes
Gamemaster: Jay Stribling

There will be no open game scheduled for the 3rd weekend in December. Hobbytown will be crowded with shoppers and holiday preparations will consume much of everyone's time.

Do you want to run a game at Hobbytown or another location? Contact the webmaster below. Note that games can be rescheduled to accomodate you and the farther into the future that a game is scheduled, the easier it is to change or reschedule.






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