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When APS Bowling was first created, people demanded a new team that would be the greatest bowling team of all time, yet include the three greatest looking individuals in the T-Dot region. For this reason, we created Team APS. As APS Bowling progressed, people felt that listening to news reports of Team APS was simply not enough APS Bowling for them. For this reason, we created, an interactive website showcasing the talent, style, and façade of APS Bowling. But fans demanded more. They all knew of Team APS's rugged good looks, and the simple complexity of their nature. However, eloquent writing could only describe the stunning looks to an extent. The next logical step could only be adding still picture to the already popular web site. A picture says a thousand words, but a picture of Team APS just screems one. "More!" The fans were temporarely satisfied. A band-aid solution had been inacted. But as it is said, a band-aid does not fix a shattered spine. The rioting of the fans was subdued. But even a Band-Aid© brand band-aid can only absorb so much blood. As time wore on, the white synthetic cotton became saturated with the yearning screams for more. And for this a new solution was created. Motion and sound were added to the pictures, and a new full length movie was born. APS Bowling: The movie. The motion picture stars The Baron, JIM, and The Rocket.

Currently APS Bowling is 1 hour long, as the filming continues. Stay tuned for short preview scenes, and possibly a trailer, as the movie progresses.

Preview Movie Clip now online!

Rocket Shot (30 Seconds)

Preview screening of first 20 minutes is shown to FHCI

A very elite group of individuals in the course HSP3M1 in Forest Hill Collegiate Institute were treated to a very rare sneak peak at the movie, even as filming continued in studios. The response was very positive, as the students realized that they were witnessing history transpire. As students poured out of the G-Level classroom after the screening was over, questions were quickly being asked about future plot lines and about the cliffhanger ending. One student requested the phone number of Sam "SAM" Kirshner, who had a brief but important role in the first 20 minutes of the movie. "I can't wait to see the entire movie," said one elated student. "Even as a work in progress, it is the greatest movie I have seen in years." Stay tuned, and wait to see if your school or office is the next lucky location for a preview screening as the filming continues.

The Rocket announced as most popular celebrity in the world!!

Due to the recent upsurge of popularity that Team APS has gotten through the recent screenings of APS Bowling, The Rocket has been announced the the most popular celebrity in the world, up from 6th days earlier, which was up from 25th weeks before.

Guess the Dictator/Sit-Com Character is a game that was created to allow users to think of a celebrity, and answer a series of yes/no answers to determine the celebrity of their choice. At first it was designed to include only dictators and sitcom characters, but now it has been expanded to include all politicians, television characters, and bowlers. The site also keeps track of the most guessed celebrities, and keeps a tally of the top 25. On January 23rd, 2003, it was announced that The Rocket had become the 25th most guessed celebrity on the website. Shortly after this announcement, the few people accross the world who had never heard of APS Bowling searched franticly in their magazines, newspapers, internet sites, bowling gazettes, modeling catologues, and movie shelves to find out everything they could about APS Bowling. This increased the popularity of Team APS immencly. On January 26th, 2003, only three days after being announced 25th most popular celebrity in the world, The Rocket was announced the 6th most popular celebrity in the world, in between Jerry Seinfed, and Kosmo Kramer. Then, in a shocking development, The Rocket toppled the 1st place position on Febuary 11th, 2003, officially becoming the most popular celebrity in the world.

Team APS was available for comment shortly after the announcement. "As Team APS captain, let me be the first to congradulate The Rocket on this achievement," said Team APS captain The Baron. "I was surprised to find out that it was not me who was named most popular celebrity, but for now let me just congradulate our frontman." Team APS high scorer JIM was also available for a short interview. "The Rocket was selected due to his important role in the movie APS Bowling, especially his frequent Rocket Shot which is very memorable. Let me be the first to say, Rocket, watch out, becomes here comes JIM on that top 25 chart." After many speaches, The Rocket went to the podium to accept his honor. "My first question was, why did it take so long for me to be recognized as most popular celebrity?" Asked the single most popular celebrity in the world. "Then I noticed that President Castro was number 17, and then I realised how serious this top 25 chart was. To be ahead of President Castro in any list is quite a humbling experience, which almost makes me feel embarrased to accept," he continued. "But watch out, because soon my teammates will be on that list too!" he said with a blistering tone. To go to the site, which includes the top 25 celebrities chart, click here, or go directly to the chart. Look for more Team APS members to appear on this chart, as filming of APS Bowling continues, and Team APS gains popularity.

The Rocket was temporarely taken off the top 25 chart, due to an anti-bowling descriminatory bias displayed by the webmasters of the site. However, due to immense public pressure, the webmasters were forced to put The Rocket back on the list. "The people will never be censored!!" said a fiery Rocket when his reinstatement was announced. His short lived ban from the list increased publicity of his plight, increasing the ammount of votes rapidly. On Febuary 11th, 2003, it was announced that The Rocket had become the single most popular celebrity in the world, up from 2nd place one day earlier, which was up from 6th place only 2 before.

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