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Episode 10 – Deeper Underground

Scene: Deep in Turtle Woods
Music: Bang – “Shooting Stars” (Chorus)

From this area Crash’s home can be seen just on the horizon and our heroes were seen dashing straight towards it…

(Music turns instrumental)

Teejay: I would like to thank you for breaking that boulder – without you we’d still be stuck!
Ryane: Don’t congratulate me too much – I’ve done things like that before…
Monnika: Ahem…
Ryane: Oh… Soz Monique – I didn’t mean to act like a show-off.

Teejay started giggling.

Crash: What do you think is so funny?
Teejay: Nothing!
Crash: Good.

(Music stops)

Voice: HOLD IT!
Cortex: Not again…
Crash: Yeah, but look on the bright side – at least it’s not a soil problem.

A big teardrop comes down everyone else’s faces.

[Music changes – Gorillaz – “Clint Eastwood” (Instrumental)]

Then Dingodile then came running up towards them, looking pale.

Cortex: Dingo, what’s the matter with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost…
Dingodile: I haven’t mate – your sisters have taken over the area!
Crash: His SISTERS? Oh no…
Ryane: Why do you say that? They’re easy targets! Cortex and I can knock them down with our eyes closed!
Cortex: (blushes anime-style) I’m not sure…
Crash: Thanks Ryane, but even with you on our side they seem hard to take care of. Remember – Hallie has her whip and (speaks in a lower tone) The People’s Elbow (speaks normally) and we never know what Deksta has up HER sleeve. (turns back to Dingo) And what did they do?
Dingodile: Tiko wanted another relic to make the Powers of the Four Seasons work, which is why they’re raiding your home to find the strongest.
Crash: What about Coco and the others?
Dingodile: When I last looked they were being tied up.
Crash: Don’t have a fret about it – we’ll try and get them out!
Dingodile: One problem – they’ve got booby traps all over the area.
Crash: Booby traps? Oh man…
Monnika: Why can’t we just fly over them?
Ryane: There would be laser beams surrounding the area, dimwit!
Monnika: Sorry.
Teejay: Then again I’ve another idea…

He starts using his sword to dig a hole.

Crash: This ain’t the time to bury bones! And besides, you are not a dog!
Teejay: No – I mean, we go under it…
Crash: …and into the trapdoor route… Teejay, you’re a genius! Keep on going!
Teejay: Or maybe I should try the quicker way…

He fires a beam from his sword, carving a route to under the house.

Ryane: All right! Those girls need a lesson in manners!
Dingodile: Take care! Good luck!

Then our heroes start going through the tunnel towards the house, armed and dangerous…
Episode 11 – A Girls' Fight In

Scene: The living room of Crash’s home
Music: Dream – “He Loves U Not” (Middle 8 )

Deksta and Hallie were seen surrounding Coco and the cubs, who were tied in barbwire…

Deksta: Tell me where your strongest relics are, bandicoot…
Deksta: Maybe not yet, sis – we could lighten things up and then give them severe worries!
Coco: I’ll say… nothing.
Deksta: Ah, you really think that eh? Well, you’re gonna be in one heck of a bruisin’!
Pura: Oh no… Coco, why did you say that?
Coco: I don’t have a choice. We don’t have any hopes so we need to try and save ourselves.
Polar: But we’ve got something to live for!
Coco: OK. Tell me what it is.
Polar: I love my job as an ice cream tester – I’d never leave it behind!
Coco and Pura both sigh. But just then there was a thud from underneath the floorboards.
Deksta: What the heck was that?
Hallie: Looks like we’re about to find out…

[Music changes – Marilyn Manson – “Disposable Teens” (Instrumental)]

A trapdoor from underneath them opened, sending them flying across the room. The first face seen was Teejay…

