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Meanwhile, Crash, Danni, Sarnie, and Shen Lo Ken creep silently down a narrow corridor. They keep looking on the walls.

Sarnie: Gee… with all the controls on this here ship; it must take them forever to get from one place to another.
Shen Lo Ken: I know what you mean. You get lost in this maze; you'd need a triple-A road map to find your way out.
Danni: Pardon?
Shen Lo Ken: nothin'.
Crash: OK guys; remember. That crazy robot could be followin' us. Stick together, and don't let him sense you.
Danni: (Rolling her eyes) Brilliant strategy Crash - it's not like we haven't done that yet.
Crash: Well lemme put it this way honey. What choice have you got for a machine that can punch through titanium?
Danni: (sighs) You're right.

They four warriors keep walking down the hallway. Each time the reached an intersection, they checked both ways to make sure they weren't being followed.

Shen Lo Ken: It's awfully dark down there.
Crash: Yeah - check that switch over there. Maybe it turns on the lights.
Shen Lo Ken: This one?
Crash: Uh-huh!

Shen pulls a red switch down. Immediately sparks fly, and Shen is almost blinded by the light from the switch. Immediately, he jumps back, and looks angrily at Crash.

Crash: Sorry man.
Danni: Wait.

Danni pulls out a giant flashlight from her pack. It lights up perfectly.

Danni: OK ladies and gents - follow me.
Sarnie: Do you know where to go?
Danni: No, but as Crash said, what choice have we got?
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah. So which way? Left, right, or forward?
Crash: Why don't we split up? We can cover more ground.
Sarnie: Too risky. Anyone could be waiting for us.
Danni: Well... why don't we try looking a little further into one. If it shows nothing; then I guess we turn back.
Shen Lo Ken: Kinda non-realistic actually.

They then hear a noise coming from the left hallway.

Crash: Someone's comin'!!
Shen Lo Ken: Everyone get back a little!
Sarnie: Doesn't sound like the robot.
Shen Lo Ken: Whatever it is - get back!

The four warriors stepped back. The noise gets louder. Then, the noise comes closer to where our heroes stand. It turns out it wasn't a bad guy. It was Dylan, Sylvia, and Coco!

Danni: You guys!

The four warriors breathe a sigh of relief.

Sylvia: What the heck?
Dylan: Man… we msut really be lost. Coco, check your calculations.
Coco: Oh darn it - we should have gone left at that last intersection we saw. Stupid, stupid, me!

Crash then looked at Coco's left foot. He noticed bandages around it.

Crash: Coco… what happened?
Coco: Huh? Oh… you mean my foot? It's nothing. It healed quick. I just sprained it a little that's all.
Danni: Are you hurt?
Coco: Nah. Doesn't hurt one bit.
Shen Lo Ken: What a trooper. Anyways I think we all know that the left hallway is a definite no-no!
Sarnie: Coco! Can we see your computer? We need to see another map of the castle.
Coco: Sure. Here ya go!

Meanwhile, Dylan is pacing back and forth, thinking to himself.

Dylan: (thinks) Whom am I kidding? I'm such a coward. I could have helped prevent that robot form nearly killing Coco! I'm just glad she's not even hurt! That's it! The next time I see that stupid robot; I'm gonna prove to Sylvia I'm brave! Just wait!!
Sylvia: Something the matter Dylan?
Dyln: What?!? Oh no… no… nothing at all!
Sylvia: Good! According to Coco's map; we should take the centre hallway, while Crash and the others take the right hallway!
Dylan: Thank goodness she has that map with us!
Sylvia: Yeah. We'd be VERY lost without it!
Crash: Okay guys! We'll all see ya later! Good luck!
Shen Lo Ken: You guys are doing great so far. I know you can do it.
Danni: Best of luck to you all!
Sarnie: See ya alter. Keep it up!

The four warriors run down the right hallway; leaving Coco, Sylvia, and Dylan behind.

Coco: Let's move guys!
Dylan: Coming! And this time I'm not gonna be a coward anymore! I'll even spit in that dumb android's eye!
Sylvia: All words eh? Dylan; even if you don't stand up to him; I'll still be proud of you. You are with us you know.
Dylan: Yeah I know. But even so; I wanna make you proud Sylvia. I really do.
Sylvia: Well thanks but....
Dylan: Cool! Robot, look out! Dylan's on the case!
Sylvia: Wait I didn't....
Dylan: TALLY HO!!!

Dylan runs through the centre hallway.

Coco: Well he certainly has courage.
Sylvia: Yeah - well we better make sure his courage doesn't get himself killed. C'mon!

The two girls run through the centre hallway; while Dylan raced ahead of them; looking for his match.
Sylvia: 'Dylan! Stop!"

(Sylvia takes a flying leap and tackles him. They both land to the ground with a great thud.)

Sylvia: "Gotcha."
Dylan: "What did ya do that for?"
Sylvia: (getting up) 'Ya can't run 'round 'ere like a lunatic. That robot could sense you, track you down, and kill you."
Dylan: (also getting up) "I guess you're right. I'm so-"
Sylvia: "No, don't be sorry." (whispers) "I understand."

(And that's all Dylan needed to hear. He knew that Sylvia understood.)

Coco: “I don’t mean to break in but we don't have very far to go."
Sylvia: "Let's get afta' it!"

(And with that, the three warriors walk down the corridor. Meanwhile, with Danni, Crash, Sarnie, and Shen Lo Ken...)

Sarnie: "How much longer?"
Danni: "It's a good thing we 'ad Coco print this map out, otha'wise, we'd be lost. It looks like we don't 'ave very far to go."
Shen Lo Ken: "I sure hope Brutus, and them are managin', ok."
Stripes: "Are ya sure you're know what you're doing?"
Spartacus: "Of course!"
Brutus: "I think I heard somethin'."

(The three small creatures go silent. It was the sound of the footsteps.)

Spartacus: "Oh, were in trouble, now."
(Dylan, Sylvia, and Coco were still walking down the corridor.)

Sylvia: "Is this thing gonna end?"
Coco: "We should be coming to an end soon. I hope."
Dylan: "I sure 'ope so, too. So, uh... Sylvia?"
Sylvia: "Hmmm?"
Dylan: "Uhhh... Neva' mind."
Sylvia: "OK."

(Dylan had a lot of things on his mind at this moment. But, he thought it was best to talk about it after this mission. When you're in the middle of space with a wacko running the place and a gigantic metal robot guarding it, that's not the time to talk about personal things.)

Coco: "I think I see light."
Sylvia: "Ya do?"
Coco: "Yeah. Up ahead."
Sylvia: "Do you think we've reached the end?"
Coco: "If this map is accurate, then yes."

(The light then faded out.)

Dylan: "What tha?"
Sylvia: "It jus' disappeared."

(Coco sighed. Then they hear voices.)

Dylan: "I 'ear somebody."

