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Episode 1 – A Rude Awakening

(The camera shows the sky over a snowstorm. Then through the blizzard these words came up on screen one by one.)

“As winter blows over the valleys of paradise…

“The sudden amount of activity gets silenced for a long time.

“But only few people remain and find a treat through these cold chills…

“Where it is possible to find the key to your heart…”

[(Music starts – Coldplay – “Trouble” (Silent Witness remix, intro). The blizzard fades out slightly and starts zooming towards a wooden bungalow.]

Through the cloudy windowpane we see Private Boron sound asleep in a feathery bed. Then a few seconds later, there was a knock at the door. This caused him to stir and turn slightly and eventually fall out of bed, revealing himself in a white nightgown and yellow underpants.


(Music stops)

He then got up and started walking towards the front door, half asleep. Then when he got there, he saw a bright yellow telegram. He grabbed a pair of glasses on a nearby coffee table, put them on, grabbed the telegram and read it.

“Dear Boron,

“I thought I was going to have a good time here in Barbados, but we’re having trouble. The Cerulean Wizard just landed here in the late hours of last night and has started causing chaos on the island! Within no time at all he has the whole country under his feet! Please my Bobo, can you be able to retrieve the relics from him and to free all the prisoners? I’m counting on you – you’re my last hope!

Princess Violet.”

The letter got him alert and wide-awake. He quickly slung the glasses on the floor, grabbed a fleece, put it on and started running down on all fours towards Cortex Castle, barking madly all the way…

[The blizzard forms again and as it fades out we see a tour of the tropical island of Barbados, occurring next to the logo and opening credits, alongside Madison Avenue – “Don’t Call Me Baby”. As the song finished the blizzard forms again and fades out in Crash’s home. Music changes – Dido – “Thank You” (Instrumental)]

There was a knock at the door. Then a few seconds later, there was no response. Sooner enough there was another knock. Still there was no one to answer it. Finally the door was slammed open and in came Travis Tortoiseshell, looking rather angry. He then turned straight for the first bedroom, where he saw Crash Bandicoot, enjoying his winter’s trip to slumber land.

Travis: Hey Crash – I need yer help!
Crash: Zzzzz…
Travis: (sighs) Come on – this is sooooooooo urgent!
Crash: Zzzzz… you should know better… Zzzzz…
Travis: WHAT?!?!? But… (sighs angrily) I’m a grown man! And besides, I helped you out before, so gimme a chance!
Crash: (slightly opens one eye and speaks tiredly) Travis, it’s the middle of winter. If you want to do something so badly, you should save it for the spring.
Travis: But…
Crash: (speaks tiredly) Now can you please get out? I need my rest… (closes his eye) Zzzzz…
Travis: Grrr… THAT’S IT!!!!!!

(Music stops)

He rushed up to Crash and pushed him out of bed, revealing him in red and white striped pyjamas.

Crash: WHOA!
Travis: Sorry if I had to do that, but… I’m all lonely at the moment, and in the words of Ricky Martin and Christina Aguilera, nobody wants to be lonely.
Crash: (rubs his back in pain) Why didn’t you ask yer dad or yer brother?

[Music restarts – Artful Dodger – “Think About Me” (Intro instrumental)]

Travis: Well, we were all planned to spend the winter in me dad’s home in San Fransisco, but they left me behind. And there’s no turning back now.
Crash: What a pity… I know how it feels for Coco to leave me behind…
Travis: So I need somewhere else to go on holiday, and I also want to know who to take.
Crash: You can take Cortex or any other scientist for start because they are the only buds on the whole island who are not hibernating. And besides, you should try Hawaii.
Travis: Too expensive. And he’s been there before.

(Music stops)

Crash: OK… try somewhere slightly closer to the equator.
Travis: That’s exactly what I’ve been… thinking… BARBADOS!!!!!

[Music restarts – Eddy Grant – “Electric Avenue” (Ringbang remix, instrumental]

Crash: Ah, I’ve always wanted to go there! Take me with you!
Travis: But I thought…
Crash: I could then again start me spring session a bit later!
Travis: Oh, I see! Now we need a pilot… and it’s not gonna be you after last time around.
Crash: OK, let the doc be the pilot. Now it looks like we’re up for sun, sea, sand, surf and smiles! :)
Travis: You go get changed while I make the arrangements. (goes out of the house)

Crash then headed into the bathroom with a fresh set of clothes while Travis headed outside and started running up to Cortex Castle…
Episode 2 – The New Journey

Scene: The fifth floor corridors of Cortex Castle
Music: All Saints – “Bootie Call” (Intro instrumental)

We see Boron looking through a keyhole on one of the doors. Then his worried expression grew worse – he slumped by the side of it and, after getting out a picture of his girlfriend Violet and their children, he started to have a few tears in his eyes. He tried his best to draw them back, but there was nothing he can do.

(Music stops)

Voice: HEY!

Boron wiped off some tears on his face and turned to the stairway, seeing Travis sprinting his way up there.

Travis: (puffs) Boron… (pants) Thank goodness you’re here… I thought you were hibernating…
Boron: Um…
Travis: And where’s yer daytime clothes?

Boron dashed out of the area at light speed and half a second later he came on wearing his brown waistcoat, denim shorts and black kneepads.
Travis: That’s better. Now do you –
Boron: Shhhhhhh!!!!!!

There was silence, and the only sound that can be heard was a slight grunting in the room with the keyhole.

Travis: Oh… (whispers) Sorry. Now do you know where Cortex is? I need him to take Crash and me over to Barbados for a holiday.

Boron lied down on the floor, closed his eyes and pretended to snore.

Travis: But I thought… (glances at a nearby cuckoo clock) Oh – it’s still early morning.
Boron: (sarcastically) ROR ROARR! (Clever!)
Voice: EY GUYS!

[Music restarts – Mash Out Possy – “Cold As Ice” (Instrumental)]

Both of them turned to the other end of the corridor seeing Crash coming up the steps.

Crash: Did you make the agreement yet? And what’s Boron doin’ up?

Boron put his head fur in a ponytail and then picked up a stick on the ground and used it like it was a magic wand.

Travis: Violet? But… what happened?

