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Here is a brief overview of how we review:


This section of the review deals with the way your site looks and is "laid out." Crazy, huh? ^_^ Anyway, things like your splash page (is you have one), your layout itself, navigation, broken images/links/etc. will all be delt with in this section.

10 points


This is the most important part of the review and will deal with the main part of your site. Without content, you have nothing. All sections of your site will be acknowledged in this part and any errors within those sections will be addressed.

20 points


Obviously if you have a generic fan site that is a replica of the million other sites dedicated to that same topic, you aren't going to get that many points in this section. Just slapping some character stats on a page and a few images isn't going to cut it. I'm not saying that if you have a general fan site you aren't going to get a good score, I'm saying you need to make it your own to make people want to visit.

10 points

Overall Impression

Bacially this is what the reviewer felt about your site after it had been gone through completely. They will then jude your site on 10 points and decided what percent they think you deserve out of that 10. (eg: if the reviewer thinks you deserve an 80%, they'd give you 8 points.) They base this mostly on whether or not they enjoyed your site and if they'd want to come back.

10 points

And the Winner Is...

After all the points are tallied up, your score will be out of 50 points. Then, the amount of points you received will be divided by 50 and then made into a percentage. (eg: 30/50 = 60%) If you receive an 80% (40/50) or higher, you will receive an award from us and two stars will be put next to the site's name in the archive section. The award looks like this:

Obviously the real award wont have the words "sample" across it, but that's just so no one that doesn't deserve it wont steal it. The image is of Sailor Moon in case you were wondering.
Sites with a 70%-79% will get one star next to their site. (This will help people visiting the site see which sites they might actually want to visit.)