Teejay: So that’s where your trapdoor route was…
Crash: (from further back the route) It’s been there for a while now.
Deksta: Ouch… (looks straight at Crash and the gang) So… you were the fuzz balls that came into ruining our plans, eh?
Crash: (comes out from the trap door) Yep – and you will not have the world on your feet!
Deksta: Of course WE won’t…
Hallie: Tiko will!
Deksta: Well put, sis!
Crash: And you’re not coming near any of my relics, or any others for that matter!
Deksta: We’ll see about that, sassy mouth…
Hallie: Lemme at ‘em!
Deksta: Well, if that’s the case you stay here and sort out them brats! I’ve got some business to do with Tiko and Oxide… (teleports out of the room)
Crash: OK, so how are we gonna pass them?
Ryane: (comes out from the trapdoor) I’m goin’ in!
Crash: But Ryane…
Ryane: But nothing! Like I said, Cortex and I can beat her with our eyes closed!
Cortex: (comes out from the trapdoor) You still believe in that? I don’t think so.
Ryane: Come on – this girl has nothing more than a puny whip and a feathery elbow, so what kind of tricks does she have anyway?
Hallie: I have this, you moron…

(Music stops)

But just as when Ryane was going to turn around, Hallie cracked her whip and pinned to the ground unconscious.

Crash: (sighs) Never underestimate your enemy…
Monnika: (comes out from the trapdoor) What’s been going on?

Boron came out from under the trapdoor with a worried expression on his face.

Monnika: It’s all right – your master’s intact. Er, so far.
Boron: (wipes his paw on his forehead) Whoo…
Crash: Monique, Ryane’s been struck down by a crack of Hallie’s whip.
Monnika: Hmmm… If I can beat her before I bet I can do it again!
Teejay: Be careful – you know what happened last time…
Monnika: That was with a komodo dragon, not a human! (puts her fists together) This time it’s personal!

Monnika started leering at Hallie, who did the same thing. What will those girls try and do to try and secure the home – and the future?
Episode 12 – The Hidden Strength

Scene: The living room of Crash’s home
Music: Darude – “Feel The Beat”

At this point Monnika and Hallie were leering at each other angrily with hopes to try and secure the home, deciding the future…

Hallie: I feel that I’m so strong I can beat down a platypus!
Monnika: Pipe it girl – remember what we did a while back? You know – the freeze thing…
Hallie: Yeah… but I’m not gonna let it happen again!
Crash: (bringing Ryane to one side) So what ARE you gonna do this time?
Hallie: A brand new strategy…

She disconnects the spear from her hat and puts it onto the edge of the whip.

Crash: What the heck…
Hallie: If anything or anyone touches the spear they’ll be poisoned and within a few seconds they’ll die!
Monnika: Ooh, touchy… (laughs out loud)
Cortex: Be careful – she’s right about the spear… in a way…
Monnika: What?

All the remaining crewmembers formed a huddle.

Cortex: The spear DOES kill you… but not in a matter of seconds.
Monnika: Phew… wait a minute – does it kill you instantly?
Cortex: No – it takes a few hours to sort it out and the only way to reverse it is with an ammonium antidote.
Monnika: I don’t like the smell of it… and how do you already know about it?
Cortex: She’s had it since she was 12 and has been testing it in solutions to see what would cause the most damage.
Crash: No wonder…

Boron puts his hands over his eyes.

Teejay: It’s not THAT gruesome!
Monnika: And one final note – do we have any antidotes?
Cortex: I very much doubt it.
Monnika: I’ll try and be as careful as careful can be!
Crash: That’s the stuff!
Hallie: Let’s see if we can sort you out!
Monnika: You’re on!

(Music changes – Storm – “Storm Animal”)

Hallie then started cracking her whip at Monnika, who started making a dash for it, and after a few seconds was cornered…

Hallie: I have you now!
Monnika: You really think so?
Hallie: Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!
Monnika: You forgot one error…
Hallie: What’s that?
Monnika: Test the whip on me and I’ll show you…
Monnika: Don’t worry – I won’t hurt myself!
Hallie: Let’s see about that!

She sends the whip up towards Monnika, who dodged it in the nick of time and sent it into an unlocked air vent.

Hallie: (tugs the whip back repeatedly) It won’t come back… why?

(Music stops)

Then the whip came out from the fireplace and struck her in the back, knocking her down unconscious.

Crash: What shall we do now – kill her or leave her?
Monnika: Let me settle the score myself…

She grabbed her by the legs and tossed her up the roof until she was out of sight.

