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Here, we've got some pictures for ya. That's right, just for you. These could be from our practices, anything we've done recently, whatev. Go and bask in their...resplendence.

Coffee House '04

February 11, 2005: Here's a few pictures from Coffee House, along with one picture from some poker antics. As for the last one, let's just say that if you talk smack about us, this guy is going to come after you.

Hot Bass Action

August 20, 2004: Just thought I'd put up a pic of old reliable, the bass I use all the time. Says she's a "Renegade" on the head, damned if I know what that means. The company either faded into obscurity or was the target of a massive government conspiracy involving Care Bears and the clown invasion. I think I like the second explanation better. Sorry for the crappy pic, better one coming soon.