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Sylvia rushed to Crash's house as fast as her legs could carry her. She knew that she and Dylan were really meant for each other. And now, she was ready to fasten the rope, which had been cut.

At Crash's home; Dylan was sitting in his chair contemplating about his past. How he acte like such a fool. Stripes walked over to him on the table.

Stripes: You okay Dylan?
Dylan: Well mate, that nice Sylvia probably hates me now. I even asked Crash to separate us for the mission.
Stripes: Did Sylvia respond to your letter?
Dylan: Not yet.
Stripes: Well then you don't know what her true feelings are for you. She may actually like you.
Dylan: Fat chance mate. After telling her the truth; she'll know I'm nothing but scum.
Stripes: Cause you hired those creepy ferrets?
Dylan: Partly that; but also, at the way I tried to impress her. I sucked at it.
Stripes: C'mon man - there's still hope. I mean; you tried.
Dylan: I guess.

Just then the door rang. Danni came rushing down the stairs.

Danni: I'll get it.

Danni opened the door, and there was Sylvia.

Danni: Sylvia!?!?
Sylvia: Yeah, it's me. Is Dylan here?
Danni: Yes. He feels awfully guilty about last night.
Sylvia: I know; I came here to talk to him about it.
Danni: Then, come in.

Immediately all the members of the mission heard about this. Crash rushed down stairs. Coco just woke up; and rushed downstairs in her white flannel pyjamas and Tweety Bird slippers. Shen Lo Ken who was training outside, also rushed in. Sarnie, who was training alongside him, also came in. The two ferrets, who were raiding the pantry, also heard this, and rushed in. It wasn't long until everyone was there, to escort Sylvia to Dylan, who was still talking to Stripes.

Dylan: I mean; when would be the good time to make my peace?
Stripes: (Looking over Dylan's shoulder) I'd say, about right now.

Dylan looked over his shoulder to see Sylvia looking into him. But she didn't seem angry at all. She seemed calm. Right behind her; Crash, Coco, Danni, Sarnie, Shen Lo Ken, Brutus and Spartacus; were watching everything.

Sylvia: Dylan?
Dylan: Sylvia, is it you?
Sylvia: It sure is. I got your note.
Dylan: You did?
Sylvia: May I sit down?
Dylan: Yes, of course.

Sylvia sits down next to Dylan. Everyone else is watching from a distance.

Sylvia: Dylan; I know what you did was wrong.
Dylan: I know; I'm a jerk and I know it.
Sylvia: But Dylan, I realized that you did it all for me.
Dylan: You did?
Sylvia: Yes. I never thought you were really expressing your love for me. But now I realize, you did. You were trying your very hardest to impress me.
Dylan: I tried. I'm very sorry about all the lies. It's my fault. I can't blame you for hating me.
Sylvia: But Dylan, I don't hate you.
Dylan: you don't?
Sylvia: No. Dylan, I talked with Starstruck, and he told me that you and we are really meant for each other.
Dylan: We are?
Sylvia: yes. I had a dream about you. You and I were together. It was a dream of romance, and you and I were both in it.
Dylan: So that means... you and I are really meant to be together?
Sylvia: Yes. Dylan; I didn't know you truly loved me; but now, I think I understand. You really did care for me and you know what?
Dylan: What?
Sylvia: I care for you too. Dylan, you're about the nicest man I ever met. It's hard to find men who really wanna impress their girlfriends.
Dylan: Well, you were kinda right about me. I am kind of a jerk.
Sylvia: Maybe... but you're my jerk.
Dylan: You mean?
Sylvia: Yeah. Dylan, I believe I'm in love with you.

Dylan's heart was pumping. His face turned red, and a big smile spread across his face. This was a major turning point. He and Sylvia were finally getting along.

Dylan: Well Sylvia; I'm VERY in love with you too. From the moment I saw you; you were al I ever thought about. I knew you were the one - the real girl for me… your beauty, your smile, your personality. I knew you were the one. Ever since then I always loved you. I really mean that.
Sylvia: So do I Dylan.
Dylan: I love you Sylvia.
Sylvia: I love you too Dylan.

Dylan and Sylvia soon embraced each other and hug each other tightly. Then, Dylan and Sylvia began to kiss. Everyone who was watching this began to let out a loud "Awwwwwwww" even the ferrets. ^_^ Even Shen smiled a great deal. Danni and Sarnie looked at the couple with great pride. Coco was really happy as well, even she began to shed a few tears. The ferrets then let their emotions out.

Brutus: (Crying) I love you Spartacus.
Spartacus: (Crying) I lvoe you too Brutus. Sorry for all the times I hit you.
Brutus: Sorry for all the times I let you.

Then both ferrets hugged crying.

NOTE: This is supposed to be comedic. The ferrets ARE NOT gay.

Dylan and Sylvia then stared at each with loving eyes. Finally; they understood each other; and their love was only beginning. But they would soon find out; it would only be the beginning of their eternal bond between a man and a woman.
Sylvia and Dylan were walking down the road. Dylan and Sylvia were both holding hands, and looking at each with loving eyes. What fate brought these two together? Was it just a dream? No. They were actually in love, believe it or not.

Dylan: Sylvia; you're a great girl no matter what. I mean; you even forgave me when you found out I lied to you.
Sylvia: Because you tried so hard to impress me. It really touched my heart. Dylan; you really are a special guy.

Dylan smiled and Sylvia smiled too. Who would have thought these two ended up with each other?

Sylvia: Dylan; isn't it a nice day? Is this why we're out walking?
Dylan: Yeah. To tell ya the truth; this is my first mission against Cortex.
Sylvia: What?
Dylan: Sylvia darling; I never fought him; let alone seen him before. Shen has, and he's been training me to do some fighting styles.
Sylvia: We'll I've seen him; and he sure is ugly and creepy.
Dylan: Just like Shen said. Sylvia; I was wondering. Well… eh...this may seem kinda odd coming from a man but....
Sylvia: But what?
Dylan: Sylvia… you're not one of those girls who expects a man to come and rescue her, are you?
Sylvia: Of course not. I'm just like the others; I fight till the end. There's no way I would wait for someone to rescue me.
Dylan: Good, cause I think I'd fail at it.
Sylvia: Huh?
Dylan: I'm not good at missions. This could be the worst one yet. After what Coco told us this is going to take some skill. So Sylvia; I need you to help me.
Sylvia: Well of course. I'm going to help everyone!! Why, you don't think I can do it?
Dylan: No, I have faith in you. It's just; I'm a chicken when it comes to these things. I always mess up.
Sylvia: Nervous huh?
Dylan: Yep.
Sylvia: It's nothing to be ashamed about; everyone gets nervous.
Dylan: Really? What about Crash? He's so calm and cool about everything. He goes head on into his opponents’ path no matter what the danger. It’s the same thing with Coco, Danni, and Shen.
Sylvia: But Dylan; even as they do that; you just gotta think of this as a thought.
Dylan: What?
Sylvia: Everyone, no matter how brave they are; deep down, they are little kids trembling with terror at the sight of danger.
Dylan: So you're saying that everyone's nervous on the inside?
Sylvia: Exactly; and they don't wanna show it.
Dylan: WOW!! I never really thought of that. I always thought of myself as a coward but thanks to you. I feel much better. Thank you Swee... er… I mean… Sylvia.
Sylvia: You're welcome Hon... er... I mean Dylan.

