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A New Hope

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Jade Sirinial Cavtron
Lillian Shamtul Cavtron
Dameon Alloran Cavtron

The three Cavtrons. Lillian Shamtul Cavtron and Dameon Alloran Cavtron were later destroyed by Frieza. Frieza, then, attemped to kill Jade but failed, resulting into Jade's escape.

Now she depends on the Ronin Warriors, Prince Vegeta, Kakorat, and the others to help her destroy Frieza, and avenge her parent's death.

Chapter 1:Frieza's arrival

Jade Cavtron frowned down at the planet called Nameksei.

"Are you sure this is it?" She asked, turning her head to look at Prince Vegeta.

He nodded. "Yes. Frieza should be there, searching for the Dragon Balls. If I know Frieza, he'd be on his way on wishing for immortality," replied Vegeta.

Jade solemly nodded. She was only 16 and had learned to trust Vegeta over her years with him as her gaurdian. She learned that when Vegeta was younger, he had spent a brief time with Frieza, doing evil deeds around the galaxy, along with his own two gaurdians Napa, and Radditz.

Later on, Vegeta ran away from Frieza and has sought revenge on him ever since.

Frieza had destroyed King Vegeta,Prince Vegeta's father. Vegeta had always sought revenge on him.

Jade's Saiyan tail twisted tightly around her thin waist. She was rather small and thin for her age, but she was a very strong fighter. She wore white baggy cargo pants,a blue tiger stripped tank top and black Doc Martens. She had brown hair, with two pieces in front bleached blonde. Her pale blue eyes flashed malicoulasly at the mention of Frieza.

Jade and Vegeta were both on Vegeta's spaceship, on their way to Nameksei, to join with Kakorat,his son, the Ronin Warriors and the others. Jade had spent most of the time, staring out the window-Vegeta, napping. The two Saiyans waited for their descened onto Nameksei.

"Artemis..." Vegeta called softly, using Jade's Saiyan name. Jade got up wordlessly and joined Vegeta. She looked up at him. "Artemis... when we do battle Frieza....try not to get killed....ok? " Vegeta implored, his voice low. Jade nodded solemly, her eyes flashing at Frieza's name. Vegeta smiled slightly and ruffled Jade's hair a bit. "Good."

The gentle thump told the two Saiyans that they have landed on Nameksei.Vegeta walked to the exit door and pulled it open. He flew out then landed softly on his feet. Jade followed, doing the same. She looked around.No one else was there. She frowned slightly.

"Where is everyone?" She asked. Vegeta frowned. "I don't know.." he responded. Jade flew up high, trying to catch a glimpse of Kakorat,or the Ronin Warriors. She put on her blue lensed scouter and hit the button on the side, searching for some power levels. She got a read out. 5,000... 8,000....3,000....6,000...and 7,000.

5 power levels. Jade looked to the east. Yes..

The Ronin Warriors were there.

Without saying a word, Jade flew to the east. Vegeta followed her. Within 5 minutes, the two had landed. Sure enough, there were the Ronin Warriors..






All five of them.Jade smiled. Good. Surely they were strong enough when the fight begin.

"Hey guys," she called out in greeting. The five of them looked up, then stood.

"Glad your here guys," said Ryo, grinning and winking at Jade.

Jade went slightly red and her Saiyan tail tightened around her thin waist. Kento rolled his eyes and took another bite of his sandwitch he had brought along.

Vegeta smirked. "Don't you ever stop eating?" he asked Kento.

Kento shrugged. "Guess so," he said in between a mouthful of a ham and cheese sandwich.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Is Frieza here yet?" he asked, impatient.

Sai shook his head. "No. We could detect any out power level for miles around," he replied.

Jade turned and looked at Vegeta. "In that case, can we spar? I wanna make sure I'm ready to battle Freiza.."she asked.

Vegeta smirked. "All right, Artemis." he answered, then stepping away from the five Ronin Warriors.

He got into a stance, Jade doing the same.She looked at Ryo.

"Gives us a countdown.." she requested.

"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Go!" Ryo yelled! Jade flew at Vegeta and faded before hitting him. Her ki was hidden so Vegeta couldn't go after her.

She appeared in front of him and kicked him up. As he flew up, she flew after him, kneeing him down, flew under him and kneed him back up. Then, she uppercutted hard under the chin.

Vegeta was able to grab her arms and pin them to her chest. She managed to fling her arms out and brought her foot up high, kicking Vegeta squarly in between the eyes.

Vegeta staggered back.

Jade charged several times,then crossed her arms, placing them over her eyes. "SOLAR FLARE!!!!!!" she yelled, and the whole area was shrouded in a bright light.

For several minutes, Vegeta and the Ronin Warriors were blinded.

When the light cleared, Jade was no where to be seen.

Vegeta blinked, un able to sense her power level. "Huh?" he muttered, then was hit in the head, nearly knocking him out. He hit the ground hard.

Jade landed, panting hard.

Then she straightend up and handed Vegeta a senzu bean. He ate it and quickly recovered.

Then, he smirked. "Your ready to fight him," he said. Jade grinned.

"Good," She said,"now he just has to show up."

Suddenly, Vegeta looked up. Then,putting his scouter on, he hit the button on the side.

"Hmm.." he muttered. Jade looked at him. "There are several power levels coming from the west," supplied Vegeta and took off his scouter. Soon, four figures emerged from the distance. Before any of them could say or do anything, Piccolo,Gohan,Goku,and Krillin landed infront of them.

"Hi guys!" said Krillin happily. He and Gohan were proudly sporting real Saiyan armor. Jade had to smile at the sight of them.

Piccolo looked around. "Well, where is he?'' he growled in his deep voice.Jade knew he was refering to Frieza.

"Dunno," muttered Kento,who was making quick work of another sandwich. Sage rolled his eyes but said nothing.

Jade glanced around. Suddenly, she sensed an enormous power level. "Oh no.." she muttered sadly.

Ryo looked up from attending to his tiger,White Blaze. "What is it?" he asked, a concerned edge to his voice.

Jade shook slightly."He's here.." she whispered,taking about two steps back. Everyone stood, either sliding into stances,or preparing their armor.As her eyes focused, a small figure emerged from the north.Soon, it landed in front of them.

It was Frieza. He was short, a mere 5'1 but extremly dangerous. His pasty white face had dark purple lips, which were pulled back in a cruel grin.He was bald, but his head was white and purple , with two vicious looking horns.His leg and arms were pink, and his finger nails and toe nails were black.He had lizard-like feet, with only three toes. His pink arms were folded and his thick,fleshy tail waved behind him.

Frieza laughed cruelly. "Well now, have you all come to play?" he said in a slightly high voice. Everyone seemed frozen, un able to speak. Frieza floated slightly, peering at the group. Then he spotted Vegeta. "Well, if it isn't Prince Vegeta.My, how you've grown. When I last saw you ,you were a mere princeling," sniggered Frieza.

Vegeta gritted his teeth in anger."So Frieza..after all those years, working for you, I-" He began but trailed off, his anger claiming him.