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Coco walks out carrying a bag full of barbells. Danni is helping her with the load.

Danni: Careful mate, these are a wee bit heavy.
Shen Lo Ken: I'll be sure to deliver the messages to Sarnie and Stripes; don't worry.
Coco: Thanks Shen. BYE!!
Shen Lo Ken: BYE!!!!

Coco and Danni join Sylvia, and the three warriors walk on the path home. Dylan walks up to Shen with an excited look on his face.

Shen Lo Ken: What happened man?
Dylan: The greatest thing mate!! It's about Sylvia.
Shen Lo Ken: What about her dude? Did you...?
Dylan: YEP!!! I got me a...

(Scene cuts to Sylvia, Danni, and Coco.)

Coco: A DATE!?!?!?! With Dylan?
Sylvia: Yeah, but I'm not exactly all that thrilled.
Danni: Come on mate; you must have some feelings for him.
Sylvia: Well, maybe, but still, that one part that doesn't like him is still a burden for me.
Coco: I don't know. Personally, I thought he was cute so if you don't want him… I could...
Sylvia: NO!!!!!! Er… I mean... uh, that won't be necessary.
Danni: Gee, got a little defensive there, eh mate?
Sylvia: Shut up. Let's just go.

Coco couldn't help but giggle to herself and started humming a little song.

Coco: Sylvia and Dylan, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N....
Sylvia: QUIET!!!!!
Coco: Gee, just kidding. Chill Sylvia. C'mon, he doesn't seem that bad.
Sylvia: HA!! You would know.
Danni: We're home.
Sylvia: Well, wish me luck tomorrow.
Coco: Yeah. Say uh Sylvia, let me know if there's any smoochin' huh?
Sylvia: Watch it mate, or I'll...
Coco: HEY, chill. Don't get so defensive. Gee whiz.

Yes, Sylvia was about to have an adventure ahead of her. But all is not all well yet. Back at Cortex Castle it looked much different now. It was a bigger more bulky version. The castle was also metallic, and very high tech looking. (Kinda like Robotnic's fortress in 'The Sonic Series'.) Down in the high tech lab; Cortex, N. Gin, Tropy, Tiny, Dingodile, the Komodo Brothers and Pinstripe Potoroo were gathered around a strange long capsule.

Tropy: Is he ready yet?
Cortex: Yes! The Guardian is fully built.
N. Gin: He should be. Master Cortex, the entire fortress took practically forever to build but thanks to the advanced technology we had; we had enough time to make a new fighting force - a robot, with great martial arts techniques and swords play.
Dingodile: Then what do you want us for then?
Cortex: Elementary dingo-dumbo, we need more guards around the area. The Guardian is a mere hunter. He hunts down the attackers with deadly speed; and you guys are his backup.
Pinstripe: So you mean to tell us; we're gonna take orders from a machine?
Cortex: Yes!!
Komodo Joe: An inssssssult!
Komodo Moe: We're ssssssssecond fiddle now!!
Tiny: Tiny no like fiddles.
Cortex: SILENCE!!!! You're still my faithful minions, and you will accept this. This Guardian will not fail!! He is programmed to be the best weapon on board this ship.
Tropy: Speaking of which, it won't be long until the beam cannon will be ready; and we will be ready to launch the fortress into space.
Cortex: Yes, but most certainly, the bandicoot and his friends will be here! We'll be able to test the Guardian out on them!
Pinstripe: Yeah yeah! Hoo brotha', takin; ordas' from a machine.
N. Gin: Not just any machine. A highly advanced machine!! Let us show them Cortex.
Cortex: Yes, he is ready now.

Cortex pushed the control panel. The capsule began to light up. After a few minutes of bright flashing lights. The capsule door opens. As it opens, a strong gust of steam escapes. A dark silhouette appears inside the capsule.

Dingodile: Crikey, what is that?
Tiny: It scaring Tiny. (He cowers in the corner)
Komdo Joe: It'ssssssss big!
Pinstripe: Holy moly!.

Cortex stared evilly into the capsule.

Cortex: Arise Guardian - you are now part of our family. You are the head guardian of this fortress.
Tropy: He's perfect!!

The Guardian steps out of the castle. He wields a mean looking sword, and is covered with a blue exoskeleton. His face is silver, and has a large red eye appearing in the middle of it.

N. Gin: He is beyond perfect.
Cortex: He is… the ideal Guardian.
N. Tropy: What is his name?
Cortex: His code name is 'GY67DF-COG. But his actual name is 'SILENT HUNTER'.
N. Gin: Has he been activated properly?
Cortex: Yes. Speak Silent Hunter - this is your master and father. You are to lead these low lives to victory against Crash Bandicoot and his friends. Now tell me, how do you feel?

The robot spoke, in a low metallic voice, kinda like James Earl Jones if he spoke in an empty hollow jar.

Silent Hunter: I... am... honoured. I... will... kill... Crash... and... the... others.
Tropy: His dialect is somewhat trailing.
Cortex: I know. Oh well, he's perfect in every way. This time, nothing will fail us.
*The camera then cuts to Sylvia's house.*

*Sylvia walked in to the place she called home. She silently walked through the house and into her room. She switched on the light and laid across her bed. She laid there for a minute then got up and walked over to a corner of the room. She wiggled a loose floorboard and reached inside and pulled out her diary. It was a secret place to keep her thoughts. She sat upon her bed and began to write.*

"Well, diary. Here I am again, as always. Today while jogging with Danni, I happened to meet this guy. His name is Dylan Dingocat. He started hitting on me… Which took me by total surprise! Calling me 'babe' and gross stuff like that. Later at Shen Lo Ken's, place, he asked me out. Tomorrow, were goin' to Sydney. I'm confused whether I actually like this guy or not. He is kinda good-lookin. But is he the one for me? I guess I'll find out sooner or later. It's about 9:00. We're gonna have another meeting now that Sarnie and Stripes are joining. We all hafta be one the same track...and be prepared. So g'night. ~Sylvia"

*After spilling her thoughts into her diary, she felt somewhat relieved. She got up off the bed, locked and then slipped her diary into the empty space into the floor and replaced the floorboard. Yawning, she pulled back her sheets and laid down. She was too tired to change clothes so she fell asleep with what she had on. The next morning, she felt a stiffness in her neck.*

Sylvia: "I must have slept wrong or something."

