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Character Profiles

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This is the profile page, enjoy!!!

If I missed an improtant charector, or one of your favs, e-mail me with their name, age, powers, and a little background. Also a picture if you'd be so kind. :)


Name: GoKou : Full Saiyan - jin
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Kaioken, Kamehameha, Spirit Bomb, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ Level I, SSJ Level II, SSJ Level III, Super IV, Solar Flare, Instantanious Movement, Zanzoken.
Other Information: GoKou is the main character of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT. He is also the strongest of all the characters to appear in any of the dragon ball series. In the Z series he marries to Chi-Chi, daughter of Ox King, and they have two sons, GoHan and Goten.

Name: GoHan : Half Saiya - jin, Half Human
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Kamehameha, Masenko, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ Level I, SSJ Level II, Zanzoken
Other Information: GoHan is the oldest of GoKou and Chi-Chi's sons. As a boy he was always studying, and was taken prisoner by Raditz. GoHan played a key role in the fight against Raditz, when GoKou was in trouble GoHan got angry and attacked with such force, that it made Raditz lose his balance. (At that time Raditz was FAR stronger than any of the heroes) GoHan later trains with Piccolo for the arrival of the other saiya - jins, Nappa and Vegeta. During this time, GoHan and Piccolo form a special bond. GoHan always looks up to Piccolo even when he becomes older. GoHan is arguably the STRONGEST character in the dragonball series. He almost never fights at full strength. I guess he doesn't have enough fighting motivation. When he does fight at full strength... LOOK OUT! In the later episodes, GoHan has a little girl named Pan.
Name: Goten : Half Saiya-jin, Half Human
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Kamehameha, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ Level I, Zanzoken
Other Information: Goten is the youngest son of GoKou and Chi-Chi. He is always playing around with his best friend, Trunks. Goten is known for throwing fits when he doesn't get what he wants. He is VERY powerful for his age. He impressed everyone when he went Super Saiya - jin at age 7. He has a very strong resemblace to GoKou. Goten is also relatively stupid so he usually messes things up,(Just like his dad! :) ) and although he is trying to help he is clumsy.
Name: Pan : 3/4 Human, 1/4 Saiya - jin
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ Level I, Various Energy Attacks, Zanzoken
Other Information: Pan is GoHan and Videl's daughter. She initializes her Saiya - jin fourth well, and is the most powerful female in the entire Dragon Ball series. She is pretty easily tempered, and has problems getting dates because everyone is scared of her power at school.(Poor girl!)
Name: Krillin : Full Human
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Destructo Disc, Kamehameha, Renzoku Energy Dan, Tri-Form Technique, Zanzoken
Other Information: Krillin is GoKou's best friend, and plays a fairly important role in Dragon Ball. His disrupto disk is a very powerful attack and he has almost killed many far stronger enemies with it. He almost killed Freeza at one point. He isn't as powerful as many of the other characters, but he is very resourceful. He even briefly faced off against Brolly. He and #18 fall in love, after he destroys the control that could have deactivated her. They have one daughter, and Krillin eventually grows hair... YES i know thats hard to believe but he does! He stops shaving his head finally!
Name: Android #18 : Part Human, Part Robot
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Renzoku Energy Dan, Various Energy Attacks, Zanzoken
Other Information: Although #18 looks basically like a "cute" girl, you better watch out. She is quite strong and was equal to Vegeta when he first went Super Saiya - jin. She is smarter than #17, and doesn't have his confidence. Even with that she still ends up being absorbed by Cell. With the addition of her, he becomes PERFECT. When Cell is defeated by GoHan, #17, and #18 become normal again. #18 and Krillin fall in love... They get married and eventually have a cute little blonde daughter.
Name: Android #17 : Part Human, Part Robot
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Force Field, Renzoku Energy Dan, Various Energy Attacks, Zanzoken
Other Information: #17 is probably Dr. Gero's most cocky, and confident android. Even when he is evenly matched or losing, he always believes he will come out on top. He wants to kill Goku but makes the mistake of taking his time on getting there. Piccolo decides to try to kill him so Cell can not become perfect but because of his unyielding confidence he is absorbed by Cell. Cell becomes far more powerful than usual with #17's energy. Although he is stronger than #18, #17 can't compare to Cell and Piccolo combined with Kame.