(Music stops)

Just as when Boron was about to speak there was an alarm clock ringing in the room with the keyhole. When it stopped, so did the grunting noise.

Crash: E’s up!
Travis: And I guess that saved Boron’s breath for a while!

[Music changes – Turin Breaks – “Underdog (Save Me)” (Instrumental)]

Boron roared madly and dashed into the room, causing a hole in the door.

Crash: Whoa!

Then he came out through the hole, dragging Dr. Neo Cortex, in black and green striped pyjamas, from behind.

Travis: WAZZUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!! I haven’t seen you in a while!
Cortex: I know, but I haven’t seen Boron break down my door like that. Why?

Boron started barking madly at him.

Travis: Just give ‘im the darn story and we’ll see the crisis!

Boron rooted into his pockets, pulled out the pockets and gave it to Cortex, ready with a pair of glasses.

Cortex: (starts reading) Let me see… Dear Boron… blah blah blah… having trouble?

[Music changes – Team Rocket (Pokémon)]

Crash: And make it double!
Travis: You watch too much Pokémon!

(Music stops with a scratch)

Crash: Sorry…
Cortex: It says here that Tiko came to Barbados last night…

[Music changes – Storm – “Storm” (Housetrap Remix)]

Travis: Barbados? That’s where I’m goin’ on me holidays! (rushes up to Cortex) Please take me there – I AM COUNTING ON YOU!!!!!!!!
Cortex: (pushes Travis away from himself) As I was saying, Tiko came to Barbados last night and has gained control over it! Judging by how rushed she wrote it, it seemed that the Powers of the Four Seasons, the Key of Virgo AND the shell of the Egg of Courage have been stolen by him!
Crash: (turns to Travis) And you didn’t listen to me before winter kicked in, didn’t you?
Travis: Um… (panics) Sorry mate…
Crash: (sighs) I don’t believe it… but we HAVE to get the relics back before he takes over any other countries!
Travis: Good idea!
Cortex: You set the plane on the runway. I’ll catch up! (goes back in the room)

(Music stops)

Crash: (turns to Travis) You heard what he said…
Both: (sing loudly) WHOA, WE’RE GOING TO BARBADOS!!!!!!
Boron: WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Crash: A long fight and a well-deserved break and one!
Travis: TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dashes out of the room)
Crash: Hey, wait for us, Trav! (follows him, dragging Boron from behind)

[Scene changes to 1000 feet above Crash’s archipelago. Music restarts – Lenny Kravitz – “Fly Away” (Last two choruses)]

There was a biplane in the sky heading in the North East direction. Within no time at all the plane was lifted off the ground and started heading towards Barbados…
Episode 3 – Close To Death

Scene: A beach in Barbados
Music: Eddy Grant – “Electric Avenue” (First verse and chorus)

Here we see a beautiful view of the only area intact from Tiko’s deeds. The palm trees still looked beautiful and the sands still felt smooth when you touched them. As we get further into view we see a couple of girls heading up the smooth golden shores, one of them being Princess Violet, the other being a bandicoot approaching her 20s.

(Music changes)

Violet: Can you see anything yet Carla?

(Carla has a voice like LeAnn Rimes)

Carla: Not yet, but I know for sure that they will come.
Violet: But what if they couldn’t read me writing? It’s a total pigsty!
Carla: No it’s not – how come I can still read it?
Violet: That’s because you’re my longest friend, and yet you can read my letters clearly.
Carla: That’s true, but why are you still getting pussy about all this?
Violet: Because they’re a few minutes late! I’m taking this as either poor delivery or poor quality handwriting.

(Music stops)

Voice: IT’S NEITHER!!!!!
Carla: (gasps) HE’S HERE!!!!!!

[Music changes – JDS – “Nine Ways” (Darude vs. JS 16 remix)]

There was a hovering sound in the sky and sooner enough the plane came into view, at an average of 200km/h.

Carla: That thing’s fast!
Violet: Yeah, but…
Carla: But?
Violet: BUT WHY THE DELAY?????

Carla fell over.

(Music stops)

The plane soon touched down and crashed into a set of palm trees.

Violet: Guys! (rushes up to the plane) Hey there, are you OK?

She peered over the side and saw the foursome unconscious.

Violet: Guess not. (turns to Carla) Hey girl – you try and help me revive them.
Carla: Sure!


[Music restarts – Groove Armada – “At The River” (Instrumental)]

Each of the riders was taken into the shade and had a few drops of seawater onto their heads.

Violet: Hopefully this should cool them off.
Carla: You’re right!

Each of them started to stir and revived themselves one by one - all except for Travis, who didn’t seem to be moving at all.

Crash: What… happened?
Cortex: I think… WE MADE IT!
Boron: YEEEEEEEEEAH!!!!!!!!!!
Violet: I’m so glad you guys can come! But I have a bad statement to make.

(Music stops)

Crash: What, about your friend?
Carla: I’ll explain later.
Violet: For now… your cat friend seems to be dead.
Crash: (turns to Travis) Did you drop any seawater on him?
Carla: That’s what we did to all you guys.
Cortex: Just hang on – I’ve got an idea! (snatches Violet’s sceptre)
Violet: HEY! You don’t know how to control it!
Cortex: Listen wolfie – if I can control a laser I can also control this thing!

He took in energy and blasted a pink ray onto him. After a while nothing happened.

Cortex: (sighs) I guess you’re right. He’s gone. (looks down with a tear in his eye)

[Music restarts – William Orbit – “Barber’s Adagio For Strings” (Intro)]

Carla: (comes up towards Travis’s body and peers over his face) If only if he were a survivor… then he would be able to sort out Tiko. But for now we have a warrior gone spare.
Crash: I guess… that’s bad news for Trigger and Toby when we next see them.
Carla: (sniffs) And I wish I got to know him – he seemed… so… nice… (buries her face into his chest crying)

But as she wasn’t looking, Travis started to stir slightly. Then he only just opened both eyes and tried to lift his head off the ground.

(Music stops)

Carla: (sobs) Please don’t go – you were perfect…
Violet: But you’ve only just met him!
Travis: Howdy!
Rest of the gang: WHAT?!?!?