(The three very carefully and very quietly, moved a little closer so they could hear. It turns out they were listing in on the discussion between Cortex and Dingodile.)
Cortex and Dingodile were talking about something. Dylan, Sylvia, and Coco edged in to listen a little bit closer.

Dingodile: That robot Cortex; it's failing to do it's job. And becaue of that; Crash and his friends will have the upper hand.
Cortex: Not as far as I'm concerned. There's still a chance. The robot's system has had a few bugs in it. Its reactions are different from a human's. It can't react as quickly as any living organism. By the way, did you dispatch Tiny, the Komodo Bros., and Pinstripe?
Dingodile: Yeah. They'll catch those murudda's soon enough, faster than that walking pile of bolts.
Cortex: Hmmmm... I thought Silent Hunter would be perfect. I now know there are flaws in his system. Pity... technology is so limited.
Dingodile: Oh well… enough about that dumpy machine. What about the other weapon?
Cortex: Ah yes - the life draining cannon. The ship is almost at the pinnacle of its power. Once it has reached it's maximum; the cannon will be ready to fire onto the Earth. It will drill a hole straight into the crust; leaving a crater bigger than Texas; and from there; we hit reverse. The beam, when reversed, will suck the life source from the planet. It will keep doing that until everything is gone. Once all the energy is gone the world will fall into nothingness. We will become the prime source of everything. We will be like Gods.
Dingodile: A much better plan than the robot. But aren't you worried about the core of this ship? Suppose Crash and the othas' get to it?
Cortex: That's where Silent Hunter is right now. He's putting the Komodo Bros. and Tiny in charge. This time, he's reaching his maximum power. This will make him faster and more intelligent. And mark my words; if anyone runs into him; no one will escape him.
Dingodile: I hope you're right this time.
Cortex: Very well… N. Gin, where are we?
N. Gin: We're at 80% maximum power Cortex. It won't be long until we reach 100.
Cortex: Excellent.

Meanwhile, the three warriors were watching out for any signs of Silent Hunter.

Dylan: How are they gettin' that powa'?
Sylvia: Cortex probably got a hold of those crystals.
Coco: Figures. No way can a space fortress like this run without crystals. But this sounds serious guys; looks like Cortex really thought of it this time.
Dylan: So how do we stop him?
Coco: We gotta get to the core of course.
Sylvia: But it's guarded mate!
Coco: I know; but there are ways.

Just then; Coco sensed something in the back of her. The three warriors turned around to see Pinstripe Potoroo.

Pinstripe: Well, well, well... if it ain't the little sneaks. Well too late now; you two is gonna go see Cortex. NOW!!!

Sylvia and Coco were near gunpoint. Dylan was full of rage. Now was the time to prove his bravery. Like a real warrior; he leaped into the air; and launched an attack.

Dylan: HIYA!!!!!!

Dylan performed a mid-air roundhouse kick into Pinstripe’s head; knocking him out cold. Sylvia saw this; and was amazed. Dylan looked back at her to see results.
Sylvia: Impressive Dylan!
Dylan: (Smiling valiantly) Nothin' to it.

The noise caught Dingodile's attention.
Cortex: Check it out Dingodile; I need to go check on N. Gin.
Dingodile: Right-O!

The three warriors watch Dingodile coming forward. They quickly slink back into the darkness.

Sylvia: Now what?
Dylan: Watch this. I'm gonna make you proud.
Sylvia: You already have; so don't over do it.

Dingodile comes into view; and Dylan quickly sneaks up behind him; and puts his hand to Dingodile's neck; expecting him to pass out. No good.

Dingodile: What the…

He quickly spins around and knocks Dylan against the wall.

Dingodile: You three eh? Hands up!!!

Moments alter; the three warriors are brought before Cortex. Sylvia is now once again annoyed with Dylan.

Sylvia: Great job Dylan. (Sarcastically)
Coco: Yeah, thanks Dylan.
Dylan: Sorry.

Cortex saw the three warriors and stared at them fro a long time.

Cortex: So you're the little spies eh? Two of you I recognize; but who's this moron? (Looking at Dylan)
Sylvia: THAT moron is Dylan.
Dylan: What's with this moron junk?
Cortex: Enough! You three are the first to get caught. I'm surprised you evaded Silent Hunter. Oh well; be that as it may, you're not going anywhere. Take them to the detention cells; and leave them locked up. I'll decide their fates later.

Dingodile lead the three warriors away while a few lab assistants helped escort them.
(Dylan knew Coco, and especially Sylvia, was pissed at him. If only he could show his bravery once more. He got it! Dylan reached inside his back pocket and pulled out his boomerang. With a powerful throw, Dylan launched the boomerang. At a fast speed, the boomerang hit Dingodile in the back of the head. Upon impact, Dingodile was knocked out.)

Sylvia: "Did you just do that?"
Dylan: "Nothin’ to it."
Coco: "Cool."

(Dylan looked ahead of him and saw the two lab assistants coming at them. He knew they were in trouble if he didn't act fast!)

Dylan: "Bonsai!"

(With a burst of speed, Dylan ran as fast as he could into the assistants. One by one, he gave both of them a powerful kick in 'a certain place'.)

Sylvia: "Ouch."
Coco: "Tell me about it."

(Dylan motioned for Coco and Sylvia to follow. Coco ran, but Sylvia noticed something in Dingodile's hand. She quickly ran over to him and took the rolled up piece of paper out of his right hand. Sylvia wasted no time running back to Dylan and Coco.)

Coco: "Watcha got there?"
Sylvia: "From what I understand, it's a map to the control centre for the beam cannon."
Coco: "Really?"
Sylvia: "C'mon."

(Dylan and Coco followed Sylvia. A few minutes later...)

Sylvia: "I think we're here."

(The three warriors walked into a large room. There were flashing buttons galore, levers a plenty, and everything else imaginable.)

Dylan: "Crikey. Are ya sure we're at the right spot?"
Sylvia: "Positive."
Coco: "How do you know which panel to go to?"

(Sylvia didn't answer. Her attention was drawn to the centrr of the room. There was a dome shaped glass cover covering over 30 different coloured crystals.)

Sylvia: "How do I open this thing? If I can remove these crystals, the beam cannon won't be as powerful."
Dylan: "So, those are the crystals."
Coco: "You can't open that! It's guarded with electricity! One touch and you're dead meat!"
Sylvia: (to herself) "Darn."

(Cortex and N.Gin walked into the room.)

Cortex: "And that's-" (notices them) "Ahh, we have company. I thought you were being escorted to your cells!"
Sylvia: "Actually, we'd better be goin'."

(The three made a run for it. The thing was, when they existed the room, the first they saw was Silent Hunter.)

Sylvia: "Oh... Not him!"
Cortex: "It's a good thing we came here, N.Gin. We are about to witness these rats being killed by Silent Hunter. And we got a front row seat!"
Cortex pushed a button, and the door slammed shut right behind the three warriors. There was a small window on the door with Cortex and N. Gin looking out of it. The entire room was all walls. There were no windows or doors in it. It was a trap!