Both of them laugh and continue their walk. Dylan just had to get that off his chest. And talking to Sylvia made him feel better. Their relationship was off to a great start!
Back at the Cortex fortress, Cortex, N. Gin, Tropy, and the minions are out on the bridge.

N. Gin: So we leave at 6 tomorrow?
Cortex: Yes. I bet by now they have sensed it.
Tropy: The bandicoot and his friends?
Cortex: Yes. His miserable little hacker of a sister probably got all the info and maybe some info on Silent Hunter as well.
N. Gin: Speaking of Silent Hunter he said he was all charged up. He can even speak clearly now.
Tropy: He has focused all his energy?
N. Gin: Yes.
Cortex: Excellent.

Just then, the doors open, and Silent Hunter walks into the room with his massive sword wielding in the air. His single red eye focuses onto he minions, and they cringe in terror. Silent Hunter then walks up to Cortex.

Cortex: Ah... my friend. I hear your energy is all focused. Is that right?
Silent Hunter: Yes. I am now the ultimate fighting machine. All my energy has been harnessed into my memory. I can move like the wind, and disappear like a shadow in the night. My intelligence ahs increased, as well as my speed. Your friends, who you are waiting for, will not stand a chance against my awesome might.
Cortex: Excellent. You're making me proud Hunter. You're in command of my minions now.
Dingodile: Are you crazy? I ain't takin' ordas from a machine.

Silent Hunter quickly turned his head at Dingodile, and his menacing red eye looked ferociously at him.

Silent Hunter: Machine? You....

Silent Hunter quickly ran up to Dingodile with his fist in the air. Dingodie jumped out just in time because Silent Hunter's fist hit the wall. When Dingodile looked up, he saw a HUGE dent in the wall, three feet deep. This machine's power was immense.

Silent Hunter: I am a machine but it is time you learned to take orders from one.
Cortex: Splendid. Look at the wall. This robot's strength is unreal. With those fists, he can annihilate anyone who comes in his path.
N. Gin: Amazing.
Silent Hunter: Now that I control your minions, master, am I to hunt the bandicoot as well as his friends when they arrive?
Cortex: Yes. Use whichever weapon you prefer. But please spare none of them. Kill them all. And use your sword to bring back the bandicoot's head for me. Try and bring his sister's too.
Silent Hunter: As you wish. They will be no match for my strength and speed. I am unstoppable.
Cortex: Yes. Everything is going according to plan. Soon...very soon… we launch.
That night, everyone was staying over at Crash's house. Tomorrow they were ready to embark on their mission. Coco was still working feverishly at her computer. She had been at it all day. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she needed to get some sleep. Sylvia walked up to Coco.

Sylvia: Coco, you look awfully tired.
Coco: (Giving a big yawn) Just… need to... get more... info.
Sylvia: You should get some sleep. Look, you are the most important asset to our team.
Coco: It… (yawns) …amazes me how... you and Dylan… (yawns) …ended up together.
Sylvia: Yeah. He's great. Ya know, at first I thought he was a jerk, but it turns out, he's a real great guy. I guess you were right about him Coco... Coco? …Coco?

Sylvia looked down to see Coco lying on the couch. She was fast asleep, still sleeping in her day clothes and her shoes on. Her laptop was on the floor now. She was fast asleep, and snoring soundly.

Sylvia: Poor Coco. She tries so hard; just like her brother.

Sylvia got a warm blanket out of the cupboard, and took it towards her. She then took of Coco's shoes and laid them next to the couch. She then covered Coco with the warm blanket. Leaving the living room, turning out the lights. She didn't even bother to say goodnight; cause Coco was taking a well-earned rest. She was already dead asleep.
Sylvia was walking through the hall. She then opened Dylan's door.

Sylvia: Dylan, I stopped by to say... EEEEKK!!
Dylan: Huh?

Dylan spun around to see Sylvia. Sylvia picked a wrong time; cause Dylan was changing. Sylvia was staring at Dylan, with nothing but his boxers on. Dylan blushed, and covered himself.

Dylan: AHHHH!! Don't come in - I'm not descent!!
Sylvia: (really embarrassed) Oops… eh… heh heh... sorry.

Sylvia went back into the hall and closed the door. She was a bit embarrassed, but nevertheless; it was kinda funny to her. Seeing Dylan in his boxers was a pretty funny sight.

Sylvia :(Calling through the door) Can I come in now?
Dylan: (Calling from his room) Sure.

Sylvia came in, and saw Dylan dressed in his bedtime wear.

Sylvia: Sorry... I just came to say goodnight.
Dylan: That's okay. We're more than even now. I mean, yesterday morning, you came in short shorts. I guess you got to do the same to me.

They both chuckled a little.

Dylan: I bet you really must have flipped when you saw my ugly butt.
Sylvia: Oh nonsense Dylan; you've got a cute butt. (She then let out a little giggle)
Dylan: Heh heh… Think so?
Sylvia: Well, enough about that. I just came to say goodnight and to wish you good luck. We'll be fighting side-by-side tomorrow. To tell you the truth; I'm very excited.
Dylan: Me too!
Sylvia: Well… goodnight Dylan.
Dylan: Good night Sylvia.

And the two lovers hissed each other, and held each other for a few minutes. When their lips separated; Sylvia blew Dylan another kiss, and went out of his room. Dylan turned out the light, and in his mind, kept thinking about the mission. He was nervous; but also excited, because he and his true love would be fighting side by side to the end.
(Dylan tossed and turned. Why couldn't he go to sleep? Well, for one thing, he had so many things on his mind. His first mission against Cortex - could he do it? But, it made him feel better knowing Sylvia would be there. Still, that nervousness was there.)

(He got up out of his bed and walked over to the door. Looking out into the hallway, he saw a light. It was coming from Sylvia's room.)

Dylan: "I wonder what she's doin' up?"

(Dylan quietly walked over to her door and looked inside. Sylvia was sitting at a desk with her headphones on listening to Ty Herndon's "Steam"... and painting.)

Dylan: "What are ya doin' up?"
Sylvia: (not taking her headphones off or putting down her paintbrush) "Can't sleep."
Dylan: "What are ya paintin'?"

(Dylan walked over to Sylvia and looked at what she was painting.)

Dylan: "Wow! Ya got some talent there!"
Sylvia: "Thanks. Painting is a stress reliever for me. It helps me relax. I'm kinda uptight."
Dylan: "Yea'. Me too."
Sylvia: (taking off her headphones and puts down her paintbrush) "It'll be ok, Dylan. I promise."

(Sylvia walked over to her bed and sat down.)

Sylvia: (sighs) "It's not the first time I've dealt with him."

(Dylan walked over and sat down beside her.)

Dylan: "What did he do ta' ya?"
Sylvia: "If ya don't mind. I'd rather not talk about it."

(Dylan wondered why Sylvia was acting that way. He knew it must have been something bad. He started boiling on the inside.)

Dylan: (thinking) "What did this 'Cortex' do ta 'er?"

