"The Bluebird carries the sky on his back"
Henry D. Thoreau


Spring is in the air,
As the gentle rain falls;
New birth is on the way,
Life will not now stall.

Spring is in the air,
As the flowers rapidly grow;
Bleeding Heart is now blooming,
And forgotten is the snow.

Spring is in the air,
Trees are dressing in green;
Iris climb toward the heavens,
Soon blooms will be seen.

Spring is in the air,
Hummers are on their way;
Their tiny little bodies,
Will brighten up our day.

Spring is in the air,
Grass is growing so fast;
God is showing us
This time it will last.

Spring is in the air,
God has out His paintbrush;
All is gaining color,
And grows in night's hush.

 ©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2009