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|Character Profiles|

|The Sorting Hat|


|The Dark Mark|

|The Board|

|The Rules|

|Contact Info|

The Rules

These Rules are to be followed at all times.

Thou shalt not speak out of character.

Thou shalt not chat, find a chat board to fulfill that wish.

Thou shalt not move another person's character, or give them a history they did not permit you to (like saying they are a murderer, or that you dated them - unless it was in the books - you only decide for your own character) If they say it's ok - on msn or email - then go ahead!

Thou shalt not impersonate another's character, lest you have drank Polyjuice potion. But be aware, they may walk in on you in the process!

Though shalt not kill (anyone else's character but your own, that is)

Thou shalt not take people seriously. If they are unpleasant - it's their character, not them, any unpleasentness off the board should not be taken out on someone on the baord.

Thou shalt not choose your house if you are your own character, the hat will sort you after a simple test.

Thou Shalt Not post where you weren't - if a post is going on - you may not be suddenly there hearing every word

Thou Shalt Not be disrespectful of the faculty, least ye be punished (Seriously, the teachers have authority - if they give you detention - go to it - they will have their rules too, they're not going to catch you red-handed every time you do something bad)

Thou shalt not speak ill of the Malfoy family, hence we curse your toenails.

Thou shalt not post twice in a row in one post. If someone doesn't answer right away, wait. Posting twice in a row is just plain stupid. (and a sign of madness, talking to yourself)

Thou stalt not suddenly be an animagus. Thou must tell the owner (Jennifer) you are an animagus when you join, otherwise must work for three years straight before you may be one.

Thou shalt not know something unless thou happened to be in the room at the time. Unless another character tells you something that happened in another post, or you were in the post at the time, you will not know it happened. Otherwise, what is the point of a secret? If on MSN or Email, a person tells you you may know something, it is ok. But you must have consent, either emaily consent, or posted consent.

Thou shalt not post as two people in the same post. Your characters are different people, hence must post seperately... otherwise, it will be just like moving another person's character.

Thou shalt not use information given in Character Journals in a post unless you have stolen the person's journal. They are as private as normal journals are.