Name: Android #16 : Full Robot
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Hellfire Blast, Renzoku Energy Dan, Shoot Hand, Various Energy Attacks, Zanzoken
Other Information: #16 was one of Dr. Gero's earlier creations. He was considered a failure because instead of fighting he was peaceful. The only person he actually wanted to kill was GoKou, until Cell arrived. #16 tried to defend #17 from being absorbed by Cell, but #17 was too ignorant and wanted to fight Cell. #17 was pretty easily absorbed by Cell. Cell then became too powerful for #16 to defend against. He tried to get #18 to run, and they eventually hide on an island until Cell arrives and they are forced to run again. #18 is eventually absorbed and Cell becomes perfect. #16 is strong but he is later killed by Cell. His death triggers something in GoHan and causes him to go Super Saiya - jin Level 2.
Name: Android #19 : Part Human, Part Robot
Moves/Attacks: Absorb Energy, Flying, Renzoku Energy Dan, Various Energy Attacks, Zanzoken
Other Information: #19 is the android that Dr. Gero had decided to bring with him to face Goku, and the rest. He was the most loyal of Dr. Gero's androids, and he has the awesome ability of absorbing energy from a person by grabbing them, or absorbing an energy attack! He faced off against GoKou, but like Dr. Gero he didn't know about GoKou going Super Saiya - jin. He was losing very badly against GoKou until GoKou used a kamehameha, and #19 absorbed it. Then since GoKou was having the heart problems that Trunks predicted he was easily beaten by #19. #19 didn't have long to bask in his glory though, and the newly turned Super Saiya - jin Vegeta had appeared on the scene, and massacred #19. The only thing left of him was his head.
Name: Dr. Gero/#20 : Part Human, Part Robot
Moves/Attacks: Absorb Energy, Flying, Renzoku Energy Dan, Various Energy Attacks, Zanzoken
Other Information Dr. Gero was defeated by Goku when he was a child. He has held a grudge ever since, and has vowed to resurrect the Red Ribbon Army. Dr. Gero created a number of androids, and decided to use them against Goku. Even though he orignally intruduced himself and Android #20, later he is discovered to be Dr. Gero. Dr. Gero ran, and hid from all the Z Warriors, until he had the chance to activate his strongest creations... #17, and #18. Dr. Gero had hoped that unlike the last time he activated them, they would listen to him. They tricked him and broke the emergency shutdown control, and #17 killed Dr. Gero.
Name: Vegeta : Full Saiya - jin
Moves/Attacks: Big Bang Attack, Final Flash Attack, Flying, Galic Gun, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ Level I, SSJ Level II, Super IV (with brute ray), Zanzoken
Other Information: Vegeta is the prince of all saiya - jins. He was rated as an elite saiya - jin at birth, and he has a HUGE thirst for power. Vegeta will do almost anything to become stronger, and can't turn down a challenge. He reluctantly falls in love with Bulma, and they have a son... Trunks. Vegeta is always very jealous of GoKou's power. He tries everything to have enough power to defeat GoKou. GoKou and Vegeta are constantly rivals, and Vegeta's pride gets him in trouble quite a bit. Vegeta is a very powerful fighter, and really knows how to fight.
Name: Bulma : Full Human
Moves/Attacks: None besides constant anger, self pity, and well... being a bitch
Other Information: Bulma is a technological genius. She can use almost any kind of machine. She has contributed importantly many times throughout the series. She found out how to program a scouter to make it show numbers in their language. She also made the infamous brute ray which allows Vegeta to reach Super Saiya - jin Level 4. She is the mother of Trunks, and treats him very well. She even invented the time machine that allowed Future Trunks to stop the hazards in the future from ever happening. Bulma eventually marries Vegeta, although in the future Vegeta died before they had the chance.
