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Anime Mistakes

Izzy's SUPPOSED to be the genius, am I right, well in the Myotismon season of the first Digidestined Izzy was supposed to arrange the cards to return to the digital world. If you notice the pictures you can see that Agumon/Gomamon were placed on the FIRST row, in other words the In-Training Row...HELLO?! They're rookies!! They probably should have gotten into the wrong dimension...

In 2000 Digileages under the Sea, you see Mega Seadramon swimming off into the sunset but yet he suddenly reappears showing the Digidestined that he is no longer under Ken's control...?

In the Pokemon Movie, One of the trainers called his PIDGEOT a PIDGEOTTO! If he's such a good trainer can't he remember his own pokemon's name??

I know Team Rocket is not that offense.. but when Team Rocket was in Mewtwo's lair examining the cloning machine which was duplicating the Trainers pokemon being, as the pokemon were coming out they called a Syther, Alakazam. ???. Maybe they need to pay more attention to that "Who's that Pokemon" game...

Dragonball Z
First of all, Gohan tells you that he's never seen Cell when he's in the hyperbolic chamber...YET he has a dream that includes Cell in PERFECT form! How would he even have known Cell had changed those 2 times while absorbing Android 17 and 18??

While Meowth is taking care of the egg (that they recently stole from Ash, Misty, and Brock) you can see that Jessie has taken off her black gloves. But then, in the next scene, Jessie has her gloves back on again. In the following scene she's got her gloves back on again???

In Pokemon the Movie, Meowth is naming all of the clones that are falling down. The first one he names is a "Sandshrew" which is actuallly a SANDSLASH.

In the episode, "Lights, Camera, Quack-tion!" The girl who ownes a Raichu accidently calls it Raichi!!

Dragonball Z
Android 18 was able to here her daughter, Maron, cheer her on in the World Martial Arts Tournament. Yet, she couldn't here Mighty Mask (Trunks and Goten in disguise) muttering to each other. They were saying things like, "Yeah Trunks!" "Let's get her Goten!"...

Dragonball Z
Android 18 was able to here her daughter, Maron, cheer her on in the World Martial Arts Tournament. Yet, she couldn't here Mighty Mask (Trunks and Goten in disguise) muttering to each other. They were saying things like, "Yeah Trunks!" "Let's get her Goten!"...

Digimon Tamers
As soon as a few people knew about the digimon, the tamers go prancing around with their digimon out in the open! I'd think the people who had no idea about Terriermon or Guilmon would be freakin out!

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