My mother has had quite a life,
She's lived with woe, she's lived with strife;
She has her faults, I cannot lie,
But she has always given life a try.

Some cannot understand
How I can be her greatest fan;
But she is tough as I want to be,
Even when life doesn't agree.

She is calm when the going is hard,
I pray someday that will be my card;
She seems to find her life's goal,
And that makes life totally whole.

I think it takes time to grow,
To gain wisdom, the answers to know;
We don't always agree on much,
But I still love her and her touch.

I tend to stress when calm she stays,
I don't always understand her ways;
But I am smart, I realize
That my mother has grown very wise.

I fear the day when she is gone,
I know for her I will long;
So let her know while she is here,
To me, she will always be a dear.

My mother is a woman great,
Too bad I learned that so late;
But I have always loved her true
Our love is old not brand new.

So, children, listen here to me,
Someday in your mother you will see;
That which is not seen now,
The wisdom and greatness she gained somehow.

~©Sandra S. Oidtman~