(He was mad now. He wanted to hurt Cortex more than anything for hurting Sylvia. Even though he didn't know what actually happened, he could sense it was a painful experience for her.)

Dylan: "I'm really sorry." (not wanting to make Sylvia upset) "I think I'm gonna go on back ta bed. G'night."
Sylvia: "G'night."

(Dylan walked back to his room and lied down. He knew Cortex had done something to her. After a while, he was asleep.)

(The next morning came early. Sylvia was the first one to get up.)

Sylvia: (rubbing her eyes) "Oh, boy. Today's the day."
Everyone was up and ready. The warm rays of the sun peered through the windows giving a warm hope to our heroes.

All around the table, everyone was dressed and fully prepared. Sylvia and Dylan sat next to each other. Both were smiling at each other; knowing they were gonna work with each other on a very dangerous mission. Stripes and the ferrets were busy eating wumpa fruits and talking about their scout missions. Crash, Danni, and Coco were busy looking into Coco's computer to see if any more information was obtained. And Shen and Sarnie began to talk quietly amongst themselves. Everyone was tense, but nevertheless, they were ready.

Crash: Attention everyone; attention!

Everyone sat up alert and looked at Crash.

Crash: Now, everyone; you all know that Cortex has probably sensed us by now. He'll know we'll be on our way. So we gotta make this briefing as short as possible. Coco will now project a hologram of the structure of the space fortress. Take it away sis!

Coco opened up her laptop, and with a push of a few keys; projected a large hologram from her screen. It was the space fortress; and it's internal design.

Coco: Thanks Crash. Well as you can see here, this fortress is highly advanced, and is full of deadly traps, and sensors that indicate thermal movement. If sensed, there are traps around there, that when set off, can cause laser shots to come at you in any direction. Fortunately, with the use of hacking in, I have found shortcuts to the main generator and reactor of this station. We must march in there, destroy it with a computer virus bomb I made; and hurry out within twenty minutes before the whole place explodes.

Shen Lo Ken: Seems like a short time to get out of there!
Sarnie: Are ya sure it'll be enough time?
Coco: Yes. There are more shortcuts from thereon, and we must sneak through to get to the main hanger, where a few space ships are being held. There aren't many guards around; but that's the reason why Cortex created Silent Hunter. I looked into his design, and Silent Hunter is designed to be fast, lethal, and strong. One punch from his fist into someone's chest can automatically shatter the ribs. Any kick to the head from him, can snap a person's neck like a twig. And the worse part; is that he uses Stealth!!
Dylan: Stealth?
Sylvia: Ya mean; you can't see him and he can get in unnoticed?
Coco: Yeah, and he's heavily armoured!! We must try to avoid him at all costs, and hope he blows up with the ship when it detonates. He's the real obstacle we have to worry about!!
Shen Lo Ken: Sounds like a problem.
Stripes: Don't worry buddy! We'll be able to handle it! The ferrets and I can sneak in undetected. We're assigned to disarm the traps.
Coco: Yes Stripes - you and the ferrets' jobs are VERY important. Because of your size, you have to sneak in and disarm every trap in our way. And try to remain inconspicuous from the Hunter!
Stripes: No problem!!
Brutus: Yeah; I mean, he's certainly not the kinda guy you wanna meet at an ally at night.
Spartacus: True. But don't forget, he can't catch us. Big guys always miss catching little guys.
Brutus: Yeah, but Coco said he was fast.
Spartacus: Fast or not, we'll be able to make it.
Sarnie: Let's hope so. So where's the reactor?
Coco: It's located here. (Coco points to a long narrow spiral like tube in the centre of the hologram) Once you set the bomb off in the reactor, we are to make an escape route through here. (Coco points at a long narrow passage leading from the reactor) This route will lead us to the hanger, where we are to escape to safety.
Crash: What if that Hunter finds us?
Sylvia: Yeah, then what do we do?
Coco: Try and evade capture. Don't try and fight him, because after all these things I read on him, you can't beat him. We just gotta make sure he blows up with the ship, or gets launched into the void of space. Other than that, this mission shouldn't be much of a problem.
Dylan: Sounds good! And I know I'll have you and my friend here in case things get lonely.
Sylvia: Excuse me?
Dylan: I'm just saying it's nice to have two intelligent women with me; you never know when they'll come in handy.
Coco: Thank you Dylan. You're a real gentleman.
Sylvia: Surprisingly Coco, you're right.

Dylan blushed and knew that he was lucky to have Sylvia.

Danni: It's best we be on our way now gents.
Dylan: Yeah, I'm anxious too!
Sylvia: Really? You wanna do something after this mission?
Dylan: You and me - Of course! I have it planned!! Excuse me for a minute!

Dylan rushed off into another room.
In the other room, Dylan opened a closet. From out of a drawer within the closet, he pulled out a small satin box. It was smooth and black, but too tiny for any present to fit in. but something big was indeed inside. Then, Shen busted in.

Dylan: GAH!!! Oh Shen… it's you!
Shen Lo Ken: Whatchya got ol' buddy?
Dylan: Oh nothing. Well, nothing Sylvia shouldn’t know about yet.
Shen Lo Ken: That box looks mighty familiar.

Dylan hands Shen the box. Shen opens it and looks inside it.

Dylan: It's nothing. It's just a gold circle with a diamond in it. I'm giving it to Sylvia. It's just a friendship ring.
Shen Lo Ken: Friendship ring? You can't fool me buddy.
Dylan: Whaddya mean?
Shen Lo Ken: C'mon Dylan; you're really rushing it.
Dylan: Whaddya mean; it's just a friendship ring that shows that Sylvia and me are great friends.
Shen Lo Ken: Get outta here Dylan - this is a WEDDING ring!!
Dylan: Okay, ya got me. I was gonna propose to Sylvia after the mission…
Shen Lo Ken: SO SOON!?!? C’mon man, you really are rushing this!! You gotta wait a while, then when you know you guys are ready, pop the question man.
Dylan: Yeah, perhaps not just yet then. I'll wait.
Shen Lo Ken: Good man. Now hide this somewhere else and get ready.
Dylan: Right.

Shen ran out of the room, and Dylan just stared at the little black box.

Dylan: Maybe I am rushing it. We're not quite ready yet. I'll do it later.

Dylan put the box back in the drawer, and closed the closet, running out of the room.
Meanwhile, back in the fortress, Cortex was making preparations.

N. Gin: How soon do we launch?
Cortex: Once the bandicoot and the others are on board.
N. Gin: But why? It'll give them an opportunity to destroy the fortress.
Cortex: It was by request of Silent Hunter to do so. He really wants to test his skills. I am most certain he can kill them.
N. Gin: So you're listening to him instead of reason.
Cortex: Shut up N. Gin. I'll have you know that he's like a son to me. I have a bond with him. I'm raising him like he was my own son and that's why I'm giving him his request. Besides, it will be very enjoyable to watch him destroy the bandicoot and the others.
N. Gin: Okay sir, anything you say.
Cortex: Good. Make sure that you get ready for lift off once the bandicoot and the others are aboard.
N. Gin: Yes sir.

Cortex left the bridge, leaving N. Gin growling behind.