[Music restarts – Janet Jackson – “Doesn’t Really Matter” (Intro)]

Travis: Hey, don’t mention it! And I bet this angel here brought me down from heaven and lightened up my life!
Carla: (looks into his eyes) Thank you so much!
Travis: No… problemo… (has love hearts in his eyes) You’re gorgeous!
Carla: Huh?
Travis: Say, how about you get my phone number and we can get together every night – it will be paradise!
Carla: Not now – it’s a bit too early.
Violet: Why too early?

[Music changes – Apollo 440 – “Charlie’s Angels 2000” (Intro)]

Suddenly, there was a blast behind a row of palm trees.

Carla: BECAUSE WE GOT BUSINESS HERE!!!!!!! Crash: He’s ours for the takin’!
Episode 4 – More Than A Double Team

Scene: A beach in Barbados, weather turning windy
Music: Members of May Day – “Ten In One” (Intro)

The trees started rustling faster and faster, and within no time at all each of them started to fall one by one. Five of them went down and the sixth started heading straight down towards our heroes…

Crash: LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!
Travis: (gets up) I’M COMING!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone dodged it… except for Carla, who got trapped in there.

Violet: Carla! Hang in there!

Carla started screaming for her life.

Violet: (panics) We gotta save her…
Crash: Not now – we got your target coming.

Then the rest of the trees fell and Tiko came in with his crew.

Violet: What do you want from us?
Tiko: I just want you to turn in your lives… (loads his laser) OR ELSE!!!!!!!!
Crash: Oh no… not THAT thing again!

Boron rushed up towards Cortex and started guarding him like a soccer goalkeeper.

Cortex: Calm down Boron, he’s not going to take me alive!
Tiko: Tell me what you want – be my slaves… or be in hell!
Violet: Why should we?
Crash and Travis: JERK!!!!!
Tiko: You rats have been itching under my fingers for a while now and I can’t bear to put up with it! And besides… (speaks angelically) …my sweet baby brother… (speaks normally) ...caused this whole mess!
Cortex: That’s a lame excuse for a world domination plan, AND I’M NOT A BABY!!!!!
Deksta: We’ll see about that, rat! Hey – I’m a poet! (laughs) Bring it on!

[Music changes – OutKast – “So Fresh So Clean” (Fatboy Slim remix, instrumental)]

Tiko shot his laser right at each of the crewmembers, all struggling to break free.

Hallie: Tell me…
Lio and Oxide: WUSS!!!!!!!
Hallie: Whatcha gonna do – turn your lives down or join us?
Travis: (struggling) I’m coming over, oh great one…
Violet: (struggling) We will grant your every wish…
Crash: (struggling) I’m… not coming… you… DOODLEBRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!! (breaks free)

The breakout caused a massive explosion, sending each of the villains flying onto a nearby cliff.

Tiko: Grrr… (lights up a bright blue) YOU AIN’T GONNA GET AWAY FROM THIS!

He immediately fires a beam from his hands directly at them, trapping most of them. Crash tried to escape, but he saw that the others weren’t coming with him. Immediately he ran back towards Tiko with a boulder a quarter of his size in his arms.

Tiko: (goes towards then) So… I guess you guys are now ready to join me in my deeds…
Crash: NOT!!!!! (tosses the boulder at him)

The boulder went on top of him with the force of a sumo wrestler.

Tiko: GUYS… Get him… (passes out)

Crash started chuckling but as he turned around he saw each of the others surrounding him with their weapons out.

Crash: This doesn’t look pretty – 9 to 1! But I must.

Just as when Crash was about to fight them, Carla continued screaming. This caused him to start running towards her and trying everything he can to lift the tree up. The others soon came towards him slowly, armed and dangerous.

Carla: Save yourself, kid! Just leave me to die!
Crash: No I can’t – I gotta get you outta here!

Each of them took aim with their weapons one by one – Deksta with a buzzer, Cortex with his laser, Hallie aiming her whip, Travis charging himself up for an electric attack, Lio stretching his pink ooze into a grenade, Boron with his sharp claws out, Oxide armed with a shotgun made out of an exhaust pipe (!), Violet configuring the settings on her sceptre and finally Komodo Moe taking control of his blade. Then they attacked all at once…

(Music stops and the scene changes to 2000 feet above the island and 30 kilometres from the shoreline)

…and it caused an explosion that could be seen for miles! After a few seconds the light faded out.

[Scene changes back to the beach. Music restarts – Moby – “Natural Blues” (Instrumental)]

Nothing much was seen at all, except that everything was turned to rubble, except for the bodies of Crash and Tiko’s armies. Then something started to stir under a pile of timber – Crash and Carla were intact! Well, except that Crash had a black eye and a scar on his arm and Carla had a bruise across her shoulder and a bump on her head.

Crash: Ow… (rubs his head in pain)
Carla: This doesn’t look like a pretty sight…
Crash: Still, at least we were survivors. (sighs) I have regrets for the others…
Carla: Regrets?
Crash: Yeah… (switches to rubbing his arm) I think their lives were taken in the blast.

Carla freed herself and started rushing to each of them one by one, placing her ear on their hearts.

Carla: It’s OK – they’re all in a coma.
Crash: (switches to rubbing his stomach) That’s a relief…
Carla: Come on – let’s take them out before we run into any more trouble.
Crash: Right!

The two bandicoots grabbed two of their crewmembers each and started dashing away from this beach, now in ruins.
Episode 5 – How It All Began

Scene: A small hut in the mountains
Music: Eye Monster – “Daydream In Blue” (Instrumental)

Each of the crewmembers were laid in beds (or sofas in the case of Travis and Cortex) for revival, while Crash and Carla were by the fireplace in a discussion…

Carla: Now I’m sorry that I didn’t get to introduce myself earlier. I’m Carla Bandicoot.
Crash: Hi. Oh… (rams his head on the wall) Why didn’t I think of that?
Carla: Think about what?
Crash: You’re… my cousin!
Carla: Huh? Wait there… unless you’re Crash I don’t think…
Crash: I AM!!!!! (gets out a photo of him and Coco from his backpack) Just look at this pic of me and me sister – this should explain it all. (hands her the photo)
Carla: (looks at it) You’re right… I’m glad to see you here!
Crash: Hey – no dignity!
Carla: No doubt! Anyway, let’s get back to business. I don’t understand why he would take over a small island like this…
Crash: Maybe if he had enough of taking over my place and wanted somewhere else for a change…
Carla: I don’t know… but I know for sure why he wants to take over the island.
Crash: Tell me nice and slow.
Carla: OK, but it’s a bit long…

[Music changes – Craig David – “Rendezvous” (Blacksmith remix, instrumental)]

We see Carla and Violet hard at work watering her plants round the back of her hut.