[Music restarts – Destiny’s Child – “Bug-A-Boo” (Instrumental)]

Crash: Nice one! She’ll be killed in a matter of time!
Monnika: Not if Tiko finds her first…
Coco: Until we figure out what will happen to her can you please untie us?
Crash: What? You expect us to release you from barbwire? You know that we don’t have any cutting thingamajigs on us…
Polar: Listen – what exactly did you come here for?
Crash: A strategy to stop Tiko from coming here?
Polar: Yep. And you can only get that strategy after setting us free!
Ryane: Looks like we have to risk it…
Teejay: Let’s go for it!

Our heroes then set to work to try and release Coco and the cubs from the barbwire…
Episode 13 – Deksta Strikes Again

Scene: The living room of Crash’s home
Music: Moby – “Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?” (Red Jerry’s String and Breaks mix, instrumental)

It was an hour since our heroes tried to free Coco and the cubs from the barbwire trap, until…

Teejay: There it goes – the last knot. You should be free to go now!
Coco: (stands up and shakes off the barbwire) Thanks guys!
Polar: (stands up on his hind legs and shakes off the barbwire) You guys must have been in some hard stuff trying to free us…
Crash: How can you tell?
Pura: (stands up on his hind legs and shakes off the barbwire) Nearly everyone’s hands have got scars on them!
Ryane: Scars? (looks at her hands) I guess you’re right…

Boron looked at his paws and buried his face deep into Cortex’s chest, crying.

Cortex: Calm down - they won’t last forever!
Monnika: Good point.
Crash: Eh?
Monnika: I thought they would distract my beauty!
Crash, Cortex and Teejay: (look at each other) Girls… (laugh with each other)
Monnika: (looks angry) I’m mad at you…
Coco: Don’t even think about it! Now what are you guys trying to do exactly?
Ryane: We’re trying to retrieve the Powers of the Four Seasons off Tiko. He stole them from Skull Rock earlier this week.
Pura: But what’s taking him so long? He would have the world on his heels by now!
Teejay: Ryane told me that these powers only work with another relic. Maybe we were overheard, causing his sisters to raid your place.
Polar: That’s bad luck for them – they don’t know that the strength of the relic matters!
Coco: We need to keep the strong ones in hiding… er… what IS your strongest relic?
Cortex: A new relic we found over at Skull Rock – Snappy examined it as the Key of Virgo from the Realm of the Stars.
Pura: Keep it safe guys – where is it?
Crash: It’s still over at Snappy’s cabin. I hope he’s doing a good job with it…

(Music changes – DJ Rolando – “Jaguar”)

Voice: Thank you!
Crash: Eh?

As the crew rushed over to the window they saw Deksta flying in a jetpack, carrying Hallie in her arms.

Deksta: Now that you have told us your plan to stop us from taking over the world, we will survive!

Everyone turned to Crash angrily.

Crash: It wasn’t MY fault surely – I mean, I never even knew they were here!
Coco: It’s all right – we’ll guard the relic.
Deksta: Try if you can, but by the time you show up we would already have it! Well, gotta go – Hallie needs a revival and Tiko needs a successful domination! (laughs vilely and flies off)
Crash: We MUST stop her…
Coco: Quick! Dash to Snappy and tell him about the accident! Oh, and keep the relic in a safer spot!
Crash: WE’RE GOIN’!

This left our heroes going back down the trap door and heading back to Snappy’s cabin…
Episode 14 – Snapster Blaster

Scene: 200 yards from Snappy’s cabin
Music: Bang – “Shooting Stars” (Instrumental)

Our heroes were sprinting like mad towards Snappy’s cabin…

Crash: There it is, up ahead!
Ryane: HEY SNAPPY!!!!!

Snappy then popped his head from out of one of the first floor windows, waved at them and went back in.

Monnika: Come on guys – we don’t have any time to lose…

[Music changes – Apollo 440 – “Charlie’s Angels 2000” (Intro)]

Just then there was a sound of a blimp coming towards them…

Teejay: What was that?
Cortex: It sounds familiar…

The blimp could finally be seen, and it was Tiko’s airship!

Monnika: (gasps) HE’S HERE!

Boron started growling.

Cortex: Careful Boron – you’d never know what he’d have up his sleeve…
Monnika: Speaking of which, we need a strategy – pronto!
Crash: Obviously he can’t attack with that thing in the air, so we’ll be ready for him when he touches down.