Coco: We were tricked!!
Cortex: Ha ha ha ha ha!! Yes… now I will enjoy watching all of you die!!

Silent Hunter stood with confidence (the way Cell would); and look with his evil eye at Sylvia, Coco, and Dylan.

Silent Hunter: Now there is no escape for ANY of you!! You are all cornered; with no way out!! It all ends here!!!

The three warriors were all looking nervous. This was a dead end for them. What would they do?

Coco: G-g-g-guys... what's the plan?
Sylvia: I don't know - this looks like it's it!!
Dylan: Ooooooohhhhhhh nnooooo; I'm too young to die!

The two girls look at Dylan with frowns on their faces.

Dylan: Eh heh... what I meant was… I'm too young to die alone!!
Coco: Oh sure!!
Sylvia: Enough guys - we gotta find a way to get out of here.
Silent Hunter: There is NO way!! The only possible way is death!! And that's the path you shall take!! Well fun's fun... but your hour of triumph… is over!!!

Meanwhile, Crash lead Shen, Danni, and Sarnie down the hall. They were close to Cortex's main chamber.

Crash: Hey guys - look!!

They peer into the doorway; and look at Cortex and N. Gin looking through the door!

Sarnie: What are THEY looking at?
Crash: This must be the main control room.
Shen Lo Ken: It must control the ship.
Danni: Yeah... and those two seem pretty distracted!
Sarnie: Maybe we can sneak in there and knock them out!!
Shen Lo Ken: You gotta pretty fast to...

The three warriors look at Danni.

Danni: Uhhhhhhh...
Shen Lo Ken: Can ya do it for us babe?
Sarnie: Yeah! Just rush in there and knock ‘em out!! You're fast and strong enough to do it!
Crash: C'mon honey, and keep it quiet!

Danni thought about it for a moment and then decided.

Danni: What the heck... sure!
Sarnie: Go for it Danni!
Crash: We'll be rootin' for ya!!

Danni creeps through the doorway, and focuses on Cortex and N. Gin, having their backs turned!!
Danni: Okay mates - ready or not here I come...
Back in the cell; Silent Hunter walks slowly up to his opponents; who are quivering in terror!

Silent Hunter: Which one of you will be the first to die or at least stand up and fight ME!!!!!

The three were hesitant; but Dylan seemed to regain his courage by looking at Sylvia. He didn't want to see her get murdered by this hideous machine. It would tear his heart to see her get mutilated. He decided it would be best for him to go first and to prove himself brave before Sylvia and Coco.

Dylan: (Looking stern) Me!!

Sylvia and Coco look in shock as Dylan stood proudly before Silent Hunter.

Sylvia: Dylan… no!!
Dylan: I'm gonna do it Sylvia - I'm gonna make you proud. Besides, I don't want to see you getting hurt or killed! It's time!
Sylvia: But you'll....
Dylan: It'll be all right!!
Coco: No Dylan - we love you no matter what!!
Sylvia: Yes!! I REALLY love you Dylan!!
Dylan: (Looking back at Sylvia with kindness in his eye) I know you do baby! But this somethin' I gotta' do myself!! I'll try and distract him!!

Dylan walked to Silent Hunter; and put himself in a readied fighting stance.

Dylan: C'mon mate - let's see how good you are.
Sylvia: Dylan, I'm beggin' ya!
Dylan: C'mon - it won't matter anyway. Let ME die first.
Sylvia: I would rather die first than to see you die before me!!
Dylan: (Turning and smiling) That makes two of us!!

Sylvia then realized that Dylan would have the same feelings she had! It was remarkable. She didn't want to see him get killed; so she turned her face. Coco did the same!! Silent Hunter stood with his arms crossed!

Silent Hunter: Well meet... you are indeed VERY brave!! Since you are of the most noble brand I'll let YOU throw the first bunch or kick to me!! I won't even make an attempt to block it!! Go on - show me your power!!
Dylan: You're too kind!!

Dylan readied his fist; and with all his might and anger; sent right into Silent Hunter's chest!! But after the impact of the punch Dylan quickly threw his fist back. He held it wincing in pain. He felt like he just punched the side of a steel building. He wondered if the impact broke his hand!! He knelt on the floor, with his eyes tightly shut; gritting his teeth. He clenched his wounded hand. Silent Hunter just sneered.

Silent Hunter: What pity!! You had your chance; but your strength ahs proven unsuccessful once again!! Goodbye noble warrior – it was a nice try.

Silent Hunter raised his fist; which he was about to bring into Dylan's skull. But before he could; a loud clanging noise caught his attention.

Silent Hunter: What's that!?

Silent Hunter then noticed that N. Gin and Cortex were gone.

Silent Hunter: Where did they go? I thought they would have loved to see this!!

Dylan turned to see Cortex and N. Gin gone. Then the door came open!! In stepped Danni!!

Dylan: Danni!!

The two girls look up!!

Coco: DANNI!!!
Sylvia: You came!!
Danni: G'day mates!!
Silent Hunter grew even angrier!!

Silent Hunter: WHO ARE YOU!?!??!?!

Dylan quickly ran away from Silent Hunter clutching his hand. Danni stared in horror at the giant machine. She hurried everyone out of the cell. When all four warriors left the cell; Danni quickly shut the door behind her; leaving Silent hunter locked inside!!

Silent Hunter: URGHHHHH!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!! I AM... VERY... FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silent Hunter's rage grew stronger - so strong that it even began to change his colours. Instead of orange he was suddenly turning red!! VERY red!! His anger was going WAY beyond his power!!


Silent hunter ran straight into the door, busting it down with his massive head. He was glowing with rage. He looked in the corner, to see N. Gin and Cortex knocked out and tied up.


He looked around the room!!


Silent Hunter bolted down the hallway running towards his prey. And now that he reached maximum power he was twice as deadly as before. It was really starting to look bad.
(Sarnie, Shen Lo Ken, and Crash were waiting when Dylan, Coco, Sylvia, and Danni came running.)

Danni: "We gotta get outta 'ere NOW!!"

(Without hesitation, Sarnie, Shen lo Ken, and Crash started running along with them. Silent Hunter was now on their tails. Too close for comfort.)

Dylan: "Crikey!"
Coco: "Faster!"

(They were heading straight into a dead end. The only way out is to take the left turn. One by one, everyone ran into the hall. It was large enough so they could fit, but small enough to where Silent Hunter couldn't.)

Shen Lo Ken: "Ya think we lost him?"

(Just then, a loud, terrible, metal clanging, noise was heard. Coco peered back into the direction of the dead end. Silent Hunter was going so fast and couldn't stop fast enough. The result sent him running into the wall. He had crashed into the wall. Not a move was made.)