Carla: Ah, this should do the trick!
Violet: I hope so – this could attract the boys round!
Carla: Are you sure this would work? I thought boys like racing cars, cash and magazines with naked girls on the cover…
Violet: I don’t know – in my case it was a pretty face!
Carla: Mine’s pretty enough, ain’t it!
Violet: Yeah – from the looks of you, you remind me of Lucy Liu!
Carla: Hey, that rhymes!

Both girls started giggling. Then there was the sound of an airship flying above them.

Carla: Or maybe to get the boy’s attention I could fly in an airship nude! What do you say to that?

(Music fades out)

Violet looked worried.

Carla: Violet?


[Music changes – Limp Biskit – “Take A Look Around” (Instrumental)]

The pilot of the airship came into view, revealing himself as Tiko.

Tiko: Someplace… somewhere… there must be some area here that can help me take over this planet…
Moe: Hey bosssssss – look what I found!
Tiko: What?
Moe: I found the Crysssssssstal Lake!!!!!
Tiko: My old employee… EUREKA! I can get her sceptre and with the power inside it I can combine that with the relics I stole last week and be upgraded to a higher power!
Moe: What relicssssss?
Tiko: And where did you leave your brain this morning?
Moe: Oh…

(Music stops)


Carla: Tell me – what’s the matter?
Violet: The Cerulean Wizard… he’s coming!!!
Carla: The Ceru-whatan Thingard?
Violet: (sighs) He’s a criminal mastermind that I used to work for. I only hoped never to see his ugly butt pop up near me all winter… but now he’s here there’s nothing I can do about it.
Carla: Calm down – clearing him out from this area will be a piece of cake!
Violet: Not if the airfields are at the other side of the island!
Carla: You’re right! Let’s go!


[Music changes – Blink 182 – “All The Small Things” (Last two choruses)]

Both girls rode by motorcycle towards the airfields at an incredible speed of 120km/h. When they got there they came to a halt.

(Music stops)

Violet: (takes her helmet off) OK, looks like he’s an easy target!

(There was a voice that sounded like Officer Jenny from “Pokémon”.)

Voice: Stop right there!
Carla: Huh?

A female police officer with a blue uniform and blonde golden hair approached them.

Officer: I am sorry, but these areas are off limits to anyone who’s not flying.
Carla: Please officer – this place is soon to be raided by the Ceru-whattan kid-that-I-forgot-his-nickname…
Officer: You mean Tiko Cortex, the cruellest GTA assassin of the early 1990s? Please go through…

[Music restarts – Linkin Park – “Crawlin’” (Instrumental)]

Just then an electric strike struck her from behind.

Violet: Are you OK?
Officer: Stay away from this land – only Tiko can pass through.

Both girls gasped. Then Tiko approached her after parking his blimp soon after.

Officer: (salutes him) Welcome to Barbados, young man. Enjoy your stay!
Violet and Carla: (both gasp) Blinkin’ eck – this can’t be happening!
(Music changes – Moby – “Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?” (Red Jerry’s String and Breaks mix, instrumental)

Carla: We even tried to warn other towns, but he also placed the mayor of each town under his grasp, causing a definite blockage to them.
Crash: This seems tougher than I thought…
Carla: I’m not sure if he did anything else to upset you…
Crash: Believe me, he did. He has some sibling rivalry with younger brother Neo, who’s with us on this mission.
Carla: Sibling rivalry? I don’t think that’s…
Crash: He even thinks that I’m the one thing that’s making him lucky every time we face him.
Carla: And I thought brothers and bandicoots don’t mix…
Crash: They do now!
Carla: (giggles) By the way, do you have any plans for the next mission?
Crash: I think I do!

Just then the other crewmembers started waking up from their coma.

Crash: And it looks like they’ll also get a taste on what’s on offer!


[Music changes – Crazy Town – “Butterfly” (Instrumental)]

All of them were now sitting in a circle around a map of the island.

Crash: Carla told me that the way Tiko gained total control of the island was by taking care of the mayors of each town, so we now know that there must be a way to break in.
Travis: How about we fly in? That’s what jetpacks are for!
Cortex: You forgot to see the anti-flight orbs, didn’t you?
Travis: Um… nope.
Violet: (sighs) Accident-prone Travis does it again!

Boron got a bone from his backpack, rushed into the garden, dug a hole and buried it.

Carla: This is no time for digging bones! Wait… digging… ah!

Crash: What?
Carla: We don’t go OVER it – we go UNDER!!!!!!
Travis: Yeah, but what about the tarmac?
Violet: Leave that to me, myte!
Travis: Thanks! You’re a swell kid! (goes up to Carla) But no one is as swell as you, sweetie! (winks at her)
Carla: (tries to shy away) Um… thanks…
Cortex: Now that we know what to do, where do we go first?
Carla: The place that he first struck was the airfields. If we can bring the transport links back we can have better hope in getting in the towns!

Each of them dashed out of the hut and towards the airfields…
Episode 6 – Green Eyes

Scene: The control room in the airfield of Barbados
Music: Gorillaz – “Clint Eastwood” (Intro and chorus)

(The camera was seen looking around the area, and it was set out like a pilot’s office. Then it turned round and focuses on Tiko and Deksta, in a beautiful window view of the whole island)

(Music turns instrumental)

Deksta: Bro, I’m still feeling a bit concerned – what if them brats want to strike back on us?
Tiko: Don’t panic – everything is under control.
Deksta: That’s what you said in the past few missions, yet we didn’t go far with that saying at all.
Tiko: Believe me, with Barbados in our hands as an advantage we are sure to track down Violet and to steal her sceptre.
Deksta: In English it means?
Tiko: We wait until she comes here.
Deksta: (gasps) Oh no – you ain’t lettin’ ME fight first!