The airship was then directly above the cabin and then there was a light from underneath it…

Crash: I haven’t seen THAT thing before…

(Music stops)

But just as when Crash finished speaking the airship then gave off an energy beam directly from that light onto the cabin, causing an explosion that can be seen for miles…

Cortex: SNAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boron howled as loud and long as he ever could. Then the light then shone onto the cabin and the Key of Virgo then was raised into the air and entered the airship.

Monnika: That darn bugger… WE’RE DEAD!!!!!!!!
Ryane: No we’re not – we need to retrieve everything from him!
Cortex: But what about Snappy and Midget? I hope they’re OK…

[Music restarts – Papa Rouch – “Last Resort” (Finish)]

Crash: Hmmm… You girls go after him and sort him out. Cortex and Teejay, you’re coming with me to help out the Gators, if they’re still alive that is. Boron…
Boron: Eh?
Crash: You’re with the girls.

The girls started giggling.

Crash: OK, so do you all know your battle stations?
Rest of the gang: AYE!
Crash: OK, let’s move!

The two teams then went towards their destinations… and their next mission…
Episode 15 – Spaced Stranger

Scene: The shores of N. Sanity Beach
Music: Fatboy Slim – “Sunset (Bird of Prey)” (Instrumental)

Boron and the girls were seen here chasing Tiko’s airship for the powers by gliding and a jetpack…

Monnika: Exactly how long is it taking for us to catch up with him?
Ryane: I don’t know, but I can sense that we’re getting closer and closer minute by minute.
Monnika: And how long have we taken?
Ryane: That was just 3 minutes.
Monnika: And are you sure we’re getting closer? We’re getting slower and further back…
Ryane: No we’re not – we’re getting closer…

Boron roared madly.

Monnika: OK, we’ll stop!

(Music changes – Hatiras – “Spaced Invader”)

But just then a UFO came out from the airship.

Ryane: OK Tiko – show me your stuff!

The UFO pilot’s face was finally visible… and it was Nitrous Oxide!

Ryane: OK, so not everyone’s perfect.
Oxide: You think you poor weaklings have seen the last of me? Think again, suckers!
Ryane: Look – we have all seen what you’re like, and you seem pretty.
Monnika: Yeah – PRETTY PATHETIC!!!!!!

Boron started laughing out loud.

Oxide: WHAT?!?!? You will never destroy our plans this time!
Monnika: Who really cares about that – (speaks with an Irish accent) Give us the relics to be sure to be sure.
Oxide: Without further ado…

There was a pause between everyone.

Oxide: YOU’RE MINCE MEAT!!!!!!
Boron: Eh?

(Music stops)

From Oxide’s spaceship a strong laser beam was shot right at the gang, but only Ryane and Boron survived.

Ryane: Hey – where’d Monnika go?

Boron pointed down.

Ryane: Let me see… (looks down)

(Music restarts – Coldplay – “Trouble” (Silent Witness remix, intro)

Upon her sight Monnika was seen on the Astroturf below her unconscious.

Ryane: Oh man… (turns to Boron) OK, so it’s just you and me.

Boron gave in a slight nod.

Ryane: Watch out Oxide, because you’ve got heavy business!
Oxide: (laughs) What? I’m facing power in the forms of a puny wolverine and a girl that can fry me but not a spaceship? You are kidding me that am for sure!
Ryane: We’ll show you puny… we’re giving in everything we’ve got!

Sooner enough both Ryane and Boron flew off in different directions, each with an idea to weaken down Oxide’s defences…
Episode 16 – Green With Anxiety

Scene: The ruins of Snappy’s cabin
Music: Nelly Furtado – “I’m Like A Bird” (Intro)

Crash, Cortex and Teejay were seen rummaging through the remains of the house in order to find the Gators. It wasn’t long until one of the crewmembers unearthed a strange object…

(Music stops)

Cortex: I think I’ve found something…

Crash: What?
Cortex: It’s some sort of… claw…
Teejay: That’s impossible…
Cortex: And there’s a green object right next to it…
Crash: Quick! Pull it out!