Coco: "We'd better get out of here and find the ferrets and Stripes... Before he gets up."
Sylvia: "I sure hope there're OK."

(They all started running down the hall.)

Sarnie: "So, Coco? Where do you think they are?"
Coco: "Ya mean Brutus, Spartacus, and Stripes? Well, they outta be around here." (points to map)
Danni: "We're fairly close."
Sylvia: "Let's keep goin'."
Dylan: (to himself, but out loud, while holding his hand) "Darn machine."
Sylvia: "Oh… stupid me! How's it feelin'?"
Danni: "How'd ya hurt yer 'and?"
Dylan: "I 'ad ta punch 'im. Bad choice."
Sylvia: "Dose it feel broken?"
Dylan: "It did earlier. It's still hurts a lot."
Sylvia: "I'm SO sorry that had ta happen. If only I had stood up instead of you."
Dylan: "Don't say that. I did it fer ya. I'm glad it was jus' my 'and. He could 'ave killed me."
Sylvia: "Ya have no idea how scared I was. I could never be that brave."

(Dylan just smiled.)
Coco: (looking at the map) "Brutus and them outta be somewhere around here."

(There is a sound heard.)

Sarnie: "What's that?"
Sylvia: "Sounds like it's coming from beneath the floor."
Coco: "I bet it's them."

(Crash spotted a small trapdoor and opened it. Below, he could see Brutus, Spartacus, and Stripes.)

Crash: "Hey, strangers!"
Stripes: "Huh?"
Brutus: "Hey! It's Crash!"
Spartacus: "For once, I'm glad ta see ya!"

(They climb up the ladder leading to Crash.)

Crash: "Did ya deactivate all the traps?"
Brutus: "Every single one of 'em!"
Crash: "VERY good, guys! Look, Coco's about to inject her 'Computer Virus' into the main computer. So, you guys stay as close to the group."
Spartacus: "Okie-Dokie."
Shen Lo Ken: "So, Coco? Where's this 'main computer' at?"
Coco: "We're almost there. Once we're there. I'll hook up my laptop and inject the virus into the main computer. But, before I do that, we need to decide on an escape route."
Danni: "How much time do we have?"
Coco: "I believe I'll set it for 20 minutes. That'll give us enough time to get out. If I set it for any longer, we would be in danger of Cortex, and especially Silent Hunter to come after us before it explodes."
Sarnie: "Sounds good to me."
Shen Lo Ken: "I sure hope it's enough time."
Coco: "I believe it will be."

(Everyone walked along, hoping this mission would soon be over. All they had to do now is inject the virus and escape.)
Everyone gathered into the main computer room. Coco hooked up her laptop to the main computer; and began typing like mad.

Dylan: Wow! She's fast.
Sylvia: You bet. How's your hand Dylan?
Dylan: Just a little sore.
Sylvia: Wow - you're stronger than I thought. And you're really brave too.
Dylan: Really? Thanks. That's great to hear.
Crash: Nice to see you two finally getting along.
Danni: I never knew ya two would end up together!
Dylan: Surprise!
Sylvia: Well for a dingocat, he ain't half bad lookin'.
Dylan: (Blushing) Eh heh!
Coco: It's done!

Coco activated the virus!

Shen Lo Ken: So we better get outta here!
Sarnie: Let's amke haste!
Brutus: Run like a scared gazelle!
Stripes: You mean fly?
Spartacus: Well of course you can cause you're a sugar glider.
Stripes: Yeah… so?
Coco: Everyone, we better get outta here. We've only twenty minutes left till the entire ship blows!

But hen; the sirens began to howl, and red lights flashed. A large cam robot appeared by; and it flashed a hologram image of Cortex.

Cortex: Nice try! You may have activated the self-destruct button but that doesn't mean you're safe for long. I made sure the alarm was rigged to all escape routes. Now you're all trapped in here!! HA HA HA HA!!!! And as for the cannon it is set for ten minutes to blow the world to kingdom come so even though you'll destroy my space fortress the world will go with it much sooner! You've lost... all of you! Farewell... oh; and watch out for Silent hunter. He's very... near!

The image fades laughing. Everyone begins to go off in panic.

Danni: Oh blimey... that rat Cortex really got us!
Spartacus: Oh's horrible! We're done for!
Crash: Not if there's a way to escape!
Coco: (Shaking her head in dismay) Oh no… what have I done? I should have known better! And we have only ten minutes left with no place to go.
Sylvia: Don't blame yourself Coco - there's still time. Maybe you can shut off the reactor.
Coco: I...
Dylan: That's our only chance; then we gotta go get Cortex and stop the cannon!
Shen Lo Ken: How!?!? We gotta get off the ship first!
Crash: Forget our lives for now Shen; this is important. Coco; can you deactivate this so the others and me go stop Cortex?
Coco: Y... yes!
Crash: Great! Danni, Shen, and Sarnie! You guys follow me! We'll go back to the control room, and make sure Cortex is stopped. Coco - shut off the detonation!
Coco: Okay... good luck. And watch out for Silent Hunter!
Danni: Don't worry mate! Hurry up!
Sarnie: Yeah!

The four warriors dashed out of the room down the long hallway; making their way to Cortex's chamber. Coco was hacking furiously at her computer, despite all the loud noises going on around her.

Coco: Okay… so far so good!
Sylvia: C'mon Coco - just need a little bit more time.
Spartacus: You can do it kid!
Stripes: Go Coco!
Dylan: C'mon kiddo!
Coco: (Typing like mad... finally reaches the point) And here it is. Just press this button; and the thing shall shut off.

But as she hit her keyboard button there was something wrong. A major setback occurred. The reactor and main computer were booby-trapped! As soon as Coco's finger hit the keyboard thousands of volts of electricity flowed form the main computer. The volts struck Coco; sending piercing shocks throughout her body; and throwing her back into the wall. She lied on the floor and it seemed like she wasn't breathing. The countdown stopped at 18 minutes but everyone rushed over to Coco to see if she was OK. Sylvia held Coco's head and tried shaking her awake.

Sylvia: Coco… Coco!!! Wake up!!
Dylan: Oh no... Not Coco!
Spartacus: Poor kid! Gave it everything she got!
Sylvia: Wait - I'm gonna try and pump life back into her.
Dylan: Hurry!

Sylvia performs resuscitation. First attempt... failed.

Brutus: She's not moving.
Stripes: This is bad!
Dylan: Oh man… please hurry!
Sylvia: I'm tryin'.

Sylvia tried resuscitation again - still no luck.

Spartacus: Oh no....
Dylan: Wait - one more time.
Sylvia: I'll try.

Sylvia took in an even bigger breath, and started to pound Coco's chest lightly to get ehr heart moving. That may have done the trick - at that moment Coco began to cough.

Dylan: She's alive!!

Sylvia helped a dazed and sickly Coco up. Coco was dizzy, and disconnected. Her head began to swim, and she groaned in pain.