(The screen shows all of Deksta’s defeats to date)

Tiko: Heck no, I’m not sending YOU in – Oxide must have gained lots more strength on his break from it all and is now ready to send in all he’s got!
Deksta: You know what?
Tiko: What?
Deksta: (smiles) That ain’t a bad idea!
Tiko: Thanks!
Deksta: Wait a mo – we still need backup in case he wasn’t feeling too good.
Tiko: You’re right. I need to rethink this out.

(Music stops)

There was a few moments of silence. 5 seconds later Deksta started whistling to “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child.

Tiko: I GOT IT!!!!!!!!! Komodo Moe should take Oxide’s place! He should be saved until much later.
Deksta: Hey, it looks like we got a two for one deal! But what if they haven’t recovered from the beach blast yet?
Tiko: They have now, so stop being such a baby!
Deksta: Sorry, I was only askin’.
Tiko: OK then, soon the power levels will rise… on me!

[Scene changes to the dark corridors of the ground floor on the control tower. Music restarts – Fatboy Slim and Macy Gray – “Demons” (Instrumental)]

Our gang of six were seen heading through this area with great precautions, covered in muck and gravel, and Travis leading the way with an electric spark glowing from his hand.

Carla: I hate to tell you this, but even though it’s light in here… (panics) I’M STILL SCARED!!!!!! (cowers behind Violet)
Violet: Don’t have a cow about it woman – you’re a grown girl now! There’s no need to get so scared in your life!
Carla: I know… but I really should have told you this earlier.
Crash: OK, what is it?
Carla: (speaks in a higher toned voice than usual) I’m scared of the dark!

Everyone but Carla fell over.

Travis: That’s just like MY fear of dogs!

Boron came up to him.

Travis: I’m meaning household dogs. Wolverines are a different matter altogether.
Crash: I think I’ve a good way to tease him there!
Cortex: (roots into his backpack) Later. For now chew on this, Carla. (hands her a white paper bag containing jawbreakers) It would make you feel a lot better if you suck on them long and hard.
Carla: Thanks. (puts one in her mouth and puts the bag in her rucksack)
Crash: At least that’s sorted.

[Music changes – Mauro Picotto – “Komodo” (Intro)]

Just then some thuds were heard and they immediately turned towards it. Then they saw a ninja-like shadow coming straight towards them. Each of them drew out their weapons – except for Carla, who was empty handed.

(Music turns instrumental)

Carla: But what can I have to guard him?

Cortex tossed the stolen blade at her, and she caught it by the handle. Then the shadow came closer and closer, and although they were indoors, the cold wind current started to get progressively stronger.
Episode 7 – The Dark Blade

Scene: The dark corridors of the Barbados airfield control tower
Music: Faithless – “We Come 1” (Club version intro)

The dark shadow started approaching our heroes much more closer than they can ever imagine and the cold gusts started to cause a slight whirlwind round them. Eventually, all the windows were slung open and the draft went further down in temperature. Then one foot stepped out of the darkness, and then another. The whole body from the waist down was seen, causing everyone to gasp. Then the rest of the body came out – first the chest, then both arms, the neck and finally the head. The body of Komodo Moe was now fully seen.

(Music stops)

Moe: Looksssssssssss like we’re in for a rumble, are we?

Both Carla and Boron screamed and hugged each other tightly.

Carla: (speaks in a high-pitched squeaky voice) This guy’s scary!
Crash: I know how you guys feel, but it looks like we have no choice!
Violet: What have we to do about him?
Crash: We have no choice but to send in one of us at a time. Eventually his strength will be put down and we can move on.
Cortex: What if one of us passes out in battle?
Violet: Don’t panic – I got a pack of elixirs and I’m not afraid to use it.
Travis: Now that the rules are through, who’s up first?
Crash: I will. Whatever torture I gave him at Mecca, he gets the same here.
Moe: No!
Crash: Huh?
Moe: I will decccccccccide on who will fight me one on one. If he or she defeats me, they can move on, but if I defeat you all you will be Tiko’s slaves forever!
Crash: Betcha won’t make us.
Cortex: But he could – he’s got the mind-control gun!
Crash: Yikes!
Moe: Very well then… I decide my first opponent to be… Dr. Neo Cortexxxxxxxx.
Cortex: D’OH!
Crash: But… why?

Both of the girls fell over.

Cortex: (looks angry and walks up to Moe) We’ll see about that when you’re next… (comes to a halt 3 paces from his target)
Moe: OK pussssssssy…
Travis: What?
Moe: Not you! Ahem… Ssssssssssshow me what you’ve got!
Cortex: OK!

[Music changes – JDS – “Nine Ways” (Darude vs. JS 16 remix)]

Cortex immediately shot his laser in Moe’s groin, causing him to squeal a high-pitched squeal and everyone else to laugh.

Moe: (in the style of Muttley from “Wacky Races”) Grrr… fustle rustle mustle you’re dead meat! (chucks his sword at Cortex)

He ducked quickly and jumped over him, and then he grabbed a piece of lead piping on the floor and hit him on the head. Unfortunately, it didn’t even make him see stars.

Travis: LOOK OUT BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But time was out – Moe stole the piping from him and hit him on the head with it, making him unconscious.

[Music changes – Members of May Day – “Ten In One” (Intro)]

Then he recovered his sword from the attack and started running into him.

Carla: (panics) Someone’s gotta stop him before he gets killed!
Travis: Let me try, babyface!

Carla shied away again, feeling nervous. Then Travis sent out his strongest electric spark on Moe…
Episode 8 – Furry Fury

Scene: The dark corridors of the Barbados airfield control tower
Music: Dream – “He Loves U Not” (Middle 8 Instrumental)

Travis’s thunder attack kept on raging for seconds upon end and the look on Moe’s face started to look slightly angrier. Eventually, the current came to a halt and Travis sat down, exhausted.