Leaving no time to spare, Cortex quickly pulled out… Snappy Gator, unconscious… or was he?

Cortex: Is he… dead?
Crash: Lemme check… (puts his ear close to his heart) A sluggish pulse than usual… (puts his ear to his mouth) But he’s lightly breathing slowly.
Teejay: It must be a coma, or maybe a deep sleep or anything like that.
Voice: (faintly) Ouch…

[Music restarts – Vengaboys – “Forever As One” (Instrumental)]

Out from the rubble came a struggling Midget Gator, wearing striped pyjamas and has red spots all over his body.

Crash: Are you OK?
Midget: (faintly) I think so… but what about Dad?
Crash: He’s all right. He’ll be better soon.
Midget: I sure hope he won’t die again…
Teejay: Don’t worry, little fella – we’ll sort him out in no time!
Midget: What about home? (looks back at the rubble) It’s been destroyed…
Cortex: We’ll fix it after we retrieve the relics. Until then you can stay over at my place.
Midget: (smiles) Thanks! (tries to cuddle Cortex)
Cortex: (dodges) Cuddle me later – I don’t want to catch your virus…


(Music changes – Hatiras – “Spaced Invader”)

Oxide had Ryane and Boron on the run…

Oxide: You will never face your spirits after what you did with me!
Ryane: (laughs vilely) Prove it!

(Music fades)

Once again Oxide takes a few more shots at her and managed to strike her down onto the ground unconscious, causing Boron to scream.

Oxide: (laughs even more vilely) Well, well, well, wolverine… Are you stuck for ideas?

Boron started growling at Oxide.

Oxide: Well, eat this!

(Music changes – Bob Sinclar – “Gym And Tonic”)

Oxide shoots more laser shots from his spaceship, and just in the nick of time Boron flew away from them. This made him get mad and flew his spaceship at light speed right at him, who was floating still. Then just as when he was going to make the strike he dodged the attack and sent the spaceship flying into a nearby wumpa fruit tree. Then Boron used his claws to break the glass panel and send Oxide flying into the sea…

(Music stops)

Oxide: (struggling to swim) YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF ME, YOU MISERABLE… (goes under)

Boron was then seen panting madly, but a few seconds later he fainted and fell 100 feet to the ground. The thud caused Monnika and Ryane to revive so quickly.

[Music restarts – Turin Breaks – “The Door” (Instrumental)]

Monnika: (faintly) Ow… what happened?
Ryane: I can see that Oxide’s gone… but where’s Boron?
Monnika: I think I know my answer… (turns to her right)

Boron was seen unconscious in a massive crater on the Astroturf.

Monnika: I hope he’s all right…
Ryane: He WILL be – let’s take him back to the castle for treatment.

Both girls picked up Boron and flew off in the direction of the castle…
Episode 17 – The Squad Minus One

Scene: The main corridors of Cortex Castle
Music: Lonestar – “Amazed” (Intro)

Most of the Crash Team were outside the medical room waiting for the fate of Snappy and Boron, especially Midget, who had other worries other than the chickenpox…

Ryane: Cheer up Midget – we guarantee you that he’s in good hands.
Midget: (sobbing) Yeah, but I don’t want to see him go… (buries his face into his arms)
Monnika: He won’t go kid – we guarantee it! And besides, don’t feel depressed about him – we have him in safe hands.

(Music stops)

Just then Cortex, Pinstripe, Rilla and Dingodile came out from the medical room with straight faces.

Monnika: Is everything all right?
Dingodile: We think so, but I don’t think Boron is fit enough to continue with you guys…
Cortex: You’re joking… (dashes back into the medical room) I thought we treated him perfectly…

The others soon enough followed him into the medical room, where they saw both of them still in hospital beds. Snappy was in front of the PlayStation playing “Final Fantasy IX” with a set of headphones stuck in and Boron was sleeping like a log.

Crash: How are you doing?
Snappy: I’ve nearly completed the first disc already…
Crash: Not that – how are you feeling?
Snappy: (pauses the game and turns to Crash) The treatment worked, and I feel better again!