N. Gin: Grrrrrr. So Hunter is a son to Cortex eh? Some son. Why do all evil geniuses feel so overly confident?
Back at Crash's house, everyone was packing all their useful materials. They loaded up everything on Dylan's huge jeep. The boys were going to drive in the jeep; whilst the girls were taking Sylvia's Viper. Coco knew where the fortress was located, so they would drive side by side.

Dylan: Everyone's already?
Crash: I am. Let's hit the road.
Shen Lo Ken: Let's get goin' man - time's a wasting!
Dylan: Cool!! How bout you guys?
Spartacus: All clear.
Stripes: Roger!!
Brutus: Ready when you are.

All the girls were ready, and in the car already ahead of the boys.

Coco: Hey Sylvia, how fast can this car go?
Sylvia: Pretty fast, why?
Coco: I was thinking. Let's have a race against the boys.
Danni: Sounds like fun.
Sylvia: I read ya. Tell them if they're up to it. We'll race them towards the fortress.
Sarnie: Ill tell ‘em.

Sarnie walks over to the jeep.

Sarnie: Oh boys!

All the boys look at Sarnie.

Sarnie: You wanna race? We'll race you to the fortress. Ya know - boys vs. girls?

Shen Lo Ken: Hmmmmmmm… Whaddya guys say?
Dylan: Sounds like a challenge.
Crash: Yeah. We'll take it. We'll race you.
Sarnie: Cool!! I'll go tell the girls. Oh, and don't fell too bad if ya lose to us.
Crash: There will be no need; right guys?
All the guys: YEAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!
Sarnie: Okay, but don't take it easy on us just cause we're girls.
Brutus: Oh believe me, we won't.
Crash: I know the way to the fortress. And may the best gang win.
Dylan: Cool. Everyone hop in. Let's go!

Dylan and the others hopped into the car. Sarnie comes beck and tells the girls that the boys accepted the challenge. The girls then hop into the Viper, and both the viper and the jeep align together at a certain starting point.

Dylan: Let's ride!!!
Sylvia: Let's burn rubber baby!!

After a few brief moments, both cars rev off, and drive at a maximum speed across the outback. Both cars are neck and neck as they drive towards the horizon towards their destiny.
(Both vehicles, side by side, race across the dirt road. Coco glances at the speedometer.)

Coco: "40 MPH? I thought you said this car could go fast!"
Sylvia: "Oh, so ya want fast, eh?"

(Sylvia slams down on the gas pedal and gains speed quickly. They pass Dylan and the guys. All the girls wave at them as they speed by.)

Sarnie: "See ya, boys!”

(They leave the guys in a cloud of dust.)

Crash: "Floor it!"
Dylan: "Ya got it, mate!"

(Dylan turns the radio on blares the music. Then, he starts to speed up.)

Danni: "Show offs."

(About 5 minutes go by. Dylan is still not too far behind and all you can hear from them is loud music, and shouting.)

Sylvia: “And I thought WE were noisy."

(Sylvia reaches over and turns on her radio. It's loud, but not as loud as Dylan's.)

Coco: "Sylvia, ya might wanna slow down. Looks like the road gets narrower here."

(Sylvia looks out at the road ahead of her. It did get narrower.)

Sylvia: "Yeah. You're right."

(Not wanting Dylan to run into her, she starts honking, to let them know she was slowing down. Luckily, there're able to hear.)

Dylan: "I wonda' what she's doin' that for?"

(Not wanting to hit her, he starts to slow down.)

Crash: "The road got real narrow."
Dylan: "Oh. I see."

(Back with the girls...)

Sylvia: "Say, Coco. When should we be there?"
Coco: "Just a sec."

(Coco reaches down to the bag that carries her laptop. She pulls out a map that she had printed out.)

Coco: (studying the map) "OK. Just a few more miles, and we should be there."

(Sylvia reaches down to her part of a two-way radio.)

Danni: "Hey. Where'd that come from?"
Sylvia: "Oh, this? Well, I sorta installed it myself. We can communicate with the guys and vice-versa."
Sarnie: "Hey, that's cool! And you did that all by yourself?"
Sylvia: "Yeah, I guess you could say that. I love to work with wires."

(Sylvia started talking into the speaker.)

Sylvia: "Dylan, ya there?"

(No answer.)

Sylvia: "Dylan, ya there?"

(Still no answer.)

Sylvia: "OK. What's wrong with this thing?"
Sarnie: (turning around) "They can't hear you. They turned off the radio, but it sounds like they're havin' an argument."
Sylvia: "Oh." (chuckles) "I think I can fix that."
Danni: (slightly laughing) "Whadda gonna do, mate?"
Sylvia: "You might wanna cover your ears on the count of three, OK?
Sarnie: "You're kidding, right?"
Sylvia: "1..."
Coco: "You scare me, Sylvia."
Sylvia: (laughing) "2..."
Danni: "You're not serious, right?"
Sylvia: "Serious as it gets. Cover your ears. 3... PICK UP THE DARN SPEAKER!!" (Sylvia got a little mad.) "Sorry, 'bout that, guys."
Dylan: (picking up his part of the radio) "Wow! What is it?"
Sylvia: "Alright, you'd better listen and listen good. Coco says we're about to reach the fortress - just a few more miles. Right, Coco?"
Coco: (looking ahead) "Actually, were here."
Sylvia: "Hold on, guys. I think we're here. Let's stop for a second."

The boys finally caught up to the girls. When the jeep stopped, they continued to argue.

Shen lo Ken: Told ya a Viper was faster than a jeep.
Dylan: Is not. They just got lucky.
Crash: Right, right. C'mon.
Stripes: Lookie guys!

All the guys stare up in the sky at the towering fortress.

Stripes: I think we're here.

Brutus: Wow. Look at the size of it. Boy, finding the reactor could take a while. In fact, it could take, a lotta whiles.
Spartacus: Operation Scout Patrol for standby.
Stripes: Roger. Brutus, are you coming with Spartacus and me?
Brutus: Huh? Oh yeah, just as soon as we find a way in.
Dylan: Crikey, it's huge.
Shen Lo Ken: Wow!! Cortex really pulled out the stops this time.
Crash: Well, no time like the present to get started. Let's get into our groups.

They meet up with the girls. They see that Coco is busy hacking at the main security panel, tying to find the code.

Sarnie: How's it goin' Coco?
Coco: Well, they really weren't fooling around when making this thing. I'm trying my best to hack into security; but nothing's moving so far.
Danni: Guess we gotta wait for a bit mate. At any rate, are you guys ready?
Sylvia: More than ever!
Dylan: Same here.

Dylan and Sylvia look at each other. They both smile at each other, reassuring hope for the group members. They would soon join Coco to help her find the way through the fortress. Crash and Shen Lo Ken joined Danni and Sarnie; while Stripes and the two ferrets waited patiently for Coco to hack the code.

Brutus: (sighs) Ya know, watching Coco's boring. I would rather watch the kind of hackers who spit a lot!
Spartacus: Well said Brute'.
Stripes: Shhhh. She needs ta concentrate. She'll get it right.

Moments passed, and coco still worked feverishly at he code.

Coco: It's no use; it'll take me too long to crack this code.
The scene switches to Cortex, and Silent Hunter is by his side.