*She sat up in her bed and looked at her watch. Which she had on all night.*

Sylvia: "Ahh! The meeting!"

*Sylvia ran into her closet and grabbed a sleeveless white shirt, black belt, white headband, white tennis shoes and some blue jean shorts and hurried into the bathroom to change. After changing, she quickly ran for the door, which was in the kitchen.*

Angel: "Sylvia. There you are. Breakfast is ready."
Sylvia: (talking really fast) "I'm sorry. I gotta go NOW!! We're having another meeting about Cortex. I'll explain all about it later. Bye!"

*She grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door.*

Angel: "Well, she was sure in a hurry."
Starstruck: (with a slight laugh) "You can say that again."

*Back outside, Sylvia ran as fast as she could but the stopped.*

Sylvia: "It'll take to long on foot. I'll need to drive."

*She runs out to the garage, reached for the keys in her pocket, climbed into the car, and revved up her Viper... a little too much.*

Sylvia: "Oops. Didn't mean to do that."

*At Crash's...*

Danni: "Where is she?"

*A few minutes later, they hear a car. Coco looked out the window.*

Coco: "She's here."

*Dylan walked over to the window and looked out.*

Dylan: "Boy! What a sporty car."
Coco: "Yeah. She loves that Viper."

*Sylvia walks through the door and Dylan lets a whistle out. Sylvia looked down to what she was wearing. She didn't realize that she had put on her shorter shorts.*

Sylvia: (thinking) "Oh, my God!"
Dylan: "Hey, baby."
Sylvia: "Shut-up!"

*Sylvia sat down in a chair.*

Dylan: (shocked) "Uhhh...ok."
Crash: (cutting his eyes to Sylvia) "So, is everyone here?"

Dylan knew he blew it again. But there was no time for trying to make up for it. He would have to try later, on the big date. But for now, he had to go over a long and tedious briefing about the mission.

Crash: Okay. Sis, you're here. Danni, Sarnie, Stripes, Dylan, Shen Lo Ken, and Sylvia. Everyone is here.
Sarnie: So why don't we start already?
Crash: We're waiting for two other members who are bringing us secret information.
Sylvia: Like what?
Crash: Coco couldn't hack hard enough into the system to get an overall view of the new fortress and the Guardian. So we sent two little thieves to get some info and shots of them.
Sylvia: You mean you sent...?
Crash: Yes. Brutus and Spartacus; those two little ferrets.
Danni: They're crooks, but they can work for you for a price.
Crash: Right. I am offering them a reward for getting the info.

Then they heard a thumping underground. Near a little trapdoor, the secret knock is heard. (Which happens to be 'Shave and a Haircut')

Crash: It's them.

Crash opened up the little trapdoor, and out popped a brown ferret, and a grey ferret in little attire.

Spartacus: Spartacus....
Brutus: and his partner, Brutus.
Both ferrets: Reporting for duty!! (Giving Crash a salute)
Crash: Good job boys. What did you get?
Brutus: Show ‘em Sparty!
Spartacus: Right.

Spartacus pulls out two photographs that are as wide as him.

Spartacus: Using our miniature spy camera, we managed to sneak overnight to the fortress. Next day, the pictures are developed, and voila.
Brutus: Yeah. We're amateur photographers ya know. Here are two pictures.
Spartacus: One of the fortress; and one of the Guardian.
Crash: Excellent work! Give ‘em here.
Spartacus: First thing's first. Where's our pay?
Crash: Right here.

Crash pulls out a small sack filled with dollar bills.

Coco: CRASH!! Those were our college funds.
Crash: Relax, it's all in the bag. Here you go boys, don't spend it all in one night.

The ferrets examine their pay.

Spartacus: You call this pay? No, no, NO boss, we need more!
Brutus: Do we?
Spartacus: (ramming Brutus hard in the stomach with his elbow) Shhhh, quiet numbskull. Uh yes… more pay. Was a dangerous job it was!
Crash: More? That means ya gotta do some more favours. Can you work for us to receive information on the mission?
Spartacus: You mean come along with you?
Crash: Yep! I'll double the amount given.
Coco: WHAT!!!?!?!
Spartacus: Double hmmmm?
Brutus: hmmmmmm.
Spartacus: Wellllll...
Crash: Whaddya say?
Spartacus: We'll do it... for double the amount we were paid; and uh, all the Wumpa fruit pies we can eat.
Crash: Done. You two better stay here. Your roles are to be undercover scouts for us; to retrieve information and lead us to the exact spots. It's gonna be dangerous.
Brutus: Don't worry gov.
Spartacus: My partner and me have been successful in doing everything. So uh, are we gonna get down to business?
Crash: Yes. Everyone, sit down.

Everyone gathers around the table. There is soda and wumpa pie set for them. Crash is busy browsing the photos. He sees the fortress, and a perfect mug shot of the Guardian.

Crash: What we are dealing with here is much more advanced than we thought. Here, take a look at these. Coco, pass these around.

Coco saw the pics and kept passing them around to everyone.