Sylvia: Poor Coco. She needs rest.
Dylan: Thank God she's alive though.
Spartacus: The kid's got class, that's for sure!
Stripes: I'd be really sad if she went away.

Sylvia found a table enarby. She rested Coco on top of it, and looked for something to help calm her. Coco was breathing very hard; but after a while began to relax.

Sylvia: Thank goodness she's safe.
Dylan: And so are we.
Brutus: Wait - what about...
Dylan: Silent Hunter? Yeah – we’d betta’ worry about him.
Sylvia: Well Coco's alive; and the computer's off. She did a great job.
Dylan: Yeah. When we get her home she should get a medal!
Sylvia: Make that two! (Sylvia looked back and winked at Dylan)
Dylan: Uh… (Blushing) ...thanks Sylvia!

But things weren't over yet. The other four members still had to stop Cortex's insane scheme. And silent Hunter was still on the loose. Things were far from over. Things were only getting worse.
(Coco slowly opened her eyes and looked around.)

Sylvia: "Are ya feelin' alright, mate?"
Coco: "I g-guess so. What happened?"
Sylvia: "You were electrocuted. But, thank goodness ya weren't killed."

(At that moment, a loud clanging noise is heard.)

Brutus: "What's that?"
Dylan: "That's not Silent Hunta' is it?"
Sylvia: "I dunno. But, were not safe in here. Coco? Do ya think ya can run?"
Coco: (getting up off the table) "Yeah."

(Sylvia looks over to the computer. Sure enough, Coco had successfully shut it down.)

Sylvia: "Since ya stopped the countdown, maybe we outta catch up with Crash."
Dylan: "K. Ya OK, Coco?"
Coco: "I'm fine. I think I can run."
Sylvia: "OK. We need to get outta here now. First, we gotta find Crash and try to help them."

(Sylvia walks over to the door and peers out into the hall. Silent Hunter was nowhere in sight.)

Sylvia: "Seems safe. Brutus, Spartacus, Stripes. C'mon."

(Sylvia motions for Dylan and the others to follow. Coco's able to walk just fine.)

Dylan: "So, where are they?"
Coco: "Didn't they go and try to stop Cortex?"
Sylvia: "Yeah, they did." (pauses) "What's that?"

(Sylvia pointed down the hall. A small glow of light could be seen.)

Dylan: "Ya don't think Cortex is down there, do ya?"
Brutus: "If he is, I'll give it to 'im."
Spartacus: "You'll chicken out."
Brutus: "Ha! Watch me!"
Sylvia: "Guys. This isn't the best time to fight about who's brave, and who's not. C'mon."

(They all make their way down the long hallway toward the glow of light. What they didn't know, was that Silent Hunter was following them without being noticed.)

Silent Hunter: "They will not survive."

(He slowly slinks back out of sight.)

Crash: "Cortex outta be 'round here somewhere."
Shen Lo Ken: "Maybe he's over there." (points)

(All four warriors look to where Shen Lo Ken was pointing. They saw a glow of light way down the hallway. The same one that Sylvia, Coco, and Dylan had seen.)

Danni: "Ya think Cortex's down there?"
Crash: "I dunno. Let's go check it out."

(They make their way down towards the light. Silent Hunter had been watching them too.)

Silent Hunter: "They think there're so smart. Well, none of them can match my strength.
Sylvia: "Jus' a little further."
Dylan: "This hallway's neva' gonna end."
Sylvia: "Oh, yer just a big baby."
Dylan: "Oh, yeah?"

(Sylvia didn't pay attention to Dylan. Her attention had been drawn to the light coming from inside a large room. Sure enough, Cortex was inside. Tropy and N. Gin accompanied him.)

Sylvia: "We're here."

(Coco and Dylan look into the window.)

Dylan: "So, what's tha plan?"
Brutus: "I can't see."
Sylvia: "You're not missin' anythin', Brutus. It's just the ugliest of the ugly."
Brutus: "Ya mean Spartacus?"
Spartacus: "I'm not ugly! You're th-"
Sylvia: "Keep it down! Cortex is gonna hear us!"
Cortex: "It's a little too late for that."
Sylvia: "Oh, no."
Cortex and N. Gin walked in front of Dylan, Sylvia, Coco, and the two ferrets and the sugar glider.

Cortex: I've had enough of this. Your days are numbered now. (Pointing his wicked ray gun at the band)
Dylan: Darn… he's got us cornered!
Sylvia: So try and knock him out again.
Dylan: What, with a gun in his hand?
Coco: Guys... listen.
Cortex: Any last words?
Coco: Yeah, just one.

Coco power slides into Cortex's legs, and manages to grab his gun. She back-flips and lands on the ground with the gun in her hand.

Brutus: Wow!
Spartacus: Not bad for a girl.
Dylan: Yeah - VERY impressive.

Cortex and N. Gin found themselves at gunpoint.

Coco: Now tell us… what's in that room you're in?

Cortex's defeated frown then turned into a wicked smile. He began chuckling to himself and laughing very loud.

Cortex: It doesn't really matter what you do to me. The plan has been completed. I just activated the beam cannon. Nothing will stop us now.
Coco: What a lie. We shut down the core of this station.
Cortex: Yes, but me and N. Gin reactivated it. It's very much running now. And so will we. Me, N. Gin and all my other comrades must bid you die now. But I'm certain there's an old friend of yours who's willing to stay and play with you.
Sylvia: Who?
Cortex: Look behind you!

The five heroes spin around, and see Silent Hunter standing there with his deadly sword in his hand.

Silent Hunter: Now I have you. And this time; none of you will escape.
Coco: Ergh... DIE!!!

Coco fired the ray gun at Silent Hunter. But to her surprise, the blasts from the ray bounced off Silent Hunter's armour.

Silent Hunter: HA!! You'll have to do better than that… which I'm sure you won't.

Then, Cortex and N. Gin slipped back into the main room, and closed the door behind them.

Cortex: Ta-ta! You all have a lot of catching up to do.
Dylan: Oh great... this guy.
Sylvia: What do we do?
Coco: I don't know - we're trapped.
Stripes: Oh no!

Then, the two ferrets had an idea.

Spartacus: Brutus, follow me.
Brutus: Why?
Spartacus: Just follow me.

The two ferrets run past Silent Hunter, who didn't seem concerned at all.

Silent Hunter: They're nothing to me. The rest of you are the ones who will die. And there's nothing you can do to stop me now. This is where you all die.
Dylan: I was afraid he'd say that.
Crash, Danni, Shen Lo Ken, and Sarnie were running down the hall; following the trail of Cortex.

Danni: If I'm correct, Cortex and the otha' minions went down here.
Sarnie: Hopefully so. Their trail's getting warmer.
Crash: I think I may have found em'.

The group then opens a door. At that moment, they see a giant hanger... with three ships in it. As they scan the giant room, and peer into the opening of space they notice Cortex and his minions boarding a ship.