Travis: (pants madly) I… I… can’t do it…
Violet: Please Trav – you’re our only hope!
Boron: (panics) YEAH!!!!!!!!!!
Travis: (pants madder) Sorry… but… I… (collapses on the floor)
Violet: (looks down at him) There goes another… one… darn…
Carla: What?
Violet: I only took one elixir with me!
Crash and Carla: WHY?????
Violet: Sorry guys – I never knew this mission would be so dangerous!
Crash: (sighs) We need a new strategy, and I think I’ve got one.
Violet: Tell me.

[Music changes – Mya – “Free” (Intro instrumental)]

They got in a huddle and only a few whisperings could be heard. Then they broke up and looked directly at Moe.

Crash: You know the areas – Violet in wait, Carla and me with the transportation and Boron undercover. Goddit?
Boron, Carla and Violet: AYE!!!!!!!

(Music stops)

Crash: LET’S MOVE!!!!!!

[Music restarts – Chocolate Puma – “I Wanna Be U” (Instrumental)]

The remaining four split up into different directions – Boron immediately charged towards Moe on all fours, Carla went up to Travis and dragged him out of battle, Crash did the same with Cortex and Violet started rooting in her backpack furiously for her elixir. Back in battle Boron did a head-butt as he charged into Moe’s belly, causing him to squeal with pain. Then as he touched down he got his sword out and started aiming it for him…

Moe: You’re mine, wolfie!
Boron: Grrr…
Moe: Stay, you miserable mutt… (draws his sword back over his shoulder, ready for attack)

Then a few seconds later Moe made a powerful slash at Boron… but he missed and he chopped a water pipe up instead! The leak then shot into his face and it pushed him in the air and onto a nearby wall. Then he was cornered.

Moe: No… doggie-boy… have mercccccccccy…

Boron gave out a deafening roar and did a flying karate kick onto his chest, breaking the wall down and causing him to fall in the rubble.

(Music stops)

When the smoke faded out he just saw his hand sticking out, not moving at all.

Carla: Is he… dead?
Violet: It’s hard to say. (goes up to him)

As soon as she stopped she shone her sceptre over his body. Boron, however, smiled a victorious smile.

Violet: The power levels are weak at the moment but they are gradually increasing. No matter what it will take a month or two to restore it to its original settings.
Crash: Now that that’s sorted we need to figure out who to revive for the next fight.

[Music restarts – Dido – “Thank You” (Intro instrumental)]

Violet: (shines her sceptre around the area) According to this I can sense that Tiko, Deksta and Oxide are in wait in the very top of this very building. We need to pick our next candidate out carefully.
Crash: I say we should revive Cortex because he’s had more experience in battle, and fighting experience is essential.
Carla: No it’s not – it’s power, and Travis has just that!
Crash: You’re saying that because you’re in love with him, aren’t ya?
Carla: (blushes anime-style) Heck no – it’s… erm… a positive… opini-thingy…
Violet: (gets a coin out from her pocket) Looks like there’s only one way to decide. If it’s heads then it’s Cortex. If it’s tails then it’s Travis.
Crash and Carla: Deal!

She flipped the coin in the air and it landed on the dark floors below. The shadows stepping over it makes the coin reading impossible to see…
Episode 9 – Oxide’s Revenge

Scene: The dark hallways of the Barbados airfield control tower
Music: Fatboy Slim and Macy Gray – “Demons” (Instrumental)

Everyone was still peering over the coin, until eventually Violet picked it up and exposed it to the light.

Violet: It’s heads. Cortex is coming with us.
Carla: Geez…
Crash: I know it – you’re in love with him, aren’t ya?
Carla: Um… (blushes anime-style)
Crash: (laughs in her face) I KNEW IT!!!!!!
Carla: Oh please don’t…

Boron couldn’t help but snigger from behind her back.

Violet: (gets out the elixir) I think we’ve got another job on our heels.
Crash: Yeah, but what do we do with Travvy-boy?
Carla: I’ll take him back to my place. Then I’ll try and revive him from there. (picks him up)
Crash: Good luck!

Carla dashed away from the scene.

(Music stops)

Crash: Is she gone?

There was silence. Then after 3 seconds everyone started laughing.

Violet: I guessed it – Travis and Carla sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!

Boron cracked up and lied on his back with no control of his laughter.

Crash: (sighs with a smile and a giggle) I think we should get back to business.
Violet: Sure.

She opens the elixir bottle and placed the contents in an injector needle. Then she rolled up his sleeve and placed it on his arm. Finally the potion was injected into his body.

Crash: Ouch… now I know how I felt when I had a meningitis jab!
Violet: Surely it can’t be THAT painful…

Just then she felt something touching her from behind, but more like the touch of someone shivering. She turned and she saw Cortex struggling to sit up. Then eventually he did… restored and vitalized.

Cortex: (painfully) My head… (rubs it gently) What… happened?
Crash: It looked like you took a bash to the head!
Boron: YEAH!!!!! (picked up the lead piping and hit himself on the head, but he didn’t knock himself out)

Violet started giggling.

Cortex: And besides, what happened to Moe?

[Music restarts – WWF – Chyna’s theme (“Who I Am”)]

Boron started doing a wrestler-style victory pose and started a break beat dance.

Crash: He’s saying – in body language - that he saved you from sudden death.
Cortex: I think I should thank him for that!

Boron gave out the biggest smile he ever gave out, showing all of his teeth.

Cortex: Now we need to know where in this tower Tiko is…
Violet: I sensed them at the top of the tower.
Crash: Yeah, but how do we get up there?
Violet: Magic! (points to a nearby elevator)
Crash: That was easy!
Cortex: And it looks like the big brother’s going to get some serious punishment!

All four of them headed into the elevator and the doors closed.


(Music changes – Craig David – “Walking Away” (Ignorants remix, instrumental)

Tiko and Deksta were seen in front of Oxide explaining to him everything.