Crash: Seems like Cortex has become much more advanced than we thought.
Danni: And there is a way to stop this right?
Shen Lo Ken: There always is, ya know.
Stripes: Yeah. Nothing's too tough for us.
Crash: Well maybe... but the reason I got these pictures was so Coco could scan them in, and have her computer get more information on them. You wouldn't mind doing that would you sis?
Coco: Of course not. I would gladly accept. I need to find out more information on the fortress and the Guardian; and these pictures will be stored in the computer's data. Once that's done, and I do more hacking, the computer will give us more info that relates to the pictures the ferrets took.
Crash: Okay. As soon as coco has more information, we'll be taking all the chances we have. Each of us will be assigned to certain points in which we are involved. Me, Danni, Shen Lo Ken and Sarnie will lead the charge, and fight off enemies. Stripes, Brutus and Spartacus, you will be the scouts to pick up any valuable information. Dylan and.....
Sylvia: Oh no…
Crash: ...Sylvia will be working together with Coco to find a way to stop this project.
Sylvia: You purposely assigned me to him didn't you?
Dylan: And what's wrong with that?
Sylvia: Dylan... I... I...
Dylan: Is there anything... wrong?

Sylvia wanted to say she didn't like Dylan; but part of her held her back. She thought; why is Crash doing this to me? Why did he sign me up with Dylan? But either way, she blurted out the only thing she could say.

Sylvia: No... nothing at all.
Dylan: Cool.
Shen Lo Ken: So there are three teams huh? The biggest is the fighting majority. Why?
Crash: There are more people to defend the others, that's why. Coco, Dylan and Sylvia will find the root of the problem and stop it. Stripes, Brutus and Spartacus will be scouts to survey and give us directions through the fortress. They will also give us information.
Sarnie: And should anything happen....
Stripes: I know... we all know the routine. 'If either party is in danger, whether it is fighting or fleeing, the other party must not interfere; until the mission is successful.'
Crash: Very good.
Danni: But what if something happened to us?
Crash: At times like this, it doesn't matter. Now come... we have two days till were underway. Tomorrow Coco, we'd like to see a full report on the fortress and the Guardian.
Coco: Yes. I will be glad to.
Crash: Good. Rest up and enjoy yourselves until then. Cause after two days, we're hitting the big one. Meeting adjourned. Dismissed!!

Everyone got up from the table. Sylvia was still a little angry at Crash for assigning her with Dylan and they had that date tonight to Sydney. Tonight, at 8:00 PM. Sylvia would find out of Dylan was the kinda guy for her.

Dylan: Well Sylvia, until then, we'll meet. I'll pick you up at 8:00. Oh, and don't worry about directions. Coco gave ‘em to me.
Sylvia: She what?
Dylan: Farewell. G'day. See ya tonight angel face.

At the word angelface, Sylvia became flustered. As soon as Dylan walked out the door with Shen, Sarnie, and Stripes; and the ferrets; she walked over to Coco with an angry look on her face.

Coco: Hey… what's wrong?
Sylvia: How could you? You gave him directions to my house.
Coco: C'mon, don't get so melodramatic. Sylvia, I talked to him this morning, and well; he's a really sensitive and sweet guy. If only you'll go on this date with him. I think he's perfect for you.
Sylvia: How can that be? Part of me likes him and the other despises him. Explain that.
Coco: Trust me buddy; you'll have a good time. He'll express his true compassion for you tonight. Give him a chance. My goodness, it's no wonder you don't get boyfriends. You get too hysterical.

Sylvia now had a deep grudge against Coco, but inside, she knew Coco was somewhat right. Maybe Dylan was a nice guy or maybe not. He would just have to get to know him better. And she would, as she would be going out with him; tonight.
*Back with Cortex...*

Cortex: "Let's see... Everything looks like it's in order. N. Gin! Is Silent Hunter ok?"
N.Gin: "This is the 10th time in 5 minutes that you've asked me that! YES!! He is fine.!"
Cortex: Good. I don't want him getting too tired, or getting dented, scratched, or torn up."
N.Gin: "Master Cortex. He's in good hands. Trust me. Sheesh. You act like he's your kid or something."
Cortex: "Enough of that! Now, go check on him for me."
N.Gin: (really not wanting to) "OK."
Cortex: "Heheheh... This is my big chance. I'm finally gonna reach my dream."

*The camera fades out, and then fades back, at Crash's house.*

Sylvia: "I'm gonna go home. See ya, everyone."

*She walks out the door. Dylan follows.*

Dylan: "Sylvia, wait!"
Sylvia: (thinking) "FINALLY!! He called me by my first name! Instead of 'babe' or 'angel face'! " (to Dylan) "What?"
Dylan: "I'll walk you home."
Sylvia: "No, it's ok. I really gotta-"
Dylan: I insist."
Sylvia: (starts to smile) "Ok. C'mon."

*Coco was outside around the side of the house with the others.*

Coco: "Oh, will you look at that."
Shen Lo Ken: "I thought you said she hated him."
Danni: "I don't believe it!"
Sarnie: "It doesn't look like she hates him to me."
Crash: "What?"
Danni: (puts her arm around Crash and smiles) "Oh, nothing. Just a littl' romance starting."
Crash: "Oh. I see." (smiles)

*Back with Dylan and Sylvia*

*Sylvia wanted to tell Dylan how she felt. She wanted to tell him how her emotions were turning her inside-out, and how she didn't know if she REALLY liked him or not.*

Sylvia: "Dylan... I, I... need to tell you something."
Dylan: "What is it? What's wrong?"
Sylvia: "Uhhh... Well... it's about..."
Dylan: "Yes?"
Sylvia: (sighs) "Never mind."
Dylan: "Are ya sure nothin's botherin' ya?"
Sylvia: "If only you knew."
Dylan: "Then tell me."

*Sylvia knew it would hurt him if she told him she really didn't like him. So, she decided to pretend it was something else that she was gonna tell him.*

Sylvia: "About... the date."
Dylan: "What about it?"
Sylvia: (making up an excuse) "Well, how late are we gonna be out? Angel worries about me like I'm her daughter."
Dylan: (smiles) "Don't worry. I won't have you out too late."

