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About the Webmistress

Well, well, well, so you want to learn about the mind behind this opinionated and loquacious site, do you? It's a dangerous thing you're attempting, and many have been permanently changed from too close an acquaintance to me, never to return to their normal selves. But if you must know, read on:

Basic Statistics:

Age: 18 (At long last!)

Grade: College. Weird.

Hair: Short, curly, brown

Eyes: Of a debatable color, some say brown, green, blue, hazel, grey. I think they're grey.

Height: 5'11" I grew!


Color: Purple

Music: Musicals, mostly, along with weird cross country music (not country, cross country! although I don't mind country music either, especially efo), Evan and Jaron, Vertical Horizon, some pop rock stuff, and ska.

Hobbies: Cross Country, Drama, reading, writing, singing, figure skating, flute, scrap booking (is that a verb?), Fimo clay, this page, whatever else I have time for

Movies: The Matrix and Moulin Rouge with Charlie's Angels coming in a slightly distanced third and Mission Impossible tied with it. Minority Report has just come onto the scene, however, and after seeing it twice I have a feeling it just might edge out Charlie's Angels.

Meyers-Briggs (if you know what that is... It's a personality typing test that categorizes you into one of 16 types and is usually dead right): INFJ

For a periodic update of my activities, click here!

Mostly, I am defined by my after school activites: drama and cross-country (to find out more about these, go to the specific pages (still written by me, have no fear!) at the bottom of this page.) as well as by the things I enjoy: acting and running. ha... ha...? as well as my sense of humor. No, I also like to read, to write, um... lots of stuff. Here, how about this:

Cross Country


My Faith

Other Books I Like

Everything You Never Wanted To Know About... Musicals

And here's some more about me for those who want more than some explanations of my interests and activities...

Let's see... what else? Um, I like to play the flute, at least, when I have time (never) and I also take figure skating in the free time left over after that (none). In my extra snippets of spare time (non-existant) I update this webpage. My best friends have for the most part moved away or become permanent homework drones, but I have recently learned the important skill of being able to handle being alone in a crowd of people, like at lunch, for instance. I am in school against my will for not much longer, and am soon to trade in an education focused primarily on test scores for one in which I get to choose the things that most interest me (like behavioral neurology, stellar and galactic astronomy, astrobiology, and theater) and learn about them from people who understand and care about the subjects and not whether or not I can get a 5 on the AP. I will also, mercifully, perhaps never have to take a history class again.

I enjoy cleaning my room and thus freeing my mind, and I like to write in my journal, and if I ever have a spare moment I have about 50 ideas for plays, short stories, etc. that I'd like a chance to write out. But that's about all for me. Unless you want to know what I'm up to at the moment. The End.

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Everything on this site is copyright 2001 by October. You have likely now learned enough about her to realize how upset she would be if you tried to steal her pages, even this one, which she sees no reason anyone would steal. If she caught you, she might make you read more about her, which she wrote long-windedly with exorbitant use of parenthetical clauses, which is pretty much a fate worse than death. To use something from this site, please ask the webmistress for permission first at You MUST have permission to use information from this site!