Cortex: Goodbye bandicoot. This ship has already been set to aim the beam cannon at Earth. You have exactly ten minutes until the Earth is nothing. Goodbye Crash. Even if you escape the world will be doomed.
Danni: Why you…
Danni ran towards Cortex's ship with lightning speed. But even with her incredible speed; she did not reach the ship in time. The door to Cortex’s ship slammed shut. Danni backed away as the ship lifted from the ground, and blasted out of the hanger into space.

Danni: Tripe!!! I missed him!
Crash: No time for him now. We gotta go stop this thing.
Shen Lo Ken: I thought Coco and the others went to shut off the generator core.
Sarnie: Me too. What happened?
Crash: We gotta go see. C'mon.
(So, Crash, Sarnie, Shen Lo Ken, and Danni started to look for Coco and the others to make sure they were ok. While searching, they run into two familiar ferrets.)

Danni: "Brutus, Spartacus. Whaddya doin'? What's wrong?"
Crash: "Where's Coco, Dylan, and Sylvia? Are they alright?"
Brutus: (out of breath) "There're in that other room." (points) "Silent Hunter's in there too."
Sarnie: "Has he done anything to them?"
Spartacus: (panting) "We dunno. But, we've got a plan, and we need you to help us... and FAST!!"
Shen Lo Ken: "What's your plan?"
Brutus: "Well, ya see...You know already that they're in that room. Inside, there's a huge window. If we can get Silent Hunter to chase one of us-"
Shen Lo Ken: "So, you're sayin' that if we were to get Silent Hunter's attention, get him to chase us, and-"
Spartacus: "And we head straight for the window."
Danni: "So, you're sayin' ya wanna jump out a window?"
Brutus: "No! We run to the window, and jump out of the way. If Silent Hunter can't stop too fast, he'll hit the window, and fall into space."
Shen Lo Ken: "What if it doesn't work?"
Brutus: "Then... we’re dead."
Sarnie: "It sounds kinda dangerous."

(Suddenly, there is a loud metal grinding noise.)

Danni: "Crikey! What was that?"
Crash: "Seems like it was comin' from there."

(They hear a scream. Sounded like Coco.)

Crash: "C'mon!"
Silent Hunter: "You will not escape. Now... you die!"

(Crash and the others looked into the room.)

Crash: "I sure hope that machine hasn't hurt 'em."
Brutus: "Are we gonna follow the plan?"

(Crash looks back at the mighty machine, and how scared Coco, Dylan and Sylvia looked.)

Crash: "What have we got to loose?"
Sarnie: "Who's gonna be the bait?"
Danni: "Brutus and Spartacus."
Spartacus: "Huh?"
Crash: "You're small and fast. You can get out of the way quick too."
Spartacus: "OK. C'mon, Brutus."
Brutus: "Right behind ya."

(The two ferrets scurry towards Silent Hunter.)

Brutus: "Hey, dummy!" (sticks his tongue out) "Come and get me!"
Silent Hunter: "You are not worth my time."
Spartacus: "What's the matter? Scared you'll loose?"
Silent Hunter: "Nobody can beat me."
Brutus: "Oh, yeah? Prove it!"
Spartacus: "Mr. Metal Butt."
Sylvia: (whispers to Dylan) "What are they doing?"
Dylan: "I dunno. There're gonna get hurt if they don't watch it."
Coco: "Hey... Looks like we can sneak over to the door."
Sylvia: "OK. C'mon. Stay low and try not to make a sound."

(Sylvia, Coco, and Dylan carefully sneak against the wall towards the door. They finally make it. Standing outside is Crash and the others.)

Coco: "Guys!"
Crash: "You OK, sis?"
Coco: "Yeah, I'm fine."
Danni: "Ya OK, Sylvia? Dylan, how 'bout you?"
Dylan: "I'm fine. Thanks."
Sylvia: "Brutus and Spartacus are in there. What were they doin?"
Sarnie: "They had a plan on how to get rid of Silent Hunter."
Dylan: "How?"
Shen Lo Ken: "They were gonna try and get him to run into the window and fall out. Looks like they need help."
Brutus: "C'mon, Metal Head! Chase us, already!"
Spartacus: "Are ya afraid ya gonna loose a bolt or something?"
Silent Hunter: "You seem brave. You must not know my strength. You are nothing compared to me."
Spartacus: "Would you like to give us a demonstration?"
Silent Hunter: "You stay right there. I'll get you right after I take care of these nasty creatures." (turns around) "Where are they?"
Brutus: "Uhhh..."
Spartacus: "We don't kn-"
Silent Hunter: (angrily) "I said where are they?"
Spartacus: (scared) "Brutus, ol' buddy. I think we need some back-up."
Brutus: "I think you're right."
As the two ferrets stood against the wall, Silent hunter pulled out his sword.

Silent Hunter: Time to make mincemeat out of you little rodents.
Brutus: Well Spartacus… Guess this is it.
Spartacus: Yeah... or maybe… we can...

Silent Hunter raised his sword, and then with a quick whack, swung it at the ferrets. They dodged the sword, and grabbed a hold of the ceiling. Silent Hunter's sword did hit something though. The wall. His sword was sos harp, that the wall split open. Soon, a huge hole was created in the wall. The ferrets quickly climbed into the vent shaft, as Silent hunter was being sucked out into space.


Silent Hunter was sucked intot eh vastness of space. But as he floated in space, he began to think to himself.

Silent hunter: (thinks) Fools! I am not yet defeated. I can live and breathe in space. And my armour's strong enough to go through any atmosphere. I'll be back. They'll see. I am not finished yet.

And the mighty android was gone. But he still lived on, out in the deepest regions of space.
Back in the main control room, Coco, Crash, Sylvia, and Dylan were trying to stop the cannon from firing.

Coco: UGH!! Cortex changed the security code. And we've only got 7 minutes left before it fires.
Dylan: What do we do?
Sylvia: This isn't good… How can we override it?
Crash: Sis - what about that little chip you carry around with you?
Coco: Huh? Oh… why didn't I think of that? (Slaps her head.) Geez I'm dumb.

Coco grabbed a small chip out of her pocket, and inserted it into the main computer.

Dylan: So this'll shut it off?
Coco: No, it'll increase time for us. But that should be enough for us to destroy the reactor.
Sylvia: How much long?
Coco: About thirty minutes. But don't worry, that's where Danni, Shen Lo Ken, and Sarnie went. They're in the reactor right now. I'll contact ‘em.

Coco typed in thirty minutes on the main computer. Sure enough, the time increased, giving them more time. Coco then quickly spoke into a small intercom.
Back in the main reactor, Shen, Danni, and Sarnie were receiving transmission through the intercom.