Silent Hunter: Let them in will you? I'm anxious to test my skills.
Cortex: All right! Then we'll do it promptly. I am anxious to see how well you perform.

Cortex typed in the code message, which was soon transmitted to the main door.

Silent Hunter: Come to me... my prey!
After many moments, the doors finally opened. Coco thought she typed in the right code.

Coco: We're in. Let's go everyone. Dylan, Sylvia; follow me.

The three groups snuck inside, and found themselves in a giant hallway. There were three intersections. Certain areas divided each of them.

Shen Lo Ken: Where do we go?
Coco: Okay, here's the plan. Sylvia, Dylan and me will take the right passage. Danni, Crash, Shen, and Sarnie; you guys take the middle passage. Stripes, Brutus, Spartacus; take the left passage.
Stripes: How do you know where to go?
Coco: The left passage leads to the security centre; where you should be able to shut down the alarms and sensors. The right area leads to a shortcut to the control deck and room; that's where you guys help distract Cortex and the others. Me and the other two are taking the middle passage; cause it leads tot he reactor, but it's a long way.
Sylvia: Okay, sounds everything is planned. Let's go.
Dylan: Good luck mates. Where should we meet?
Coco: At the hanger, which is located in the west wing. Be careful, and watch out for Silent Hunter. Remember, don't try and fight him. It's useless.
Danni: Right, understood.
Crash: Let's rock n' roll everyone!

Group 1 (Coco, Dylan, and Sylvia) ran through the middle passage. Group 2 (Crash, Shen Lo Ken, Danni, and Sylvia) took the right passage. Group 3 (Stripes and the ferrets) took the left passage. They embarked on their mission, and failure was not an option.

The scene switches tot eh control deck.

Silent Hunter: Now Cortex, when you're ready, launch the fortress. I will be on my way.
Cortex: Where will you go first?
Silent Hunter: The area where the core is located. I know a few rebels who are wishing to blow it up. I will stop their pathetic attempts. My first priority is to get rid of their main source of information.
Cortex: Who is...?
Silent Hunter: Isn't it obvious? It’s the bandicoot's sister, Coco. I'll ambush her first.
Cortex: Excellent choice. Prepare for lift-off.
N. Gin: Aye aye sir!
Tropy: Preparations complete.

Within a few minutes, the entire fortress began to shake. All three groups felt it from their positions. It wasn't long until loud noises could be heard, and clouds of dust rose like mountains around the fortress. Then, with mighty jet propulsion, thick yellow gaseous flames shot up form underneath the fortress, as it lifted high into the air, like a shuttle being launched into space. It left a huge crater behind. Within minutes, the fortress was floating in space. Cortex gazed out into the darkness and vastness of space.

Cortex: First view of space eh Hunter?
Silent Hunter: Yes. It's so quiet; and calm, and soothing... and offers no escape. It is time for my leave. I will meet you later. Farewell for now.
Cortex: Good luck Hunter. And don't forget - bring back both bandicoots’ heads for me.
Silent Hunter: Of course. It shall not be difficult. The girl will be the first.

Silent hunter exited out of the control room, and the sliding doors closed behind him.

Cortex: Nothing shall stop us now.
N. Gin: I don't mind being pessimistic Cortex, but are you sure this will guarantee success?
Cortex: Yes. Don't worry. I have a feeling that this time, we will not fail.
Coco, Sylvia, and Dylan walk through the long corridor of the metallic fortress. From out of the window, they could see the vastness of space.

Dylan: WOW!! Amazing. It's like somethin' outta 'Star Wars'.
Sylvia: Shhhhh! They'll hear us. How long ‘til the scouts shut down the security system?
Coco: Don't know, we'll have to wait at this point. Be patient. I'm still finding out more info.

Coco typed furiously at a small computer implanted near the wall. Dylan then saw Sylvia peering out into space. Something was troubling her. Dylan finally got an opportunity to offer Sylvia some company. Dylan walked up to Sylvia, and tried to find out what was wrong.

Dylan: Are you okay?

Sylvia moaned and looked out at the stars.

Sylvia: So many awful memories. Now I'm trapped up here in this psycho's fortress. (sighs) Cortex; he's an awful man.
Dylan: Did he… do something to you?
Sylvia: Yes… but I'd rather not talk about it, even with you Dylan.
Dylan: You're afraid I won't understand right?
Sylvia: (nodding) Yeah.
Dylan: But Sylvia, you and I are practically becoming soul mates. We share bonds with each other, and even tell each other our secrets. I told you I lied, now please tell me what's wrong. I'd really like to know.

Sylvia looked down for a couple of moments. Then slowly, lifted her head, and turned and stared into Dylan's eyes. She spoke softly, and sounded like she was about to cry.

Sylvia: Dylan… Cortex was too awful to imagine. He did horrible things to me, and my friends. I too was a product of another one of his twisted experiments, along with many of my friends.
Dylan: That's awful.
Sylvia: And to top it off, he would even kill some of my friends who were rejects. He shows no remorse. He's a cruel beast, and wishes to make animals into his mindless slaves.
Dylan: Mad scientists are always the same.

Dylan put his arm around Sylvia.

Dylan: But don't worry; I will help you get revenge. I swear it. If he hurt you and your friends in any way; then mark my words - he'll pay.
Sylvia: Thanks. I know you'll be a great help.

Coco was listening in on the conversation. Her eyes were burning a little, and started to get misty. She too knew what it must have been like for her brother to go through such torture. She sighed, and worked even more furiously at the computer. But just then, something unexpected happened. Ccoo must have typed the wrong button. Immediately, below the computer, was a trap door. Without warning, Coco fell through; screaming as she plummeted through the dark shaft that lead under the fortress. The doors quickly shut, and Coco was no longer there. From the call of the screams, Dylan and Sylvia quickly spun around; but coco was nowhere in sight.

Sylvia: COCO!?!? COCO!?!?
Dylan: We lost her. Where did she go?
Sylvia: I heard her scream. (gasps) Somebody must have got her!
Dylan: It isn't the Hunter… right?
Sylvia: I hope not. We gotta search for her.
Dylan: But we'll be detected.
Sylvia: Then she couldn't have gone far. Wait a second! A TRAPDOOR!!
Dylan: Hey yeah. It sounded like she was falling and screaming. There must be a trapdoor near the computer.
Sylvia: We got to activate it, and find Coco.
Dylan: Right, let's get to it.
When Coco regained consciousness, she rubbed her head. She could feel a tiny lump on the side of her head but at least she was safe. Or so she thought. When she tried to stand, she stumbled back over. There was a great pain in her left ankle. She rubbed it, and winced as she felt the pain. There was a possibility that she broke her ankle on her fall.

Coco: OW!!! Oh no… Where am I?

Coco looked all around her, there were giant crates stacked up on top of each other. Each was organized in single rows. Coco began to slide against the floor, holding her leg.

Coco: This is bad. How will I be able to walk?

And the worst part hadn't come yet for Coco, could hear eerie footsteps in the distance. Coco began to sweat. She dragged herself over behind a crate, and listened as the footsteps drew closer; until, they stopped. Coco, still clutching her broken ankle, slowly peered behind the crate. She gasped as she saw what was standing near the doorway. It was Silent Hunter. His gleaming red eye scanned the area, and his frightening posture indicated he was ready to pounce on someone. Coco quickly spun around, and put her back against the crate. Her heart stopped, and then started beating faster. She began to sweet and panic. She could barely catch her breath.

