Wilkins Biographies, Obituaries & Descendant Trees

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post them here. Please don't send in any information on living persons.

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Any questions? Email me marilee@wilkinslinks.org

Col. Charles Smith Wilkins, Sr. & Descendants
Cyrus, Lyman, Alphaus, Melvin, Ethel Wilkins
Major General John Wilkins, Jr. (1761-1816)
George G. Wilkins (b.1820)
Descendants of Henry Wilkins (born 1812 in Gloucestershire)
James H. Wilkins
James Knox Polk Wilkins (1845-1895)
Little John Wilkins (b.1799) & Lucy Tanner (b.1800)
Rev. Mary Jane Wilkins Vinson Lake (1835-1927)
Samuel Franklin Wilkins (b.1802)
Willoby Wilkins (1846-1878)
Rev. Zephaniah M. Wilkins (1811-1889)