*By now, they reached the outer part of the back yard.*

Sylvia: "We're here."
Dylan: "This is your house?" (looks around) "It's a beautiful place, mate."
Sylvia: "It's home." (pauses for a minute) "Thanks for walkin' me home."
Dylan: "No prob, mate. Anytime."

*Dylan reaches over and hugs her. Sylvia is shocked. She didn't say a word. Still holding on to each other, Dylan comes closer. Sylvia's heart is about to beat out of her chest. She'd never been in this situation before. He is about to kiss her.*

Sylvia: (pulling away) "I need to go."

*Sylvia runs into the yard and into the house. Dylan just stands there."

Dylan: (in a whisper) "Bye."
Back at the fortress, N. Gin opens a cool steel door, and peers inside a solid chamber. N. Gin stares in, to see Silent Hunter sitting down with his arms folded, and his right leg crossed over the other. He was just staring at the wall, not moving a muscle.

N. Gin: Um, Master Cortex wished to know if you were doing okay.

Silent Hunter turned his head slowly and stared at N. Gin with his creepy read, single eye.

Silent Hunter: I... am... fine... I… am... focusing... my... energy... Please... leave.

N. Gin knew this whole thing was pointless, so kindly turned away and bowed.

N. Gin: Okay then; sorry to bother you.
Silent Hunter: Please... leave.
N. Gin: As you... wish.

N. Gin walked out closing the door behind him.

N. Gin: focusing his energy? Hmmm, he must be preparing himself for battle. I wonder when we leave.

N. Gin walked back up to the main deck where Cortex and Tropy were making arrangements with the control panel.

Cortex: How is he N. Gin?
N. Gin: He's focusing his energy. He's just sitting there doing nothing, except focusing his energy.
Cortex: Good. Once he's at full power; he will be unstoppable. And then nothing will get in our way.
Tropy: If possible Cortex; I can work on improving his dialect for you.
Cortex: No need. His fighting abilities are enough. Besides, he is too intelligent, and by far the only successful creation of mine.
N. Gin: What of the others?
Cortex: Hmph, nothing but morons!!
Tropy: Yes, all utterly stupid and defeated easily!
Cortex: But this robot of mine, is perfect in every way. And I want to make sure he will be ready for when the big day comes because no doubt Crash and the others will try and stop me.
N. Gin: Yes, Master Cortex.
Cortex: So far, everything is going according to plan. There will be nothing to stop us now.
That night, Sylvia was getting ready for her date. She wore her evening dress, which was a long black silk dress that reached her ankles, and big high platform black sandal shoes. After getting ready, she walked up to Angel.

Sylvia: How's this?
Sylvia: Dylan will be here soon. I hope nothing will happen.
Angel: Well be home before 11; and do have a good time.
Sylvia: Thanks Angel. Who knows; maybe Coco's right, and this guy is the one.
Angel: He seemed nice. I just hope your mixed feelings don't bring out the worst in you.
Sylvia: Yeah… I know how that feels too.

Just then, the doorbell rang, and Sylvia went to answer it. Standing there was Dylan. He was wearing a leather jacket, blue jeans, and a white shirt. He looked like a Harley rider. (Not a biker though.)

Dylan: Good evening miss Sylvia. You're looking very lovely.
Sylvia: (smiling shyly) Thank you.
Dylan: Are you all set to go for a night out on the town?
Sylvia: Yep. I guess.
Dylan: Ya guess? Well hop into ma jeep, and we'll be there in no time.
Sylvia: Okay... I'm coming.
Angel: Bye Sylvia; have fun.

Sylvia walked by Dylan's side to his Outback Jeep. She was a bit nervous, and her heart was going a flutter. But nevertheless, she was having a strange sensation of excitement. Who knows; maybe Dylan was nice after all. She would soon find out.

Dylan: Hop in mate; and we'll be under way.
Sylvia: Okay; let's go.

They both got in. Sylvia sat in the passenger seat, and Dylan sat in the driver's seat. With the turn of the ignition, Dylan pulled out of the area, and rode down the dirt road.
It had been about 20 minutes, and Dylan was still trying to drag some conversation out of Sylvia while they were driving down the road.

Dylan: So anyway, who was that horse friend of yours?
Sylvia: Angel.
Dylan: Nice horse. Wish I could have one. To ride along the outback, galloping....
Sylvia: I don't ride her. She's my friend.

Sylvia's tone sounded a bit annoyed.

Dylan: Okay, sorry. I mean - horses are meant for riding ya know.
Sylvia: They are not!! They are much more than just pets. They're friends, okay?

Once again, Dylan was blowing again. So he had to recover again; somehow.

Dylan: Well tonight; we're going to the finest restaurant in Sydney; and we're gonna catch a flick.
Sylvia: What's the movie?
Dylan: It's called 'Love me Do'. It's an independent romance film about a man who loves this woman, but the woman is not sure she loves him.

It sounded oddly familiar to Sylvia; the feeling of that and all.

NOTE: There is no such thing as a film called 'Love me Do'. Goku made it up. ;)

Sylvia: Sounds… interesting.
Dylan :It's gonna get more interesting... cause here we are!

At that moment, Sylvia saw the road to Sydney up ahead. She could see the big landmark of Sydney, and the buildings. It looked a little advanced to her, but the nightlight of the city was all a glow. The sight was gorgeous to Sylvia. Now Sylvia was even more excited. The city looked dazzling and thrilling to her. She couldn't wait to get in. But she was still a little nervous about her date. She would only hope to see how it would turn out.
As Dylan drives Sylvia through the city Sylvia looks out in awe-stricken wonder. She looked at the beautiful architecture of the Sydney opera House; it was like nothing she ever saw before. She looked over the suspension bridge, which she and Dylan were driving on - fully steel. She looked at the nightlight, and saw the beautiful city lights glow ahead of her. All of this was eye candy for her!

