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A Little About Me

Hi...I am Allison, and I am happy
to welcome you to my, "first site ever," on the web.

My husband, Dan, and I live in a small rural town in Missouri.
About half way between Kansas City and Columbia.
(give or take a little):-)

I grew up in a large family of eight children,
Two brothers and five sisters.Those guys didn't have a chance.:-)

I have three wonderful grown children,
thirteen darling grandchildren, and three
precious great grand children. I have also been blessed
with many other wonderful relatives and friends, especially
a sister and mother-in-law, all of which I love dearly.
We have a very close relationship that I am very thankful for.
Each of us know that if we have a problem or are in trouble,
that the others will be there to lend a helping hand, encourage us,
or just let us know that they care.

I enjoy doing needle work, from doll clothes to quilts, and I
love collecting angels, apples, dolls, Fenton glass, and Precious
Moment figurines.

It is from all of this that I have created
my treasured memories, which I plan to share a few of
in the pages of my web site. I hope that you enjoy...

Please sign my guest book and if you have a comment
or suggestion, please fill free to leave a message.

To my knowledge all graphics and etc. in this site are public domain. If I have used any graphics, etc. on any of my pages without permission and not put a link back to your site, please make a note in my Guestbook and I will be happy to link back to you or get permission to use the graphics. I assure you it was not ententional.

This RingSurf
Memorial Sites Ring
Net Ring owned by
Allie's Treasures.

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This RingSurf Net Ring
is owned by Allison Tuggle.
~ My Parents Are Survivors ~
~ Keeping our children's memories alive ~

Angels and Miracles Join Next Site Previous Site List Sites Random Site Next 5 Sites Previous 5 Sites


A Memorial
A Greeting
Summer's Afterglow
Little Friends
Autumn Beauty
Remember This
Judge Gently
I'm Spending My First Christmas In Heaven
My Weather Page