The Ancient Middle East
Ancient Middle East was the beginnings of all civilization in
the western world. The word civilization infers the existance of
cities. Here, amidst the desert sands, are found the worlds oldest
monuments. The Ziggurats of Ur are similar to the great pyramids
of Egypt. To the left we see the original grand staircase to the
gods, as well as a possible receptical for grain production. The
two ideas of providing sustenence for humanity meld as one.
The Middle East is
a cradle of civilization that began the process of modernization we see
today. Together, in harsh conditions, people bonded to undertake
bigger and more elaborate projects. This process of teamwork led
to an unselfish sharing of some duties as well as the rewards to be reaped.
The cooperation and planning for building projects as well as the maintenence
of irrigation canals created the world's first primitive governments and
the world's first advanced governments. The study of the ancients
of the ancients is sure to dig at the roots of mankind's existence and
Begin your Adventure
by clicking one of the following options:
Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Egypt
The Hebrews and Phoenicians