Sylvia: It's beautiful.
Dylan: I'm glad you're likin' it so far mate. Wait till ya see the restaurant we're goin' to.

When they drive through the city, Sylvia peers out to see the other cars whiz past her. Many are black Sudans and Mercedes. Only a few occasional Vipers popped up. Sylvia was a bit heart broken that no one else drove a Viper. Then, Dylan drove into a parking lot, and stopped the car.

Dylan: Well, here we are.
Sylvia: Wow! Is this where we're eating?
Dylan: Yep - a very eloquent restaurant.

At first; Sylvia thought Dylan was gonna take her to an Outback Steakhouse or another dirty cheap place. But she was pretty surprised that he picked a fancy restaurant. It was called, 'The Sydney Tavern'.

NOTE: Goku isn’t sure if there's a place called 'The Sydney Tavern'. He too made that name up; but it's pretty fancy; so use your imagination. ;)

Sylvia: This place looks...
Dylan: Beautiful? Splendid? Exotic?
Sylvia: Expensive. Are you sure you can afford it?
Dylan: When it comes to you mate, money is no object.

WOW!! Sylvia was surprised to hear Dylan say that. He was willing to spend all this money for her. Maybe he was a nice guy; she hoped.
Inside the tavern was a rich golden decor. Red drapes covered the windows and ornate ceilings were full of glass chandeliers. The music was the typical violin classical fiddling. And of course, the waiters wore tuxes. Dylan and Sylvia were seated at a booth. The waiter handed them their menus, and walked away. Dylan and Sylvia opened them up to examine their choices.

Dylan: Hmmmm... the golden salmon fillet sounds good. What would be your pleasure?
Sylvia: Uh...everything looks pricey. I think I'll just have a glass of Sprite. Sylvia: Even… this?

Dylan looked at the item Sylvia was pointing at. It cost about 45 dollars!!

Dylan: YEAH!! Of course! You can have it. Like I said; money is no object for a girl like you.
Sylvia: Well… thank you. Okay, I'll have the turkey under glass.
Dylan: Consider it done.
Sylvia: Wow Dylan; you must be rich. How can you afford all this?
Dylna: Oh… my father owned a successful, uh… successful... um... Shoe Business.
Sylvia: Shoe business?
Dylan: Yeah… ever hear of Puma?
Sylvia: Yes; I have.
Dylan: Well, my father was a famous representative of the shoe business of Puma. When he died, God rest his soul…
Sylvia: Oh I'm so sorry.
Dylna: Yeah, it's sad, I know. But, when he died, he left me over 5 million dollars!
Sylvia: Really? Wow!
Dylan: Yeah… and uh, you know how uh women are attracted to uh... rich men.
Sylvia: Uh… not all of them.
Dylan: Oh yeah, like who?
Sylvia: Like... me for one.

Dylan looked at Sylvia in disbelief. As if his (fake) story of his dad didn't seem to impress her, what would?

Dylan: Well, it is feelings right? Women such as you prefer a man's feelings.
Sylvia: Of course! I mean, you seem very nice for a rich person. You're not a snob, but very well acted; and... I dunno... you are kinda cute.

Dylan's spirits lifted. But then sank, realizing that this fake story could also anger Sylvia if she found out he was lying. And he was going to pay for this stuff, was really through some pretty nasty tactics.

Dylan: Oh; waiter... we are ready to order.
Waiter: What may I serve you tonight?
Dylan: My um... friend here, would like your best champagne; and the roast turkey under glass. Ad for me; I'll take the golden salmon fillet.
Waiter: Excellent choices sir. Our best champagne is 55 dollars.
Sylvia: My goodness; that seems awfully expensive Dylan. You're spending so much on me already; let's just get a pitcher of Sprite.
Dylan: No, no... Champagne it'll be - your very best!
Waiter: Thank you sir. Your order will be ready in a few moments.

The waiter walked away. Sylvia looked at Dylan with a pleased smile.

Sylvia: My goodness Dylan; you're doing this for me?
Dylan: Yep; anything for my date.
Sylvia: Why Dylan; you're such a gentleman.

Dylan was really blushing; and knew he had it in the can. Speaking of can; he had to excuse himself.

Dylan: Excuse me Sylvia; I have to use the restroom.
Sylvia: Certainly.

As Dylan walked away, Sylvia was soon beginning to have second thoughts about him. Maybe he was the one. But still, half of her was a bit uncertain.
Meanwhile, in the gentlemen's room, in the second stall of the five row bathroom stalls; Brutus and Spartacus are waiting on a nearby toilet.

Spartacus: He said he'd be here. Well we pick-pocketed enough money for his little date tonight.
Brutus: How much do we have?
Spartacus: About 500 bucks!! That outta be enough.

Suddenly, there are four knocks at the stall door in front of the ferrets.

Spartacus: It's him! Come on in.

Dylan walked into the stall, and quietly closed it behind him. He checked to make sure there were no cameras, or anyone else in the other stalls. It was all empty. He then began the meeting with the ferrets.

Dylan: How much did ya get?
Spartacus: 500 bucks.
Dylan: Excellent. It'll be enough. And here's your uh... 20 % of the fee.

Dylan hands Brutus and Spartacus 100 dollars.

Dylan: Thanks mates; it's hard to believe that you'd work so hard for a cheap price.
Spartacus: nothing to it Gov; we get to keep the remaining share of the find of course. So uh… here's the 500 smackers.

Spartacus hands Dylan the 500 dollars.