Name: Trunks : Half Saiya - jin, Half Human
Moves/Attacks: Burn Attack, Buster Blast, Flying, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ Level I, Zanzoken
Other Information: Trunks is the son of Bulma, and Vegeta. He originally came from a future where the world was taken over by two androids... #17, and #18. He thought that by saving GoKou from a terminal heart disease with medicine that was not yet availible in the present, he could stop the androids from ever taking over. Trunks gives the medicine to GoKou, and leaves. Later Trunks arrives yet again because he wants to make sure the androids are destroyed. Something strange had happened in the present, and the androids are far stronger and a being known only as Cell ends up absorbing #17, and #18 to become the perfect being. Trunks leaves soon after the defeat of Cell. Around when the androids appeared in the present the actual Trunks was born to Bulma. The present day Trunks was never as strong as Future Trunks because Future Trunks grew up in a world of chaos, while present day Trunks grew up in rather peaceful times.
Name: Piccolo : Full Namek
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Special Beam Cannon, Masenko, Regeneration, Renzoku Energy Dan, Tri-Form Technique, Zanzoken
Other Information: Piccolo was GoKou's rival until a powerful being came to Earth named Raditz. It turned out Raditz was a Saiya - jin like GoKou, and he kidnapped GoHan to get GoKou to jion the rest of the saiya - jins. Piccolo and GoKou go out to save GoHan, and eventually suceed with the help of Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon. Piccolo developes a bond with GoHan and seems to always be helping him out when he can. Piccolo melds with his other half, Kami-sama and becomes like a Super Namek when Cell and the Androids come about. Piccolo is powerful, but he still isn't as strong as some of the Super Saiya - jins.
Name: Tien : Full Human with a third eye
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Multi-form Technique, Renzoku Energy Dan, Taiyoken (Solar Flare), Various Energy Attacks, Zanzoken
Other Information: Tien is one of the strongest humans there are, but his power still doesn't come anywhere near those of the Super Saiya - jins. His Taiyoken technique always comes in handy when a retreat is needed. He is also able to make multiple forms of himself, and can take on stronger enemies with that ability. He cares very much about his little brother, Chaozu.
Name: Brolly : Full Saiya - jin
Moves/Attacks: Flying, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ Level I, Ultimate SSJ Various Energy Blasts, Zanzoken
Other Information: Brolly was THE most powerful saiya - jin at birth. He is considered the legendary Super Saiya - jin. He was driven crazy by Goku's crying when they were in the hospital together. He is incredibly strong, and took on GoKou, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, and Trunks at the same time. Although he only reached the first level of Super Saiya - jin, he was about as strong as a Level III Super Saiya - jin. Brolly keeps on coming back after being defeated... He took on the whole Z Force until GoKou beat him with all the gathered energy of everyone else. Brolly came back to fight Goten, Trunks, and Gohan later on. He was defeated again by a large kamehameha which was a combined shot from Goten, GoHan, and GoKou. He was finally killed by Goten and Trunks after being mutated by a strange purple substance...
Name: Cell : Unknown
Moves/Attacks: Absorb, Create Cell Jr.s, Flying, Kamehameha, Special Beam Cannon, Regeneration, Renzoku Energy Dan, Zanzoken
Other Information: Cell is the combination of GoKou's, Vegeta's, Piccolo's, Freeza's, King Cold's, Tien's, and Krillin's DNA. He was created by Dr. Gero's computer. Dr. Gero never stopped wanting revenge on GoKou for defeating the Red Ribbon Army, and programed his computer to use the DNA he had collected from the strongest warriors to creat the perfect being, Cell. When cell was finished he stole Trunks' time machine from the future, and came back to present time. Cell wasn't entirely perfect yet, so he went searching for #17, and #18 to absorb them and become perfect. He eventually absorbed them, and no one could defeat him... That was until GoHan got made and went Super Saiya - jin II. GoHan and Cell were evenly matched until Vegeta blasted cell and distracted him, while GoHan shot him with a full powered perfect kamehameha. Cell was disintegrated.