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How we met Himself His Story... Cute Habits His Quirks
(now defunct)
We couldn't think up a name for him! Naming Comp.
(now defunct)

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'His' Story

We were out on Saturday, looking at parks in which we might have our wedding. After seeing several places that looked good, we decided to go home. On the way, Andre suggested looking at one more place that sounded interesting, so we did. We drove through the park, got out and walked around a bit, then got back in the car to go home for a nice cold drink (it was very warm weather).

Just as Andre turned the key in the ignition, he sat up straight and said "Look at that!". I looked, but there was a tree in the way. We got out of the car and I saw a black cat with white chest and socks sitting looking at us. When we moved forward, he trotted towards us, then ran the last few metres to Andre!

The cat headbutted Andre's hand violently almost, which made him jump, which then startled the cat in turn. We spoke soothingly to him and he walked back over to us and proceeded to 'talk' to us in kitty language. He was so affectionate, but oh so skinny! He seemed to be a stray, and it was a shame that we had no box in the car for him, as we'd been thinking of getting another kitty to keep Tiki company.

Eventually we decided to go home, get the cage we take Tiki to the vets in, and come back for him. We told him that if he wanted to come home with us, to be here when we came back. We would give him a good home with good food and lots of love, so if that was what he wanted from us, he should hang about and wait for our return.

We drove home, arguing in our heads about how crazy this was, (at least I did) got the cage and returned to the park. When we pulled up, there was another car parked near us with some young people in it. I thought "oh no, he's been scared away, or they'll want him!". But the cat was nowhere in sight.

Not people to give up easily once we've made a decision, Andre and I walked over to the place we'd seen him first, making kissing sounds (although softly, so the people in the other car didn't think we were too I turned around for some reason, and there he was on the other side of the parking lot, looking across at us with interest. It was as if he was saying "There you are! I was just about to give up on you two.".

It didn't take to long to coax him into the cat cage, although admittedly, we did bribe him with some beef chunks! We went straight to the vets' with him, to check things out and confirm our impression that he was a 'he'. The vet gave the all clear, although he is pretty malnourished. We decided to keep him and booked him in to be neutered on the 31st, which was the soonest the vet recommended for him.

We have been feeding him on high protein food and are keeping him inside until after the op, as we don't want him to go fathering litters in his last days as a full male. Keeping him quiet also helps him to rest and put some weight on too.

His Quirks

He's thoroughly enjoyed the last couple of days, and snoozed in the sun in the lounge room this morning as I had my first coffee with him. He's still really affectionate, and I believe he'd really like Tiki to be friendly with him. He gets a bit anxious if we leave the room, and cries when we return, but that will get better once he feels more secure.

One of the funniest things we've noticed about him so far is that he has a 'milk moustache'! His chin is white and his top lip black, except for a small area along the edge where it is white, and makes him look as though he's had a big glass of milk and needs to lick away the residue. I'll post some photo's of this as soon as I can.

Another thing is that he rocks himself when he is sitting down. I think it might be contentment, because he mostly does it when we've been petting him or talking to him. He gazes at you and rocks forwards and back, ever so gently. It's so cute!

Cat Naming Competition

We have a dilemma. My Andre and I have been adopted by a stray cat, which is all good and well, but we have no idea about what his name might be... Maybe you could help?

The winner will receive a photo of 'him' which he will personally autograph for you...
The naming competition will close on 15th April 1999.

Happy naming!!

Check out the entries so far.............or.........Enter Here!