Dylan: Excellent work mates. You're making my date going smoothly.
Spartacus: Nothing to it!
Brutus: And we'll keep this under wraps when we're on the mission too.
Dylna: Thanks. I gotta do whatever it takes to make my girlfriend happy. And money seems to be a good thing; cause it's making her happy.
Spartacus: Are you sure?
Dylan: Yeah; now hurry along.
Brutus: Right; we'll help out.
Spartacus: Yeah; seeing how this bloke can't even make his own money.

Both ferrets laugh.

Dylan: C'mon mates; I love Sylvia with all my heart. But sometimes, in order to win her over; I gotta resort to some pretty low terms. It's wrong, I know it; But I think it's the only way to get her to be mine.
Spartacus: Is it? Look mate; it's a pleasure to work for you; but maybe you outta find some other way to win her over. Money can't be the only thing.
Dylan: Maybe you're right, but for now, it is. I gotta pay for dinner. Thanks for helping guys.

Dylan exits out of the stall.

Brutus: Boy, what a cheapskate.
Spartacus: Poor bugger; thinks he can win a girl's heart over with money. He's gotta lot to learn.
Brutus: Yeah; hey, let's go sneak into the women's dressing room at the Sydney Opera House.
Spartcus: Hoo hoo; oh boy mate; ya know how to party.

The tow ferrets scurry outta the room.
Dylan returns back to the dinner table.

Sylvia: My Dylan, you seemed to have taken a long time in the bathroom.
Dylan: Well uh... ya know... uh.... never mind.
Sylvia: Something bothering you?
Dylan: Nothing at all.

There was something bothering Dylan. Deep down, he knew he was doing something wrong. Hiring thieves to steal money for him, just so he could pay for dinner and a movie. And the guilt never seemed to leave him; because he knew he obtained the money dishonestly, and for Sylvia.

Dylan: Oh look, here comes dinner.

The waiter handed Sylvia and Dylan their meals. Dylan made sure he was eating properly to impress Sylvia. He took tiny bites and saw Sylvia eating normally. Dylan wanted to find a way to get to know her better. So he began giving compliments to Sylvia.

Dylan: Sylvia; did I ever tell you that you are the most beautiful girl I ever saw in my life?
Sylvia: Uh... not to my knowledge.
Dylan: Well; then it must have been lodged in me heart. Sylvia; I'm sure a nice and lovely person who enjoys a great sense of humour.
Sylvia: Why yes. I do like men with great senses of humour.
Dylan: Ya do? Well great; cause I got a real funny joke to tell you.
Sylvia: Okay; tell me.

The only joke Dylan could think of was one that would not impress Sylvia at all. So he began his joke.

Dylan: Hear the one about Superman and Wonder Woman, and the invisible Man?
Sylvia: No - tell me. I'd like to hear it.
Dylan: starts off like this. Superman is flying through the air; and then looks down. He sees Wonder Woman sunbathing, butt naked, on top of a roof. Superman really wants her; and figures he can have his way with her; cause you know, he's Superman. So he flies down there, does the nasty with wonder Woman, and flies off. Just then, Wonder Woman wakes up, and asked "What the heck just happened"? and the Invisible Man who was with her all this time said, "I don't know, but my butt really hurts!!" HA HA HA HA!! GET IT!?!?!? HA HA HA HA!!!!!

As you expect; Dylan blew it...AGAIN!!! The joke he told Sylvia was a horrible, obscene, and dirty joke. Sylvia didn't think it was funny at all. She just looked at Dylan with an odd stare, and seemed to frown at him. Dylan knew he was in trouble; especially when he heard a rich couple sitting at the table behind him talking about him.

Man: Well, he certainly is rude. Never had I heard such an obscene joke.
Woman: Very outrageous. That woman should be ashamed to be sitting with such a sleazy man!

Sylvia sank a little low in the table; and Dylan covered his face with his hands. He began to think to himself, 'Oh God, I should have known better!!'

Dylan: Sorry Sylvia. That's about the funniest joke I have.
Sylvia: And it wasn't funny at all. Do me a favour, and keep your sick, man humour to yourself. Men and their jokes - they can never come up with intelligent jokes.
Dylan: Maybe so. You're right. We guys just think stuff like that is funny.
Sylvia: It's one thing that will never change with men; obscene humour seems to make them laugh.
Dylan: Yeah. But you; what kind of humour do you think is funny; I mean, I could change.
Sylvia: Forget about humour. The only kind of humour, is tasteful humour; and quite frankly, men can't acquire a taste for it.
Dylan: You're right. Forgive me; my idiotic mind can't help but make myself laugh. Maybe I should pay attention to women's ideas of fun more often.
Sylvia: Really?
Dylan: I really want to understand how a woman thinks. Like you; how about you? What makes you laugh?
Sylvia: Well… anything with wit in it. You know; like old stand up comedians who used to talk about politics and other issues in today's life.
Dylan: You mean like Chris Rock and Billy Crystal?
Sylvia: Kinda. The point is Dylan; if you want to understand what a woman likes; talk to her.
Dylan: Well, i might as well start now.
Sylvia: Hmmm? Oh... sure. Ask me anything.
Dylan: Sylvia... how does a woman tell she is in love with a man?

Sylvia really couldn't answer that question. She knew Dylan was trying to trap her into answering, so he could find out the pattern, and make her, his. Despite his last attempt; Sylvia thought it was commendable of him to try; and she actually was beginning to like him… a little. So she decided to answer him honestly.

Sylvia: Well... the woman usually decides if this man is right for her. If this man shows true feelings and compassion for her, then he is the one.
Dylan: Really? I must remember that. You see Sylvia... I... I... I...

Dylan didn't want to answer just yet. If he said 'I Love you' to Sylvia; he wasn't sure he would be kissed or slapped! So he kept his trap shut.

Sylvia: You what?
Dylan: I... I... I... I need to go the bathroom.
Sylvia: You practically just went.
Dylan: Yeah... but I think I'm gonna hurl.

Dylan ran to the restroom, leaving Sylvia wondering.