Coco: Oh no... it's him... oh no... not now!!!

Coco had to find a place to hide, but not with her ankle. She could hardly run, let alone get away from this dangerous assassin. She had to crawl to a hiding place fast, and worry about the pain in her ankle later. Then, Silent hunter began to speak, in a voice that almost made Coco's heart leap out of her chest.

Silent Hunter: Someone is here. I will find this person. I can detect her fear. My sensor acts as a thermo sensor. She's here. I will find her, and then; she will be mine.

Coco began to panic. She knew how powerful he was, and knew she was no match for him. (No one was) Coco began to edge closer away from the crates. But her heart suddenly began to race, as she heard the dreaded footsteps of the robot walking.

Coco: Oh... help me… help me... Oh no...

Then, with all her might, she stood up, and began to hop quietly on her one foot, hiding behind another crate. The pain was great, but it was not a matter now. Because the robot was near, Coco needed to escape as fast as possible.

Silent Hunter: Escape is impossible; you will find out.

Coco began to sweat and breath deeply. Her voice shattered, and tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Coco: Oh…come on… help me…

(Coco could hear the footsteps getting closer, and closer, and closer. And then all of a sudden, they stop. Coco held her breath, being careful not to move at all. She knew if she made the SLIGHTEST sound, or moved even the littlest bit, it could be the end. She could sense that he was REALLY close - TOO close. One false move and he'd attack. After a few moments, Coco could hear the footsteps again. She closed her eyes and braced herself for his powerful attack. But, the sound seemed to be moving away, not coming towards her. Coco VERY carefully and quietly peeked out from behind the crate and saw the giant robot exit the room.)

Coco: (breathing very heavily after holding her breath for so long) "Why is that? Why did he just leave? Why did he... OW!!" (grabs her ankle) "Oh, I sure hope Dylan and Sylvia are ok. I hope they find me... and FAST!!"

(Back with Dylan and Sylvia, Sylvia walked over to the computer that Coco was at. Being careful not to stand directly in front of it, she started pushing buttons, and pulling levers. None of them seemed to do anything.)

Dylan: "Uhhh... Sylvia, are ya sure ya know what you're doin'?"
Sylvia: (panicky) "NO!!"

(Sylvia frantically pushes one button after another. Finally there is a sound, and the trapdoor opens.)

Sylvia: "Ahhh!" (jumps back) "I did it! C'mon, Dylan!"

(Sylvia looked down into the room in which Coco had fallen. Then she called out.)

Sylvia: "Coco... Ya there?"

(A few moments of silence - nothing. Then they hear something. Not knowing if it was Coco, Sylvia climbed down a ladder. After reaching the bottom she called out again.)

Sylvia: "Coco?"
Coco: (in a weak voice) "Over here."
Sylvia: (sees Coco) "Oh, thank goodness. Dylan, she's here!"

(Both Dylan and Sylvia rush over to Coco. Sylvia kneels down beside her.)

Sylvia: "Are you alright mate?"
Coco: "Yeah. I guess so"
Dylan: "Ya sure?"
Coco: "Yeah... I'm... OW!!" (she grabs her ankle)
Sylvia: "Are you OK? What's wrong with your ankle? Is it broken?"
Coco: "I dunno. It hurts pretty badly! He... he was here!"
Dylan: "He? He who?"
Sylvia: "Ya don't mean Silent Hunter do ya?"
Coco: (nodded) "Yes. He didn't hurt me. I think he could sense I was here, but for some strange reason he just left."
Dylan: "That's kinda odd."
Sylvia: "Yeah, it is. But, thank goodness ya weren't harmed by that monster."
Coco: "I wonder if Crash and them are OK."

(The scene cuts to Crash, Danni, Sarnie, and Shen Lo Ken.)

Shen Lo Ken: "Wait a minute."

(The tone in Shen Lo Ken's voice made everyone stop in their tracks.)

Danni: "What is it, Shen?"
Shen Lo Ken: "I think I heard something."

(Everybody is silent. Suddenly, there is a noise.)

Sarnie: "I hear it too. Sounds like it's coming closer."
Crash: "I can sense something's there."
Danni: "Ya don't think..."

(There is another noise that made Danni stop in mid-sentence. Everyone goes silent once again. There is a sound of footsteps coming closer and closer. Then...he spoke.)

Silent Hunter: "I can sense them. I can sense their fear. They will not escape, for I will KILL them!"

(The scene cuts back to Dylan, Sylvia, and Coco. Both Dylan and Sylvia had helped Coco up the ladder, and back to where they were before.)

Sylvia: "Are ya sure you're gonna be ok, Coco?"
Coco: "It still hurts a heck of a lot, but not as much as before. I'll be fine."

(Coco scooted over to her laptop and started hacking once again.)

Sylvia: "Coco is one of a kind. She has guts. She tries so hard. And no matter how bad it gets, she always tries that much harder. She's one brave girl."
Dylan: (thinking to himself) "I wish I was like that." (to Sylvia) "Do ya think Shen and them are ok?"
Sylvia: (stares out into space once again) "I sure hope so."
Silent Hunter edged around the corridor, sensing the terrified warriors.

Silent Hunter: I sense the bandicoot. He's not far. And there are others. They too will share his fate. I'll deal with that other one later. Right now, it is time to test my abilities. And this is one test I will NOT fail!

The four warriors heard the footsteps come closer.

Shen Lo Ken: If it's Silent Hunter, we gotta hide.
Danni: There's no place to hide.
Crash: This is just great.
Sarnie: Then what choice do we have? How tough can that guy be?
Danni: Sarnie; you're not saying that we should....
Sarnie: Well, there's not a way to cape; we might as well try.
Crash: That's insane. Coco says he's invincible.
Voice: That's right.

The four warriors turn around, and soon go pale with fear. For standing at the end of the hallway, was Silent Hunter, with his red eye staring maliciously at them.

Silent Hunter: You're the ones Cortex wants dead! I shall test my abilities out on you four. But as you know, it's useless to fight. Whether you fight or not, it is useless to try.
Shen Lo Ken: G-g-g-g-guys, do you think if we surround him, we can overpower him?
Danni: But we're in a hallway. It'll be hard.
Crash: There are always two options at times like this. One is we fight; but there's another option we're taking.
Sarnie: What's that?
Crash: Flight! RUUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The four warriors run down the hallway, to get away from the ferocious robot.

Silent Hunter: They're fast, but they cannot outrun me.

Silent Hunter took off like a jackrabbit. He was built to run at over 45 miles an hour. Danni looked behind her to see the giant robot catching up to them at a great speed.

Danni: (gasps) He's gaining!
Sarnie: Crikey… he's fast!
Crash: (pants and puffs) Keep running!
Shen Lo Ken: (pants and puffs) Look, there's a doorway ahead.
Danni: Hurry!

Silent Hunter is almost near Sarnie. He's about two yards behind her.

Silent Hunter: Now… I have you!
Sarnie: Oh no!!

