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A funny thing happened on my way through life..



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            ABOUT ME




                            AM I CRAZY?

  • No I am not! But for the longest time I thought I was. I didn't see anyone else with my problem. Why was this happening to me? The story goes like this. When I was a child, my dad brought me to a neurologist to find out why my head kept shaking. The doctor said I was just being a kid..THANKS DOC!!!
  • I remember how self conscious I was. I had involuntary jerking ( tics ) in my head, arms neck and I kept blinking my eyes hard. I know people noticed, but still I tried to hide it. What would they think of me? The doctor said nothing was wrong..I must be crazy..No I have Tourettes. It is so nice to put a name with it. I am actually happy that I know what it is. I am not ashamed or afraid to tell the world ( obviously ).. This was passed down through family genes, I didn't ask for it, but I have it and there is nothing that will change that. All I can do is be aware of it and deal with it.
  • When I was a kid, I had a hard time I school. I found it boring. It lacked interest for me. I didn't want to be there. Come to find out I also have A.D.H.D. which sometimes goes hand in hand with Tourettes. I'm sure glad the school counselors picked up on it. ( just a little sarcasm ) Actually They probably associated Tourettes the way I did, with someone barking or screaming or swearing. I don't blame anyone for not knowing what this is, I'm just glad I now know.
  • Currently I am not on any meds. They dont seem to help me although they do help others.
  •  I actually consider myself very gifted. I have had my IQ tested a few times and I score between 150-152. I taught myself Guitar and Piano, I write my own music and lyrics. The reason I bring this up is because I think the Tourettes has something to do with it. The same thing that is telling my brain to make me TIC is the same thing that is enhancing my creativity. Sort of like the way it does for people who are autistic. ( Just a thought ).
  • The support I have got is amazing. From my wife and family to total strangers. I am still the person I always was, now I am happy and informed.
  • PLEASE, If you or someone you know had any symptoms, talk with them. DO NOT BE AFRAID. There are a lot of us in this world. Don't worry about what others think.
  • I am dedicating myself to informing and helping others who ask for it. If you have any questions, please contact your local chapter of Tourette Syndrome Association.



This site was last updated 02/15/05

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