Sylvia: Strange guy... but he seems intent. I wonder… does he really like me? Hmmm, he may have a crude sense of humour; but he does seem to want to know more about me. Maybe… maybe... oh I don't know. I'm sure when he's done, he'll do the most intelligent thing.

Turns out, Dylan wasn't doing the most intelligent thing. He was banging his head against the bathroom wall.

Dylan: What... the... heck... is... wrong... with... me!?!?!

Dylan rubbed his sore forehead, and started clutching his hair.

Dylan: I am an idiot!! Why am I acting like such a moron!?!??! Oh geez; I gotta go now. I hope I'll improve. So far I think she hates me.
After dinner, Dylan drove Sylvia to the movies. They sat in the theatre watching the Australian love film.

Dylan: I heard good things about this!!
Sylvia: Really!?!? Have you seen it?
Dylan: No... but every Australian critic loved it.

As the film started; Dylan and Sylvia watched a couple on screen talking to each other. The words were a bit incomprehensible; as well as the story; but so far, the film seemed to be enjoyable to both Sylvia and Dylan.

Sylvia: This is actually a good film Dylan.
Dylan: Really?
Sylvia: Yeah. I imagine men just wanting to go see shoot ‘em up or sex flicks. But you chose this wonderful film.

As the film progressed; Sylvia was enthralled by it. She started shedding tears as she watched the couple in the film break up. Dylan on the other hand; had his attention span drawn short. He was asleep in his seat. The boring story made him fall asleep. When the film ended; Sylvia noticed Dylan was asleep.

Sylvia: Dylan… Dylan… wake up!

Sylvia shook Dylan, and Dylan woke up.
Dylan: Huh… wha…?
Sylvia: You slept through the entire film.
Dylan: Oops!! Sorry. Eh… hee… hee.
Sylvia: Well... I must say Dylan; you missed a great movie. It was full of comparison and romance; and you slept through it. I mean… would you have been awake if it was action?
Dylan: Pretty much yeah... I MEAN... NO WAIT!!
Sylvia: (sighs) Some things never change Dylan.

Dylan felt crushed. He was losing her again. He couldn't believe he slept through the movie. He figured it was time to take Sylvia home.
After about an hour; Dylan drove up to Sylvia's house. What started smoothly soon ended a bit drastically. Dylan walked Sylvia to the door.

Dylan: I... I… I hope I wasn't a pain in the butt or anything.
Sylvia: Oh… not really. I mean… a part of you was but honestly Dylan; I think there's good in you.
Dylan: Really?
Sylvia: Yes. And you are very compassionate and all; but maybe we should just be friends.

Dylan was crushed. He was 'Just friended' by Sylvia.

Dylan: But....
Sylvia: But what? Now you don' wanna be me friend? What's wrong?
Dylan: But... I LOVE YOU!!!

There… he spat it out. Those three words, which made Sylvia, stare awes-stricken in Dylan's face.

Sylvia: You do?
Dylan: With all my heart!! You and I; I know you and I are perfect for each other!! What are the chances of you and I being lovers?
Sylvia: Um...
Dylan: Like... one out of a hundred?
Sylvia: Well... more like, one out of a thousand. Dylan, you're nice and all, but I'm not sure you show true compassion for me. You're sweet, but I'm not sure. Good night Dylan.

Sylvia opened the door, and closed it behind him. Dylan didn't get a good night kiss from her; and he never gave one to her. Dylan's heart shattered like a whine glass that feel to the floor. His eyes began to burn, and became all misty.

Dylan: Ow... ow...

Dylan clutched his chest, and walked slowly to his jeep. After turning the ignition, he drove away from Sylvia's house. The pain in his heart wouldn't go away. He knew he blew it; and began to yell out loud. He kept telling himself 'It was all his fault'. And it was; he really did blow it. But no… there was till hope. The mission. If he could prove that he really cared for her then there would be hope... he hoped. Dylan blew his date; but may get another crack at professing his love to Sylvia on the mission. His time to show his true compassion was near. The mission was only a day away; and he would prove he was good for Sylvia. He could do it... somehow. *Dylan didn't drive home. He didn't want to yet. Instead, he drove around and to a small clearing. He pulled off the dirt road and killed the engine. The he unbuckled himself and climbed out of his jeep, and walked over to a rock and sat upon it. His mind was full of heartbroken feelings, and emotions he couldn't figure out. He could feel his eyes getting full of tears. He wiped his eyes. Even though he was alone, he didn't want to start crying. Instead, he started to scold himself.*

Dylan: "Dylan, you idiot! How in the hell did I let that happen? Why did I have to... to... " (sigh) "...Lose something I never really had. Why did I have to lie, fall asleep during the movie, and act like a stupid, good-for-nothing jerk? "Just Friends", she says. Damn! I was so close... but yet so far. I can't take any of this anymore. How can I make-up for all of this? No wonder I never caught on to the relationship game. I don't know how to play. I don't know the rules. So, how am I expected to win the girl in the end?"

*He sheds a tear. He didn't care if anyone saw him. He was too lost in thoughts to care.*

Dylan: (in a whisper) "Oh, God. I'm in love with a girl. What do I do?" (silence for a minute) "I wonder what she's doin' now."

*The scene cuts to Sylvia in her room. She had already changed into grey stretch-pants and a black shirt. She walked out of the bathroom.*

Sylvia: "I am so glad to get outta that dress! I can't believe I wore that... THING to try and impress him! And those shoes! It felt like I had hooves! What's come over me?"

*Sylvia didn't realize that she had left her bedroom door open. Starstruck had overheard her.*

Starstruck: "You're in love."
Sylvia: (in shock) "What?"
Starstruck: "You heard me. I said you're in love. You've got feelings for him, don't you?"
Sylvia: "Is that supposed to be a trick question?"
Starstruck: "No. It should be a simple question to answer."
Sylvia: "Then how come it's so hard to answer?"
Starstruck: "It's because you're asking all the wrong questions."
Sylvia: "OK. What are the questions?"
Starstruck: "It's not that simple."

