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Best Friends Forever

Best Friends Forever
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Back Works Survey


Funny Stories


These are questions that we made up and answered for each other.

Kayla answering for Megan

1. What is my full name?

- Megan Elizabeth Cowan

2. What did I do when we went to see Star Wars?

-You went to the bathroom then you came back and sent a handicap man rolling down the aisle then felt my face in the dark and said “Kayla is that you?”

3. What sort of things happened to me at the North Haven Fair?

- You peed behind a bush j/k

4. What is my favorite kind of ice cream?

- Mint Chocolate Chip the white kind

5. I like to… Read romance novels and make meatloaf

6. I hate it when… I go to the bathroom and the there’s no toilet paper and I have to scream for help!

7. My favorite camp memory

-When you almost got eaten by sharks in the lake.

8. My favorite guy in a movie

- Watt from A Knights tale/ Grease Molester in Holiday in The Sun.

9. Favorite Guy from Rhode Island.

-The aisle 16 guy at Stop and Shop

10. Some thing I’ve said

-”Well the was a waste of six bucks!”

11. My favorite word

- Groomy

12. Something I’ve said to infomercial people

-What kind of bugs come out of the “Steam Buggy?”

Megan answering for Kayla

1. What is my full name?

-Kayla Emily Mezick

2. What did I do when we went to see Star Wars?

- She sat there quietly waiting from me to come back from the “facilities” yelling at me for hitting her in the face.

3. What sort of things happened to me at the North Haven Fair?

-She go hit on by two freaks from East Haven who said they knew her Kayla’s response was “Oh really cause I have never seen you before in my life.”

4. What is my favorite kind of ice cream?

- Mint Chocolate Chip the white kind!

5. I like to… lick my hairy feet just kidding!!

6. I hate it when… the Disney Channel plays dumb sentimental monkey movies

7. My favorite camp memory

- Was playing basketball with her Peter

8. My favorite guy in a movie

-Hot Heathy Ledger!!

9. Favorite Guy from Rhode Island.

- the Croton guy with the blue sunglasses she even memorized his licenses plate.

10. Some thing I’ve said

-” I want to nibble on your crispy chicken legs all night long with lemon butter sauce.

11. My favorite word

12. Something I’ve said to infomercial people

- Is this the Blind date network? See I broke up with my boyfriend just 10 mins ago wait do you have a boyfriend??