Tiko: Now that you’re back in good formation I feel that now’s the time for you to eliminate Crash’s crew by the time they arrive here.
Oxide: But what if they’re not here?
Deksta: We already saw Komodo Moe trapped in a pile of rubble downstairs from security camera 29 a few seconds ago, so they SHOULD be here!
Oxide: (raises his eyebrow) I think you could be right there. Well no matter what… (forms a beam of energy in his hand) I guess that they will never come past me!
Tiko: That’s the spirit! Now I know for sure that Crash Bandicoot will not last anymore! The excessive power levels will certainly – not – be – a – match! (laughs vilely)
Episode 10 – The Way They Loved Each Other

Scene: A bedroom in Carla’s hut
Music: Chicane – “No Ordinary Morning” (Instrumental)

Travis was in this room looking directly into the screen in a James Bond style outfit…

Travis: And so… I feel that now is the right time for this. I am now pleading you with all my heart for this. Carla… will you marry me?

(Camera switches to an angle showing Travis speaking to a mirror)

Travis: Hmmm… (pauses for a few seconds) Did I do something wrong? (strokes his chin) Ah, I know!

He gets out a peppermint spray and squirted it in his mouth

Travis: (sniffs up) Mountain fresh!

Then he starts messing with his bow tie and getting it in the right position.

Travis: I bet I’m as sharp as a knife!

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. He turned to it and it opened, and Carla stepped in.

Carla: Are you feeling any better, Travis?
Travis: (speaks slightly sickly) I am now! Now listen – there’s something that I need to tell you…
Carla: My, you seem like you’re sick!
Travis: Huh?
Carla: Here – take this. (gives Travis an antibiotic spray) It would make you feel better in no time.
Travis: (looks down at it) Thanks.

(Music stops)

Then Carla left the room, and a few seconds, later Travis’s emerald green eyes changed into fire-eyed fury.

Travis: Grrr… I’VE BLOWN IT!!!!!!!! (slams the peppermint spray over the floor and then sighs) Oh well… I’ve got another chance someday.

He sits back in the chair and switches on the radio, and it starts playing Faith Hill – “The Way You Love Me”. He then closed his eyes and smiled, but a few seconds later, he opened them again and stared up at the ceiling with a worried facial expression.

Travis: I hope the way she loves me is more confident than mine…

After sighing he kept his eyes on the ceiling and never kept them off.


[Music restarts – Limp Biskit – “My Way” (Intro instrumental)]

The elevator door opened and Crash, Cortex, Boron and Violet stepped out brave.

Crash: So I guess that Oxide and his lot will be raiding us up here, eh?
Cortex: Yes, but be careful – you know what he did to Boron last time we battled.

(Screen shows the highlights of Oxide’s battle with Boron on N. Sanity Beach a few months before for 3 seconds. Then it restores itself.)

Crash: I know, but if Papu Papu had the courage, Ryane Platypus had the courage and I had the courage, then we’re sure to blow him to bits!

(Screen now shows each of Oxide’s defeats, one by one. Then it restores itself.)

Violet: Yes, but if we underestimate your enemies then we could be gonners. But we need to show that we can be survivors.
Boron: YEAH!!!!!

And then they started walking up the dark corridors towards the main room. But just then Cortex was tapped on the shoulder by a mysterious figure. No response. Then the tap occurred again. There was still no response. A third tap occurred and the figure hid in the darkness.

Cortex: Grrr… (turns around) WHOEVER IT IS, STOP IT!!!!!!!!!! (echoes)

(Music stops)

There was silence for a few seconds.

Crash: But we didn’t do anythin’ – I was in front of you the whole time, as were Violet and Boron.
Boron: (shrugs) RURR RUROOUR ROOAR!!!!!! (It wasn’t me!)

[Music changes – Tomba Vira – “The Sound Of: Oh Yeah” (Middle 8)]

Cortex: But… (turns to face the others) If it wasn’t you guys… then… who could it be?

As he spoke the mysterious figure came up from behind him. Then when he finished speaking he came out of the darkness as… Nitrous Oxide! He tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to turn around.

Oxide: Boo!
Cortex: (gasps and gets out his laser) Stay back Oxide – you are not taking us alive!
Oxide: For once you’re right! (forms a power current in his hand) This is due to the fact that it’s too cramped in here.
Crash: That’s good.
Oxide: But instead we’re gonna take it outside! (fires the beam at them)

(Music changes – Hatiras – “Spaced Invader”)

From outside it caused a missive explosion causing our gang to fall out from it onto the floor, and they remained intact. Oxide came out from the smoke flying in the air with another power current in his hand.

Oxide: Now… IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!!!!!

Boron howled with fright and cowered behind the others.

Crash: Calm down – we’ll be able to get a way past this. Hopefully…
Episode 11 – Not Quite Married

Scene: The main room in Carla’s hut
Music: Nelly Furtado – “I’m Like A Bird” (Intro)

Carla sat by the fireplace with a deep expression on her face.

Carla: I really should have waited for Travis to finish what he was gonna say… then I can take this a little further.

(Music kicks into the chorus)

She looked in the flames and saw an illusion of Travis in the fire. She waited for nearly 15 seconds, gazing into his eyes.

(Music turns instrumental)

Carla: Travvy-boy… come to me… (places her hand on the flame)

(Music stops all of a sudden)

But as she did so her illusion disappeared and the fire singed her hand, causing her to scream madly.

Travis: (comes out of the bedroom quickly) Jumpin’ Genetic Jackhammer – what’s goin’ on!
Carla: (waves her injured hand about) It’s burning! It’s burning!
Travis: Hang on – I’ll find something to cure it!


Carla was then seen with an icepack on her hand.

Travis: How do you feel now?
Carla: It’s still sore, but it’s easing off nicely.
Travis: Next time you should be more careful in fire. The injuries are painful.
Carla: I’m sorry.
Travis: It’s all right – it can’t have been your fault. I advise you to wrap that round in a bandage afterwards. It could linger your strength if you don’t do so.
Carla: Thanks. Now… what was it you were trying to tell me?

[Music changes – BBMak – “Back Here” (Played on piano)]

Travis: Carla… from the very first day I met you, you were the sun in my life, and you lived from the north-east of me, giving me the brightest morning I ever had. Your evergreen eyes shine like emeralds…
Carla: And so do yours!
Travis: And after seeing how we got on we saw our bonds coming closer. And so… I feel that now is the right time for this. I am now pleading you with all my heart for this. Carla Bandicoot… will you marry me?
Carla: (gasps in shock) I feel like I really want to but…
Travis: But what?
Carla: To be honest I feel that it’s too early for a marriage yet. We still have a long mission here. Whether one of us dies, or even both of us, we would still be together as one.
Travis: I guess you’re right… (looks down)
Carla: Cheer up Travis – Look forward to the battle! Come on – it’s not like they’re lying down on the job.