Shen Lo Ken: Shhh... We're getting something.
Danni: Coco – is that you?
Voice through intercom: Loud and clear Danni. Is the bomb set up?
Danni: Yeah! Are we ready to press it?
Coco: Yeah. Get ready, and run like the wind. The bomb will go off in ten minutes.
Sarnie: Right. That'll give us plenty of time to escape.
Coco: Good luck guys. Meet us at the docking bay. See ya!
Sarnie: Good luck girl. We'll meet ya there.
Coco: Thanks Sarnie - Over and out! (The voice disappears with a metallic click.)
Danni: Okay, turn the bomb on.
Shen Lo Ken: Right. (Presses the button on the bomb.)
Sarnie: Now let's scram!!

The three fighters then ran down the hallway, making their way to the docking bay.
Timing was eminent. Already, when the bomb was activated, the sirens were howling down the hallways. Crash, Coco, Dylan, and Sylvia were running down the hallway. But then, all of a sudden, the ship shock for some reason. The reactor was acting up. The violent jolts caused a massive shake. Just then, a large pole fell down, and landed on Sylvia's leg. She was stuck!!

Sylvia: ERGH!! HELP!!!!

The three other warriors noticed her distress, and ran back to help her.

Dylan: OH NO!! Sylvia!
Coco: Quick, try and lift it up.

The three warriors tried to lift the pole up, but it was too heavy.

Crash: It's too heavy!
Coco: And there's only 6 minutes till the bomb goes off.
Sylvia: Ergh… guys… Go without me. Just leave me here!
Dylan: What?
Sylvia: Save yourselves. I'm done for. I helped save the planet, and I'm useless now.
Coco: Nonsense, we're gonna help you.
Sylvia: No… go!!
Crash: Uh uh!
Dylan: Wait!! Guys, listen to me. You two go get the ship ready. I'm gonna stay here with Sylvia!
Crash: What?
Dylan: I love her. I would even die with her. And I'm gonna do what it takes to free her. You two go on and get a ship ready. If we're not there within 2 minutes just take off without us.
Coco: But...
Dylan: Do it please! Let me have a few more minutes with her. Now hurry - not much time!!

The ship began shaking even mope violently. There wasn't a moment to lose.

Crash: Alright. We gotta go Coco! We'll be prayin' for ya! (Runs off down the hallway)
Coco: Please come back too. Please!! (Coco ran downt eh hallwayu)

Sylvia was amazed how Dylan was sacrificing himself for her.
Sylvia: Dylan...
Dylan: I'm still gonna save yas. I know I can. Just stay still.

Dylan was rolling the pole with all his strength to the side to free Sylvia.

Dylan: Urgh… huff... urgh!! Oh man, we only have 5 minutes!!
Sylvia: oh dear!!
Back in the docking bay, everyone else met; except for Sylvia and Dylan.

Shen Lo Ken: Well we gotta help them.
Danni: YEAH!! Only 4 minutes till this place is blown to Hell!!
Crash: Dylan is trying!! It was his request. C'mon guys!! Have faith in them.
Brutus: What a brave guy he is.
Sarnie: Yeah; sticking to the end with his girl.
Coco: Everybody get on board this ship!!

Everyone got on board the ship. They only had to wait a minute for Sylvia and Dylan to arrive. For 30 seconds, they didn't come. Everyone sat in the ship as tense as ever.

Spartacus :I hope they make it.
Danni: Me too!
Shen Lo Ken: 40 seconds guys. Oh man.

Everyone was hoping. 3 minutes were almost up. Coco and Crash kept their fingers crossed. 10 seconds had passed. Nothing.

Coco: C'mon!!
Crash: You guys can do it!!
Sarnie: Oh!! PLEASE!!!

And then, it was exactly 2 minutes till detonation. Sylvia and Dylan didn't come. Everyone hung their heads low. They even waited another 10 seconds. Still nothing. So with a heavy heart, and tears rolling down her cheeks, Coco started the ship. Everyone else took a moment of silence, and prayed that there would still be another chance. But it was Dylan and Sylvia's request that they get out alive. So sadly, they accepted it. They flew the ship out of the hanger, and everyone looked at their watches. 1 minute and 30 seconds, until the whole ship would blow!

Coco: I hope there's still a chance. There's one more ship in the hanger.
Crash: Keep praying guys! Pray for them.

Everyone started to pray.
Back with Sylvia, and Dylan; the ship was shaking even harder.

Dylan: GRRRRRR!!!! DAMN!! Wait... I have to try this technique!!
Sylvia: What?
Dylan: Shen taught me this. I hope it works!! (Dylan raised his hand, and recited a few Japanese words. For once in his life; he remembered them.)
Sylvia: What?
Dylan: KAME KAME... HYRO!!!!!! (Dylans' fist then lit up. It was amazing. Then, with a quick chop; Dylan broke the pole in half. Sylvia was freed.)
Sylvia: D… Dylan!!

Dylan scooped Sylvia up in his arms. She hugged him tightly.

Sylvia: Oh thank you!!
Dylan: It wasn't a prob! I just gave it a whack and,...
Sylvia: No - not only for saving my life; but for staying by me even when you had a chance to escape. That means you really DO love me!! (Sylvia looked into Dylans' eyes with a big smile) And I also love you.

Dylan grinned, and they were about to kiss; when a shrill siren came on, and a huge voice boomed.

Dylan: Okay!! We're gettin' outta here!!
Sylvia: Oh hurry!!!

And they ran down the hall; hopefully to get to the hanger jsut in time. Dylan carried Sylvia to the docking bay; and noticed an extra ship near it. He got there as quick as possible. But the voice on the intercom kept distracting him.

Voice: 30 seconds until total detonation.
Dylan: Cripes. Sylvia, lay here.

Dylan put Sylvia on a cot on the ship. Quickly, he jumped into the cockpit and started the ship up.

Dylan: OK; how do ya start this thing?

Dylan was trying to steer the ship, but it was too hard for him to handle.

Dylan: Crikey!! OK; I'll try again.

The voice grew louder!

Voice: Detonation starting at ten....
Dylan: Oh geez… (Backs into a wall)
Voice: Nine....
Dylan: Blimey!!! (Backs into another wall)
Voice: Eight....
Dylan: Mommy!! (Dylan rams into the side of the docking bay)
Voice: Seven...
Dylan: Oh no... (Dylan rams into the right side of the docking bay.)
Voice: Six....
Dylan: (Finally facing the entrance of the docking bay.) OK... now we can get out.
Voice: Five....
Dylan: Wait - which button starts the ignition?
Voice: Four....
Dylan: Oh... which one? (Frantically looks at all the buttons)
Voice: Three...
Dylan: GRRRRRRR!!! (Closes eyes, and raises his finger over a big red button.)
Voice: Two...
Dylan: Oh... GRARGH!!!! (Slams his fist on the button.)
Voice: One...
Dylan: (Looking panicked.) It didn't...
Voice: Zero... Detonation SET!!!

