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Pop Ups

If you really want to make your site easy on the eyes to people with all different kinds of browser settings, you should have different versions of your site customized to certain browser settings. The most common are 800x600 and 1024x768. Pop Up layouts are a good way to make your site look better on 1024x768, but it usually looks good on any browser.

You are, of course, going to need a splash page because not all computers can handle a pop up layout and people visiting your site need a warning to let them know if they can enter or not.

After making your splash page, this is the coding you need to make a pop up (put this between the head tags on your splash page:

You can adjust the coding to your liking in case you don't want it resizable or want a toolbar, etc.

The next part goes in the body. So if you want it to look like this:

1024x768 (Pop Up)
(don't worry, you didn't break it, it's not suppost to work. ~_^)

You need to put this somewhere in the body tags:

You would change the areas that say WIDTH and HEIGHT to fix your layout. You would also change the http://www.YOUR_URL.html to whatever URL you want the pop up to be, and the part that says 1024x768 (Pop Up) can be changed to whatever you want as well. You can make this part an image link as well, just do what you would always do when you are making an image link.

I've tested it, so it should work if you follow all the directions. Good luck!