Silent Hunter jumps up into the air, and prepares to crush Sarnie's skull with his feet. Danni quickly sees that Sarnie is danger. Quickly reacting, she reaches for Sarnie's arm, and grabs her. She pulls her away just in the nick of time. Silent Hunter's foot smashes into the ground, causing shards of sharp metal to rose form the ground. The four warriors dash into the end of the hallway. Shen quickly gets up, and slams on a button near the wall. The door closes behind them, leaving Silent Hunter on the other side.

Silent hunter: They escaped? Impossible! So, they think this door will stop me eh? Well, they don't know my own strength.

On the other side, Danni picks Sarnie up.

Danni: You OK?
Sarnie: Yeah. Thanks a lot! My skull would have really cracked if her had me.
Shen Lo Ken: Ho man; did you see how that guy's foot went into the floor? Man; we better stay away from him.
Sarnie: You're right. Crash, you OK? Crash?

They saw Crash having his head stuck in a hollow tube.

Crash: Hmmph mmpph!!
Dani: Oh blimey; he dove in too late. C'mon, let's get him out.
Sarnie: All right, let's get him out.

Danni and Sarnie grab onto the tube, and try and force Crash's head out. They manage to, and Crash sits stunned.

Crash: Whoa - thanks.
Danni: Watch before ya leap mate.

Shen Lo Ken couldn't help but laugh.

Crash: It's not funny Shen.

Shen Lo Ken: Sorry man but it... hmm hee hee hee… it was.

Just then, loud banging against the door could be heard. The four warriors stare at the door behind them. Giant dents bulge out, and the banging keeps getting louder.

Danni: He's breaking through!
Crash: GAH!!! Who is this guy?
Shen Lo Ken: Now that's power!!

Just then, Silent hunter's fist cut straight through the door, revealing his arm and fist. The four warriors gasped, and wasted no time to escape. They ran away as fast they could. Silent hunter managed to break down t he door with his fists and legs.

Silent Hunter: Lost them. Hmmmm... I sense there are more powers near that first one I sensed. Someone's with that girl I saw earlier. Yes… two of them. Hmmmmm... I'll worry about those four later. Right now, I might as well finish what I have begun. There may be a challenge after all. And unlike here, there's no escape in there.

Silent Hunter walked back down the hallway where he came from, and was heading in the same direction where he stalked Coco!
(Silent Hunter walked into the room.)

Silent Hunter: "She was here. So were the other two. I will find them."

(He scans around the room. Although there was no physical evidence in which direction Coco had gone, the giant robot knew exactly where to find his prey. Meanwhile. With Coco, Dylan, and Sylvia...)

Sylvia: "So, Coco? Have you found out anymore information yet?"
Coco: "Not really. The loading time is slow. I'm still tryin'."
Sylvia: "And you're doin' a good job. Is your ankle feelin' better?"
Coco: "Much."
Sylvia: "That's good. Lemme know if you find anythin'"
Coco: "You got it!"

(Sylvia smiled and walked over to Dylan and sat down.)

Sylvia: (sigh) "She's tryin'. Let's hope she'll find somethin' soon."
Dylan: "Yea'."

(Dylan had a lot on his mind. Silent Hunter, his first mission against Cortex, and if they could defeat him, and also, many emotional thoughts as well. What would the future bring for him and Sylvia? Would it bring happiness? Or would there be tragedy?)

Dylan: "Uhhh... Sylvia?"
Sylvia: (breaking out of thought) "Hmm?"
Dylan: "Didn't ya say that we would do somethin' afta' tha mission?"
Sylvia: "Yeah."
Dylan: "Well, I was wonderin'...What are we gonna do?"
Sylvia: "Well..." (thinks) " I think it's about time we really get to know each other better. From the inside out."
Dylan: "I was kinda thinkin' tha same thing."

(Sylvia suddenly had a look of horror written across her face. He fur stood on end, and she let out a low, long growl.)

Dylan: "Sylvia? What's wrong? Was it somethin' I said?"
Sylvia: "No. I can sense an evil presence."

(The air all of a sudden grew frigid... and still.)

Sylvia: "Coco? Dylan? We're gonna hafta get out of here... FAST!!"
Dylan: "Huh? Is this a joke?"
Sylvia: "Jus' come on!" (She grabs Dylan by the hand.) "Coco! We gotta go!"
Coco: (looking up from her laptop) "Huh?"

(All of a sudden, there is a loud, rumbling noise going on underneath the trapdoor. Without warning, a huge metal hand breaks through at an incredible speed, and hits the computer against the wall. Sparks fly. Coco quickly grabs her laptop and runs out of the way before Silent Hunter's gigantic hand smashed the very spot where she had been sitting.)

Dylan: "Crikey."
Sylvia: "RUN!!"

(Everyone starts to run as fast as they can. Luckily, Coco's ankle is better and she can run. As if things couldn't get any worse, they reach... a dead end)

Coco: "Oh, no! How are we gonna escape now?"

(Dylan looks down the hall to where they were before.)

Dylan: “Watch out!"

(Sylvia and Coco looked and saw that Silent Hunter had torn away a hole, large enough for him to fit through. He was now at their level.)

Silent Hunter: "There will be no escape for you. You shall die!"

The three humanoid animals stood int he corner, quivering and gasping fright. Their hearts raced like the wind, and sweat was pouring out of every pore. They did not even have the strength to move.

Silent Hunter: Now then, three helpless animals trapped in the corner. Hmmmmm. What does a hunter do with them? Quite simple - kill them of course. And I am a hunter, the best one there is. Let's see... YOU!!!

Silent Hunter points his finger out at Coco. Coco freezes and quivers in fright.

Coco: Wh-wh-what?
Silent Hunter: There has been a request from my creator. He told me to bring me back the head of your brother, and if possible, yours as well. I suppose you shall be given the honours first.

Coco suddenly grew stiff, and made frightening suns from her mouth. Her eyes were wide open with terror, and she shook so much, her knees were getting weak. Dylan tried reasoning with Hunter.

Dylan: Wait a minute mate - let's reason. You and I got off on the wrong foot. Hey, why don't ya help us? Let's be mates.

Silent Hunter: Who's this idiot?
Sylvia: Watch who you're calling idiot! He's Dylan, my boyfriend. No please... go away.

Sylvia knew it wouldn't work, but she could think of nothing else to say.

Silent Hunter: You are very amusing! This makes the sport more fun. You are cornered like rats; and as many of you know, my armour cannot be penetrated, and I am extremely skilled. Try to get past me... if you can.

The three warriors were stumped, and scared. They were too frightened to move. They just stared at the evil red eye of Silent Hunter. Dylan and Sylvia protected Coco, who was behind them. Coco, unknowingly, accidentally pushed an invisible button. The invisible button actually became a secret passageway. The three warriors spun around through a revolving door, onto the other side of the supposed dead end. They were no longer in front of Silent hunter.

Silent Hunter: Grrrrr... again they escaped. That's it - they got lucky; but it's time to not give up in the chase for these three.
On the other side of the dead end the three warriors breathed a sigh of relief. Coco was still shaking and moaning.

Sylvia: Coco; it's OK.
Coco: I… I… I thought we were goners.

Coco then hugged Sylvia, who was patting her back to try and comfort her.