Just before the explosion occurred, the ship then busted out into the vastness of space. Dylan held tight to his chair as the ship headed straight towards Earth. He didn't even look back. The space fortress exploded into a giant orange ball of fire. Huge chunks flew into the universe. But Dylan was holding on to his chair. He didn't even have the strength to stop it. Besides, he didn't know which button to press.

Sylvia: DYALN!!! SLOW DOWN!!!
Dylan: I CAN'T!!!! UH OH!!! (Looks as he sees the ship about to enter the Earth's atmosphere.) HANG ON TIGHT!!! WE'RE GONNA LAND!!!
Sylvia: OH! (Hangs onto a nearby pole!)

The ship entered the atmopshere, and shook the inside of it around violently. Dylan flew out of his seat, and began to be jostled around the ship. Sylvia was also getting jostled around as well. They both screamed as they were being violently rolled around in the ship like dice in a cup. The ship then entered the air, and it plummeted to the Earth like a stone. Then; after what seemed like a few minutes; the ship crashed straight into the ocean! With a tremendous splash, it soon floated on the ocean's current.
It was later in the afternoon, on the shores of N. Sanity beach. On the shore, washed up a huge piece of scrap metal. Clung to it was Sylvia and Dylan. Exhausted, they both lied on the beach, to weak to get up. They both were beaten after being rolled around. The both got some serious bruises and their clothes were a bit tattered. Sylvia lied on her back, panting heavily. Dylan did too. Finally, they both collapsed, and their eyes closed.
When Sylvia's eyes opened, she no longer was staring into sunlight. Instead, she saw a ceiling in front of her. She looked to her side. There was a dresser and a lamp. A window was right there too. Sylvia also looked at her left leg, the one the pole fell on. It had an icepack wrapped around it. Sylvia held her head, and began to groan as she sat up.

Sylvia: UGH!! My head... ow… it hurts to talk.

Sylvia felt the pounding in her head, and she soon realised she was in Coco's room. Her laptop, and a picture of her and Pura were right beside her. Sylvia rested her head on her pillow again. She moaned and talked as if she was sick.

Sylvia: Dylan... I hope he's okay.

And with that, she went back to sleep.
Later, Sylvia felt a hard, cold thing touch her head. She wok up, and was staring into Coco's face. Coco was putting ice on Sylvia's head.

Coco: Oh Sylvia… it was a miracle you're all right! We were really worried about you.
Sylvia: Sorry about that.
Coco: It's OK. Just rest.
Sylvia: Wait… what happened to Dylan?
Coco: (sighs) Dylan's in pretty bad shape. He was sent to the hospital!

Finally, her sense snapped back, Sylvia sat up in bed and screamed!

Sylvia: NO!!! DYLAN!!!!
Coco: (Putting her hand to Sylvia's chest.) It's OK - he's not dead. He just needs rest, and he broke his leg. Plus, he has a concussion. But it's OK - he's still alive.
Sylvia: I want to see him!
Coco: What, in your condition?
Sylvia: PLEASE COCO!! I just found out… I love him. He risked his life for me; and I want to go see him.

Coco was a bit hesitant at first; but she then helped Sylvia to her feet. Sylvia started to hop on her right foot as Coco escorted her out of the bedroom.

Coco: Are you sure?
Sylvia: Yes!! I need to see Dylan!!
Coco, Danni, Sarnie, and Crash hopped into Sylvia's viper and drove off. Shen, the ferrets, and Stripes looked on in the background as they drove off.

Shen Lo Ken: Those two are all right. I'm glad.
Stripes: What a couple. They survived together.
Brutus: And they fought together to the very end.
Spartcaus: Now that's love!!
At the hospital, Sylvia frantically sat in her chair, as tense as ever. She was thinking of Starstruck's warnings. His question on what would happen if Dylan was hurt, really DID make Sylvia sad. She knew he was made for her. Finally, the nurse walked up to Sylvia.

Nurse: Miss Sylvia. Come this way please.

Sylvia followed the nurse, and she motioned the others to stay behind. The nurse led Sylvia to a room. Room 453. The nurse opened the door. Sylvia looked in to see Dylan. He was lying in be, with a cast over his leg, and his head was wrapped in bandages. Sylvia's heart sank as she stared at him.

Nurse: Mister Dylan… someone is here to see you.

Dylan slowly turned his head, and then he saw Sylvia. He soon had an expression of joy on his face!

Dylan: SYLVIA!!! You're alive!!
Sylvia: (Tears trickling down her eyes.) Oh Dylan... I'm glad you're okay.

Sylvia ran up to him, and hugged his chest. Dylan stroked her hair, and gave her a hug back.

Sylvia: (crying a little) I thought you were dead.
Dylan: I thought you were dead too angel face. But I'm glad you're alive!
Sylvia: Dylan… I just wanted you to know… of what a fool I was. I love you with all my heart. You showed true dedication to me; by staying behind and saving my life; even when I told you to run. That means… you truly DO love me!
Dylan: Of course Sylvia, I always will. I loved you from the very beginning. From the first time I saw you run with Danni to the time we had our date and to the very day we helped defeat Cortex's ship! Sylvia; every moment was worthwhile… because YOU were there with me. No other moment is complete without you.
Sylvia: You… you really mean it?
Dylan: Of course! Sylvia, I'll always love you. No other woman in the world has made me fall in love like you. You're like... like an angel. I finally found you… my angel.

Sylvia laid her head against Dylan's chest. She cried a little, but she smiled at the same time.

Sylvia: Dylan, when you get out of this hospital… I'll be waiting for you. We will meet again. And this time I'll greet you not with a sneer... but with open arms. Dylan, get well soon. I'll be waiting for you.
Back in the waiting room, Crash and the others waited patiently.

Coco: It's been about an hour.
Crash: They must really love each other.
Danni: You bet ya. You know, Sylvia said she liked Dylan a lot too.
Sarnie: Not at first...
Danni: True, but she soon developed true feelings for him. I heard what he did. Now that's true love to help someone in need.
Sarnie: Yeah.
Coco: Look!

Sylvia came walking out with a big smile on her face.

Crash: How is he?
Sylvia: Doin' great!
Coco: Will he ever see you again?
Sylvia: You bet!
Danni: Congrats mate!
Sylvia: Thanks!

As they left the hospital Sylvia looked back into the hallways. She slowly smiled to herself.

Sylvia: Yes, we'll see each other again. We will. Rest easy Dylan - the best is yet to come.

She then closed the door, and followed the others.
From the day forward; Sylvia had yearned to see Dylan again. Each day, she visited him until he got better. And they're bond increased even more.

Yet this event that had happened meant their true love was eminent. She knew Dylan was the right one for her. And she in turn loved him with her very heart.

She and Dylan soon grew passionate for each other. And they remained close ever since. She remembered the days she met Dylan, they days they fought, and the days they realised they loved each other.

And who what of thought... that the whole thing Sylvia had gone through… was 'Love at First Fight'.

**********THE END*************

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