[Music changes – a1 – “Every Time” (Instrumental)]

Midget: (smiles) DADDY!!!! (hugs Snappy)
Snappy: (strokes Midget in the back) Ah, my boy… I’m happy to see you smiling again!
Crash: Hey – I’m glad to see one dude back on their feet…

And straight after Crash spoke a black figure tackled Cortex and pinned him down…

Crash: Eh… (turns around) WOW – Boron’s back!
Cortex: I already knew that. (turns to Boron) Now can you please get off me?

Boron did what he said and went back under his duvet.

Crash: (turns to Dingodile angrily) And I thought you said that Boron’s not fit enough to fight no more…
Pinstripe: It’s true, but his spirit is still there. His strength has decreased in the past battle and now we need to give him a break.
Boron: (jumps out of bed and shakes his head) UH-UH!!!!!!
Crash: I see what you mean… but we need to keep him at bay…
Cortex: I have an idea… (gets out a couple of tablets from a box on a nearby table, picks up a small glass tumbler and runs out) I’LL BE BACK!!!

Crash looked blankly at Pinstripe and walked out of the room.

[Music changes – Sugarbabes – “New Year” (Instrumental)]

Crash was then seen walking up towards a vending machine, and Teejay was there trying to sharpen his sword by rubbing it back and forth among the machine…

Teejay: How are they?
Crash: (puts in some pennies into the vending machine) Snappy’s up and fine and we do have a bit of bad news about Boron…
Teejay: Tell me about it.
Crash: (inputs a 3 digit code on the control panel of the machine) He’s not strong enough to battle, although he really wants to do so.

A can of Wumpa Cola was released from the vending machine, causing Crash to pick it up.

Crash: Ah, this should be my purchase… (picks the can up)
Teejay: I wish him the best of…

Just then, Cortex came running twice his normal speed down the corridor with the glass tumbler full of warm milk and back into the medical room, knocking over both Crash and Teejay on the way…

Teejay: …luck?


Dingodile: Nice one myte – you got the milk! (turns to Snappy) Can you drag him back into the…
Snappy: (still on the PlayStation) Not now – I’m in a crucial battle here!
Dingodile: OK, I’ll do it myself… (grabs Boron on the arms and brings him back in the bed)
Cortex: Calm down! Calm down… (puts the tablets in the warm glass of milk) Here – I want you to drink this. It would make you feel fit enough to fight. (thinks) Fib!

Boron took the milk, drank it quickly and then tried to roar madly, but then he started swaying drowsily.


Teejay: I surely hope he’s all right…
Crash: (guzzles the cola) But don’t worry – we’ll still be ready to fight whether he’s with us or not! (belches)
Monnika: (comes out of the room) Get ready guys – we’re gonna retrieve those relics!
Crash: Yeah, but we don’t know where they are…
Ryane: (comes out of the room) I can detect them over at the Realm of the Sky, where the lost kingdom will be unearthed.
Crash: How do you know that?
Ryane: I heard from Pinstripe that Tiny Tiger started chasing Tiko’s airship when we started battling Oxide. Rumours are that he’d be up there kicking his sorry ass right now.
Crash: And the Realm of the Sky is our next location! (calls out) HEY DOC – ARE YOU READY YET?


[Music changes – Thrillseekers feat. Cheryl Dean – “Synthesasia (Fly Away)” (Intro)]

Cortex: (picks up his laser from the desktop) Just a minute…

As he turned around he managed to see Boron sound asleep and Snappy still on the PlayStation…

Snappy: (reads off the screen) Insert disc 2… (smiles) Groovy! (gets out disc 1, puts in disc 2 and waits)

Cortex then tapped him on the back.

Snappy: Oh… Good luck, Neo dude!
Cortex: (pauses, and then smiles) Thanks a lot!

They shook hands.

Crash: (from the corridor) COME ON – WE GOTTA GET MOVIN’!!!!

The shout caused Cortex to dash out of the room and Snappy getting his eyes focused onto the screen again…


[Music changes – Nelly – “E.I.” (Instrumental)]

Our heroes were then looking out towards the sky…

Monnika: Are you sure the Realm of the Sky is up there?
Ryane: I think so… that’s what my old corporation told me.
Cortex: But how are we going to get up there? I mean, only three of you guys can fly and we only have one jetpack between us.
Crash: Let me see… (roots into his backpack and pulls out an elephant, the Titanic and a space shuttle, all real size) Ah, here it is…(pulls out a jet board) We’re OK!
Teejay: The Realm of the Sky… here we go!