Sylvia: It's okay; everything's all right.
Dylan: C'mon mates, he'll be through any minute. It won't take him long to find us.
Sylvia: Right. Coco, will you be fine. Can you run with us?
Coco: I… I… I think so.
Sylvia: Good girl; that's the spirit that I'd expect from you.
Coco: Yeah you're right. Let's get outta here.

The three ran down the hallway, and didn't even bother to look back. But little did they know that Silent hunter didn't even use the door this time. Instead, he crawled through a narrow ventilation shaft near the dead end, and crept silently; following every move Coco, Sylvia and Dylan were making.
Meanwhile, in the security Control room, Brutus, Spartacus, and Stripes found the main control unit.

Spartacus: Okay boys; this is it.
Stripes: Cool! Let's bust this thing.
Brutus: Wait a minute - there could be traps.
Spartacus: You're right; good thinkin' Brute'. We must investigate.
Brutus: Wait Spartacus; it may be dangerous. You go first.

Spartacus decided to show his bravery, by walking towards the nearby control panel. He lit a tiny match, and used the light of the match to check for lasers. None were seen.

Spartacus: Everything looks clear.
Stripes: Wait a second.
Spartacus: What?
Stripes: Did you guys hear something?
Brutus: Yeah - I hear something too: on the ceiling.

The three figures looked up at the ceiling, and heard loud clanging in the ceiling above; heading into the left direction.

Stripes: Something's following us.
Brutus: Probably a big rat.
Spartacus: Or maybe the robot…
Brutus: Naw; how can a big guy like that fit in a ceiling?
Stripes: Maybe there are vents he can crawl through.
Brutus: Oh yeah. Then we better hurry up.
Spartacus: Right, give ‘im a hand over here guys.
Stripes: Comin'.
Meanwhile, Sylvia, Dylan, and Coco run through the hallways. When they feel they have gotten far enough. They sit by a nearby wall to catch their breath.

Dylan: This is... (puffs) …too... (pants) …much for… (puffs)
Coco: I know what you mean. Man, he's stronger than I thought. We gotta try and avoid him.
Sylvia: No doubt he'ss till looking for us.
Dylan: He could be ahead in that corridor. Sylvia, maybe you and I should check it out.
Coco: What about me?
Sylvia: Well… what about coco?
Dylan: Well; she better stay here.
Coco: But, what if he breaks through?
Sylvia: You'll be able to see him running down the hallway. Let us know. Come running to us if you saw him.
Coco: OK. I'll be brave and keep a look out. Go see if he's on the other side of that hallway.
Dylan: We'll be back. Good luck kid.
Sylvia: I know you can do it. Stay and keep watch; we'll be back in a few seconds.

Sylvia and Dylan ran to the end of the corridor, and made a left turn down the other. Coco sat down and whistled a tune to prevent herself form being scared. She just thought of nice things to get her mind off the robot. She thought of petting her cat Pura; lying in bed in her toasty pyjamas while sipping hot chocolate; and growing flowers in her gigantic garden. This seemed to make her feel a lot better. But something could be heard. Coco's ears pricked up, and she heard something from the ceiling. She got up and backed a little way away from her spot. She looked up at the ceiling to see a large vent opening. The noise then stopped. Coco just stared at the vent. She saw nothing.

Coco: Phew. Must have been a bad air conditioning or something.

Coco began to walk away, but then, heard aloud a clang behind her. She nearly jumped out of her skin. Slowly, she turned around, and saw the covering of the vent door on the floor. She looked at the ceiling, seeing the large vent hole. She really began to panic.

Coco: I'm getting out of here.

Coco made a mad dash to the end of the hallway. She looked back to see nothing there. She was near the left turn at the hallways, and then put her back against the wall. She held her chest, and felt her heart thumping wildly. She breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the vent opened by itself. But was coco wrong. Just then, a tall figure leaped down form the ceiling in front of her. Coco looked at the figure, and started to edge closer to the wall, panicking and breathing very rapidly. It was Silent Hunter.

Silent Hunter: Now... I have you.

Silent Hunter raised his fist, and Coco looked petrified as he raised it.
Dylan: I hope Coco's OK.
Sylvia: We better go back.

Just then, a loud scream was heard. It was Coco's scream. But then, it seemed to have been silenced by the sound of metal being smashed.

Sylvia: THE HUNTER!!!!
Dylan: We gotta go back! Coco may be in danger.
Sylvia: She could be hurt! Let's go!

The two made a mad dash back to the other corridor where they started.
(Dylan and Sylvia run like crazy around the corner and then come to a halt. They had to stop fast...because there was huge hole smashed into the floor. They knew who had made it...No doubt. Coco and Silent Hunter where nowhere to be found.)

Sylvia: "Where are they? Coco? Is she hurt?"
Dylan: "I dunno. Let's hope she's OK."

(Both Dylan and Sylvia peer down the hole. It's a basement like place. Dark and quiet.)

Sylvia: "I wonder if she's down there?"
Dylan: "We can't jus' leave 'er. Let's go!"

(Dylan starts to find a way to get down. There were scraps of floor that acted like stairs. He makes sure it's sturdy enough, then he motion's Sylvia to follow. Sylvia starts to walk on the damage that Silent Hunter had caused. After the two reach the bottom they hear something. Dylan grabs her gently by the arm.)

Dylan: "C'mon."

(He guides her to a small, closet-like space. Then they hear the footsteps.)

Silent Hunter: "Where did she go?"
Sylvia: (thinking to herself) "You mean Coco escaped?"
Silent Hunter: "She will not get away this time! I must go report this to the Master."

(The hunter walks out of the room. Dylan and Sylvia come out of hiding.)

Dylan: "Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Dylan: "How did she get away? Where is she?"

(Then... Dylan and Sylvia hear a voice.)

Voice: "Up here."

(They both look up and see Coco.)

Sylvia: "Coco? Is that you?"
Coco: "Yeah."
Dylan: "What are ya doin' up there?"
Coco: "Well, when he aimed for me, I dodged. He then smashed his fist into the floor. He must have thought I fell down there...'Cause he never came back up."
Sylvia: "Well, thank God you're alright."

(Sylvia starts to climb back up the rubble. Dylan follows.)

Coco: "I got a small bruise on my hand and leg, but that's all. Nothing serious."
Dylan: "That's good ta 'ear."
Sylvia: "It sure is. You could have been seriously hurt. Or even... killed. I still can't believe how ONE freakin' machine can be so powerful!"
Dylan: "I'm still blown away by that fact, myself."
Coco: "Well... back to business. Let's go."
Sylvia: "OK. We need to hurry. We might not have much more time left."

(With Cortex and Silent Hunter...)

Cortex: "She WHAT!?"
Silent Hunter: "She escaped, Master."
Cortex: "I created you for a REASON – to TRACK DOWN and KILL those ratty creatures. And you say THEY GOT AWAY!? Ugh... Technology. Even the best isn't enough. Contact the minions. Tell then to guard EVERY door there is. DO NOT have them rest until EACH and EVERY ONE of them are KILLED!! Can you understand THAT!?"
Silent Hunter: "Yes, Master."
Cortex: "Good! Now... Get to work!"

(Silent Hunter leaves the room.)

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