*Sylvia was confused now. If it was an easy question to answer, then why would it be hard? Starstruck walked all the way into the room and lied down on a rug in the centre of the room.*

Sylvia: "I'm officially confused now? What's hard, and what's not? Or whatever it is you said?"
Starstruck: "Confusion is one of the symptoms that comes with love, Sylvia. It's the question weather or not you have feelings for him. I think I can help you answer that."
Sylvia: "You can? How?"

*Sylvia started getting interested and sat down beside Starstruck.*

Sylvia: "OK."
Starstruck: "OK. I'm gonna ask you a question. And I want you to listen very carefully and answer from deep inside your heart. You understand?"
Sylvia: "So far."
Starstruck: "Good. OK. Here's the question. Let's say Dylan was in a car accident and had to be put in the hospital. How would you reaction be?"

*Sylvia closed her eyes and tried to imagine just that. She thought deep inside her mind, and tried to connect with the deepest place within her heart. How would she feel?*

Sylvia: "Oh, my God! How horrible! Poor guy!"

*Starstruck looked at the expression on Sylvia's face. It's showed worry... and compassion.*

Starstruck: "Well, there's your answer. You do have feelings for him. Otherwise, you wouldn't give a damn about how he felt."
Sylvia: "Are you sayin' I'm in love?"
Starstruck: "Feelings and love are two separate things, Sylvia. Love is when those feelings grow so strong, and you can feel it inside you. And you know. Now, those feelings may or may not grow. It all depends on you."
Sylvia: "I can see it so clearly now. Oh, God. Thank you so much, Starstruck. I feel like my mind has been put to ease."
Starstruck: (getting up off the floor) "No, prob, Sylvia. Anytime. I know how confusing love can be. Believe me. It was the same with Angel."
Sylvia: "Really? I never knew that."
Starstruck: "I'll tell you about it sometime. But right now, it's late." (looks at a clock on wall) "1:00. Angel doesn't know we're up. She'd kill me to see me up at this time. You too. So, you'd better get to bed."
Sylvia: (yawning) "OK."

*Sylvia walks over to Starstruck and threw her arms around his neck and gave him a hug.*

Starstruck: "G'night, Sylvia."
Sylvia: "G'night."

*Starstruck quietly walked out of Sylvia's bedroom, and into his room. Sylvia sat on her bed.*

Sylvia: "I've got feelings for him, huh? Now I'll I've gotta figure out if I'm in love with him. Poor guy. I wonder if it hurt him to say we outta be 'just friends'."

*Sylvia lied down and feel asleep.*

Sylvia: (her last thought) "I wonder what he's doin' now."

*The scene cuts to Dylan sitting in his jeep. He had been sitting there, staring into thin air for roughly 15 minutes. Suddenly, he snapped out of his trance. He cranked his jeep, and accidentally turned on the radio. The song that was on caught his attention. It seemed to grab his mind and reel him in.*

Did you tell her that you need her,
tell her that you love her,
tell her that you want her to say.
Reassure her with a kiss.
She may never know, unless you...

*And with that he turned of the radio. Those words ran over, and over, within his head. Then, it was clear. He put his jeep into gear and drove off leaving a cloud of dust. A few minutes later, he was home. He killed the ignition and walked inside. He unlocked the door and walked inside and flipped on a light switch. Dylan then sat down on the table. He grabbed a piece of paper and started to write what was on his mind.*


You had a terrible time tonight, didn't you? And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did tonight. If I could do it all over, it would be totally different. I wish I could see your beautiful face again. But, after the way the night went, you probably won't want to see my ugly mug ever again. When I said I loved you, I really meant it. The story about my dad and the shoe business was a lie. Yes, I hate to say it but it was. Where did I come up with all that money, you ask? Well, I had a couple of ferrets pick-pocketing for me. I know. I'm a low-life, lying, stealing, piece of scum that had no other way to show you how I felt. I have learned my lesson. I'm sorry if I made you feel a little weird when we first met, and when I kept calling you babe in front of everybody. I finally realise your feelings. And I'm sorry for each and every time I may have hurt or embarrassed you. And about the mission - if you don't want to work with me, I can have Crash arrange it differently. If that's what you want. What I'm sayin’ is, I'm sorry for EVERYTHING I've ever done to you. You say you want to be friends, right? Well, whatever makes you happy, I'll be willing to go along with it. I just want YOU to be happy, even if it means having me outta your life forevea'.
Well, I'd bettea' go.

Love, Dylan DingoCat.” *He folded up the piece of paper and put it inside his pocket. He then got back in his jeep and drove to Sylvia's. A few minutes later, he was at the driveway. He turned of his lights and turned of the ignition. He very carefully and quietly walked down the small, rocky road. After he reached his door, he found Sylvia's bedroom window. The window was open, and he slipped the note inside the small crack. He carefully walked back to his jeep and left.*

*The next morning, Sylvia awoke with a yawn.*

Sylvia: "Oh, what I night! I had the weirdest dream."

*The scene fades to Sylvia's dream. It was just her and Dylan... all alone... together. The rest of the world seemed to be non-existent. Just two lovers swimming the river of love.*

*The two kiss*

*Sylvia snaps out of her dream.*

Sylvia: "Oh my God! I am in love with him aren't I?"

*She notices a piece of paper by the window. She walks over to it and starts to read it. Her eyes fill up with tears with every word she reads.* Sylvia: "He really does love me doesn't he? He did all that... for me? No doubt it was wrong but... Oh, that doesn't matter! I'm gonna see him NOW!! It's my turn to tell him how I feel!"

*She changed and ran out of the door.*

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