Our heroes then started flying high towards their destination…


Ryane: Don’t congratulate me too much – I’ve done things like that before…
Monnika: Ahem…
Ryane: Oh… Soz Monique – I didn’t mean to act like a show-off.
Teejay started giggling.
Crash: What do you think is so funny?
Teejay: (still laughing) Monnika’s got something stuck in her hair!
Monnika: What?
Teejay: (continues laughing) Bath gel!
Monnika: Bath gel? (feels her hair) Ugh… how greasy… I think I used that instead of shampoo…
Rest of the crew: Ewwww!
Polar: But we’ve got something to live for!
Coco: OK. Tell me what it is.
Polar: I love my job as an ice cream tester – I’d never leave it behind!

Just then a box full of ice cream was thrown across the room and landed on Polar’s face.

Polar: Mmmm… (licks the ice cream from off his face) Mackerel Hint – my favourite!
Snappy: (from the other side of the studio) No problem! You want a Squishy Squid Sundae next time?
Coco: (sighs) Now you’re making ME feel hungry…
Monnika: Don’t worry – I won’t hurt myself!
Hallie: Let’s see about that!

She sends the whip up towards Monnika, who dodged it in the nick of time and sent it onto a window, breaking the glass and sending the panes all over the floor.

Director: CUT! Janitor – there’s a glass spill here! And Hallie, make sure you aim at the air vent and not at the window…
Hallie: Sorry – these things take a while of getting used to after leaving them alone for a while…
Polar: (stands up on his hind legs and shakes off the barbwire) You guys must have been in some hard stuff trying to free us…
Crash: How can you tell?
Pura: (stands up on his hind legs and shakes off the barbwire) Nearly everyone’s hands have got scars on them!
Ryane: Scars? (looks at her hands) I guess you’re… can we cut? They’re bleeding!

Blood started dripping down from her hands onto the floor.

Director: Nurse! We have an accident with one of our stars…
Just as when Crash finished speaking the airship then gave off an energy beam directly from that light onto the cabin, causing an explosion that can be seen for miles…

Cortex: SNAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boron howled as loud and long as he ever could. Then the light then shone onto the cabin and everything but the Key of Virgo then was raised into the air all at once!

Tiko: (from a window in the airship) Are you sure this was the right detector?
Director: I don’t think so… (gets out a mobile phone and dials someone) Hello? Is this Mike’s Mechanics? Can you please come over here? We have a problem with a detection machine here…

Monnika rushes over to the camera and turns it off.
But just then a UFO came out from the airship.

Ryane: OK Tiko – show me your stuff!

The UFO pilot’s face was finally visible… and it was a school kid!

Director: CUT! Where did that schoolgirl come from?
Boy: School sucks, and I’m a boy!
Director: And there’s no need to mess in the studio – we have important business here…
Ryane: And besides, what happened to Oxide?

(The camera is now focused backstage)

Here Oxide has been tied up in ropes.

Oxide: (stunned) Mmf mpr mrrmf mumph mrpm? (Where did he come from?)
Oxide shoots more laser shots from his spaceship, and just in the nick of time Boron flew away from them. This made him get mad and flew his spaceship at light speed right at him, who was floating still. Then just as when he was going to make the strike he dodged the attack and sent the spaceship flying into a nearby honey tree…

Oxide: Help…

Then a swarm of bees start tearing Oxide’s spaceship to shreds, leaving Boron laughing at the incident. Then a few seconds later the bees charged towards him…


…and then he was chased around the studio getting stung every second.
Crash: (puts in some pennies into the vending machine) Snappy’s up and fine and we do have a bit of bad news about Boron…
Teejay: Tell me about it.
Crash: (inputs a 3 digit code on the control panel of the machine) He’s not strong enough to battle, although he really wants to do so.

A can of Wumpa Cola was released from the vending machine, but it started leaking rapidly all over the machine, dripping onto the floor and causing the machine to malfunction and shoot out lots of other cans all at once…

Crash: TAKE COVER!!!!

Both Crash and Teejay dived behind a nearby sofa.

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