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undefined Pan's Dojo
About Me

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My name is Tiffanie, I was born in Illinois on April 2, 1987. I'm 12 yrs old. I don't have any brothers or sisters, and my dog died last year. Her name was Lady and she was 19 in ppl years.

My favorite colors are blue, black, and purple, and my favorite animals are a bunny and a kitty.

Also, my hobbies are drawing. I mostly draw Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z/GT charectors, seeing that those are my favorite T.V. shows.

I am in an RPG (role playing game) called SJD. It's my guild, so if you want to join, contact me.

If you'd like to contact me, email me. I'm also on Aol Instant Messenger as SJDPan, or on ICQ at 26513974.