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Hermione Granger

Name: Hermione Granger
Age: 17
Born: September 19
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Likes: Homework; studying; Harry and Ron; Arithmancy; ‘‘Hogwarts, a History’’, Viktor Krum (for book IV at least)
Dislikes: Potions class; Draco Malfoy (and the other Slytherins); Voldemort; when Harry and Ron make stupid comments proving they still haven’’t read ‘‘Hogwarts, A History’’
School: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor

Parents: Names unknown, both muggle dentists.
Hermione is probably the smartest muggleborn witch to come through Hogwarts for a long time. She is top of every class and will fret over anything less than an E on a piece of work. She began Hogwarts without many friends, but after being saved by Harry and Ron from a Mountain Troll in the girls bathroom in their first year, they have been the best of friends.