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Best Friends Forever

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Funny Stories


Here are some of our "stories" of weird thing we have experienced. hehe


We were in Rhode Island for a week during summer vacation. Kayla's parents rented a beach house and we shared a room there. Right outside the window was the roof and we could climb out it and look at the beach. It was so pretty! One night, we were especially hyper and were up at midnight just talking. We decided to go out and sit on the roof. We were in the middle of talking when all of a sudden Megan said "Kayla do you see that?" I looked out at the edge of the ocean and i saw by moonlight something that appeared to be 5 ft tall but had the twiddling legs of a bird. We watched it quickly scamper down the beach on the edge of the ocean water. We were kinda scared and really freaked out and we almost went after it, but all of a sudden it seemed to disappear into the water. We stayed out on the roof for a few more minutes but we kept scaring each other saying things like "The birdman is gonna come eat your human legs" and " its gonna climb through the window while you sleep!" It was a little creepy so we climbed back inside but didn't get to sleep until about 2:00. Almost every night after that we watched the beach at midnight but never saw birdman again. We know he's still out there, and we know it couldn't have been just a bird because of it's size. We also know that it couldn't be a man unless he had no flesh on his legs and moved them at extremely fast speeds. Neither one of us will ever forget seeing Birdman!

This story is about when people ruin the Easter Bunny's day by appearing 3 weeks early. It all started when Kayla was at my house. We were sitting on my couch watching the disney channel after a hard time of playing basketball in the puddles. When i was gazing out the window I saw a bunny. I got excited and said "Kayla, look at the bunny." But what she didn't know was that there was a six foot tall man in a bunny costume walking around the corner holding hands with my 70 year old nieghbor. She got up from the couch expecting to see alittle rabit on the grass. But instead she saw the 6 foot bunny. She start cracking up with the windows wide open. When she the clunky bunny head start to turn toward in her direction, we both stepped back from the window. We watched from a distance as the Bunny walked to the house across the street and took of his head and walked inside the house. Many may think that this was a man dressed up as a bunny for Easter but he was 3 weeks early on the 16th of March.. We think that bunny was up to no good!!

More to come!!