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Q. Why do you only have Toonami and WB animes?
Well, I've seen those other sites with a long list of anime indexes (and really, my list of animes that I like has grown so much since I first started this site). But the animes on my site are the ones that I have watched episodes of. My current (and growing) list is Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gargoyles, Pilot Canidate, Tenchi Muyo, Card Captors, and Yu-Gi-Oh. See, sometimes people just like to add animes to their site just for content and I don't see the point of doing that. Sometimes having TOO many animes on a site makes it a kind of mindless and dull list. Plus, it's another way to get other webmasters to steal content from other sites because they hadn't even watched the show. And sometimes researching information on the internet can't be relied on, even by someone who had watched the show but misinterpreted. So I watch and make sites for the animes that are important to me and that I have seen before.

Q. Where do you get your images?
Most of the time I draw/scan/color my own images!! ME! So they won't be like all those images that you can find in any old gallery. That way, people will know I drew it! Sometimes I do use pictures from the net since they're so much better than mine =(, but I make sure that there isn't any "DON'T TAKE IMAGES FROM HERE" statement. Sometimes those images ARE taken from other sites that don't allow permission and I don't know that they're stolen, but hopefully someone will tell me about it. o-O.

Q. What programs do you use? I use Adobe Photoshop Elements. I also have Adobe Photoshop 6.0 installed, but I usually don't use it. I used to have JASC Paintshop Pro, but I can't find the cd anymore!! I have the box though... perhaps it'll show up somewhere... Yeah. Basically I draw images on one of my many sketchbooks and scan it with my scanner. Then I trace and color it on Photoshop. Sometimes I'll use other ways of drawing, like oekakis. But I think Photoshop images look better than oekaki pictures (usually, not all the time). So sometimes I'll trace over my oekaki picture and redo it in Photoshop style.

Q. Why don't you have staff members?
I feel like it's too much of a hassle to clear it with other staff about my ideas and plans. I like making my own decisions and taking action myself. I admit though, it does make getting content posted harder since I always tend to skip from idea to idea (and I really don't like doing content unless it's something fun), never really completing anything -_-. Also, I wouldn't give out my password to people I don't know offline, and most of my real-life friends aren't into animes. But, I like working on this site by myself ^-^

Q. When is Chibi-Gijinkas going to get set up?
Oooo this is probably my hardest project. I'm still working on it and it is almost done with the info pages. The game only goes up to 1 realm, and I haven't made all the gjijinkas yet. But I like the way it's a walkthrough game, and I'm hoping you will too. I might just open it after I get the city set up (since it's the most important part). But it's still a long way off. Hopefully I can work on it more this summer. I usually have a sort of urge to do it and I get a lot of pages done, which is what happened to get the new layout and about 10% of it done. Another urge hasn't happened yet...

Q. Why can't I find your email?
Simple. Because I don't like to give out my email address on my site. Search the whole thing and you won't find it!! If you really need to contact me, do it through the Feedback.

Q. Can we affiliate??
Sure! I'm always up for affiliates and I'll take pretty much any site, regardless of hits or what server its on. I never really understood why sites put a requirement for hits. It just makes people with bad sites cheat and turns down sites with potential. So, just go to the Affiliation page!

Q. I don't know if I'll get accepted as an affiliate. Should I still apply??
YES!! As I said, I'm always looking for affiliates! Why not just give it a try ^-~

Q. Why am I not an affiliate anymore??
There are several reasons why you might have been taken off. 1) If you didn't link back to me. That seems to be a big one. 2) If your site was inactive for over 2-3 months without any warning. 3) If I couldn't find your page and just got a Cannot Find Server page. But you can just go and reapply again if you have a new url or your site is back up again. Chances are, I'll put you back up.

Q. Are you going to put any of your Fan-Fics up on your site? I think they sound interesting!??
I want to! But I'm kinda lazy and never get around to it. Writing. It just takes forever. And most of my free time is on the weekends now. Right now (like in day dreams) I'm planning out the scenes. The Digimon world is now in play. But I want to more or less get it planned so if I need/want to put in something and need a part in the beginning I can do it. But it's getting there! In fact, I plan to set up a new type of layout *seeccreett* and I plan to have little characters from only my fan fic in every page.

Q. Where are the free splashes/layouts?!?!
They're around here... somewhere. I took them down to make a subsection with free buttons/splashes/layouts/ect... but I'll probably put it back to the way it was anyway. And I did make about 3 new splashes, and I'll probably use some of my previous layouts to make new ones. E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y they will get up ^-^!!

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