[Music changes – Dream – “He Loves U Not” (Middle 8 )]

All four of them were struck down, seeming to be unconscious. Then Oxide stepped over them with great dignity.

(Music turns instrumental)

Oxide: Heehee… It seems like you can never defeat my wrath at all!

Violet then tried to get up from her injuries.

Violet: (faintly) You… can… never… get away… with this…

Oxide turned to Violet with anger in his eyes.

Violet: (gets up) Don’t even think about striking us down – never underestimate your enemies!
Oxide: You just did, lady!

[Music changes – Chocolate Puma – “I Wanna Be U” (Instrumental)]

He fires another energy beam at Violet and just in the nick of time she ducks into it. As she looked behind she saw that it hit a nearby palm tree, turning it into ash. She gasped with fright.

Oxide: (comes up to her with another beam in his hand) Now… die like the others did!
Violet: THEY’RE NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!

She gets out her sceptre and fires it directly at Oxide, turning him into a crystal statue!

(Music stops)

Violet: (touches it) Crystals are a wolverine girl’s best friend!

She fires at it again and this time it teleported him out of the area!


The crystal sculpture of Oxide went straight onto the path, causing Spyro the Dragon to crash into it.

Spyro: (looks up) Oh no… Gnasty Gnorc’s been here!


[Music restarts – Orbital – “Funny Brake” (Chorus)]

The areas looked silent and Violet was the only one standing. Then she looked down at the others and tested for life. She seemed unsure. Then she transported them with her sceptre back to Carla’s hut. She teleported herself away from the airfields, towards a yet to be identified area.


Travis: (sighs) Come on – this is sooooooooo urgent!
Crash: Zzzzz… you should know better… Zzzzz…
Travis: WHAT?!?!? But… (sighs angrily) I’m a grown man!
Violet: (from off-stage) No you’re not! You got a Winnie-The-Pooh teddy in yer pocket!

Everyone started laughing at him as he looked down at his cute teddy bear.

Travis: Oh… OK… to be honest, I bet YOU used yer magic to get it in there! And besides…
Director: Hold it! Hold it! We’ll sort it all out after we get a perfect take…
Just as when Boron was about to speak there was an alarm clock ringing in the room with the keyhole. When it stopped, so did the grunting noise.

Crash: E’s up!
Travis: And I guess that saved Boron’s breath for a while!

Boron roared madly and tried to ram a hole down in the door, but he just squashed flat into it. After a while he slid down it.

Travis: Ouch… THAT’S GOTTA HURT!!!!!!!
Carla: (comes up towards Travis’s body and peers over his face) If only if he were a survivor… then he would be able to sort out Tiko. But for now we have a warrior gone spare.
Crash: I guess… that’s bad news for Trigger and Toby when we next see them.
Carla: (sniffs) And I wish I got to know him…

Unexpectedly, Travis sneezed.

Carla: Um… (blushes anime-style) I can now!
Tiko: Grrr… (lights up a bright blue) YOU AIN’T GONNA GET AWAY FROM THIS!

He immediately fires a beam from his hands directly at them, trapping most of them. Crash tried to escape, but he saw that the others weren’t coming with him. Immediately he ran back towards Tiko with a boulder a quarter of his size in his arms, but as he did so he accidentally dropped it onto his feet, causing him to scream madly.

Director: What now?
Crash: MY TOE’S BROKE!!!!!!!!!
Director: Hang in there while I try to look for a doctor…
Travis: We already have one! (points to Cortex)
Cortex: (sighs) For the last time… I’M NOT A MEDICAL EXPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Travis: Oh, soh-ree…
Carla: Tell me – what’s the matter?
Violet: The Cerulean Wizard… he’s coming!!!
Carla: The Ceru-whazzup…

Carla cracked up.
Carla: I really should have told you this earlier.
Crash: OK, what is it?
Carla: (speaks in a higher toned voice than usual) I’m scared of the dark!

Everyone but Carla fell over.

Travis: That’s just like MY fear of dogs!

Just then a set of bloodhounds came into the studio chasing him.

Travis: (panics) No, get away from me! Down, down…
Rest of the gang: (all sing together) WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? (bark 5 times together)
The dark shadow started approaching our heroes much more closer than they can ever imagine and the cold gusts started to cause a slight whirlwind round them. Eventually, all the windows were slung open but the glazing broke in the process, sending all bits surrounding them.

Travis: Now how are we gonna go off-stage when we need the potty?
Moe: Stay, you miserable mutt… (draws his sword back over his shoulder, ready for attack)

Then a few seconds later Moe made a powerful slash at Boron… but he missed and he chopped an electric cable instead, causing him to get a strong current inside his body and when it stopped he lied down on the floor looking like fried komodo.

Travis: (brings his head up from his “unconsciousness” position and sniffs) Mmmm… finger lickin’ good!
Boron started doing a wrestler-style victory pose and started a break beat dance, but during one of the moves he slipped and fell flat on his face, and started squealing.

Cortex: Boron… (rushes up to him) What’s wrong?

Boron continued squealing. Then Cortex lifted up one of his legs and the squeals became worse.

Violet: Crikey – we need to take him to casualty…
Travis: Grrr… I’VE BLOWN IT!!!!!!!! (slams the peppermint spray over the floor and then sighs) Oh well… I’ve got another chance someday.

He sits back in the chair and switches on the radio, and it starts playing Blink 182 – “All The Small Things”. He got up and started singing along to it.

Director: CUT! You were supposed to set a tape running, not the actual radio to be on!
Travis: But because of the buttons disguising everything, I couldn’t tell which button was which…
The crystal sculpture of Oxide went straight onto the path, causing Spyro the Dragon to crash into it, but he got his horns stuck.

Spyro: HEY! GET ME OUT!!!!!!!
Director: Just hang on while I get some oil… (evacuates the area)

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