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Super Smash Bros. Melee Preview

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Super Smash Bros. Melee is back and ready for some more action on the Gamecube!

Release Date
December 3, 2002

Super Smash Bros. Melee is finally coming back and looking better than ever. With all new modes, characters, moves, and even items, this game is all we want in a sequal.


There are a couple new modes in SSB Melee which include Tournament, Melee, and Custom Rules.

Tournament mode is a new thing mode in which you can battle with more then four players, I am not sure how they are going to do this, but probley with the Internet connections. If you want more human players, but you dont have any, you can add computer plahyers, to challenge you guys. Plus with the awesome new Digicards, you may enter your name to keep track of your records and championships.

Melee mode is like the only VS mode on the N64, except there are new options like Coin Mode, and Decision Mode. In Coin mode you must knock off your opponents and try to get the most coins before your opponent does. Decision Mode is a real challenge. The main idea of this mode focuses on points. You must use different moves to knock of your opponents. You can't keep using the same move over and over again. For example you can't use Yoshi's Egg Throw all the time because then you will lose points. This mode focuses on techniques and not the same ones over and over again.

In Custom Rules, you can choose settings and same them on your DigiCard. Handicaps, items, damage ratios, and stage selection can all be saved on the DigiCard. This should be good.


Cape (Right or Left + B)
Super Jump Punch (Up + B)
Mario Tornado (Down + B)
Toad (B)
Peach Bomber (Right or Left + B)
Peach Parasol (Up + B)
Vegetable (Down + B)
Fire Breath (B)
Koopa Klaw (Right or Left + B)
Whirling Fortress (Up + B)
Bowser Bomb (Down + B)
Thunder Jolt (B)
Skull Bash (Right or Left + B)
Quick Attack (Up + B)
Thunder (Down + B)
Egg Lay (B)
Egg Roll (Right or Left + B)
Egg Throw (Up + B)
Yoshi Bomb (Down + B)
Donkey Kong
Giant Punch (B)
Headbutt (Right or Left + B)
Spinning Kong (Up + B)
Hand Slap (Down + B)
Captain Falcon
Falcon Punch (B)
Raptor Boost (Right or Left + B)
Falcon Dive (Up + B)
Falcon Kick (Down + B)
Blaster (B)
Fox Illusion (Right or Left + B)
Fire Fox (Up + B)
Reflector ( Down + B)
PK Flash (B)
PK Fire (Right or Left + B)
PK Thunder (Up + B)
Psi Magnet (Down + B)
Ice Climbers
Ice Shot (B)
Squall Hammer (Right or Left + B)
Belay (Up + B)
Blizzard (Down + B)
Swallow (B)
Hammer (Right or Left + B)
Final Cutter (Up + B)
Stone (Down + B)
Charge Shot
Missile(Right or Left + B)
Screw Attack (Up + B)
Bomb (Down + B)
Nayru's Love (B)
Din's Fire (Right or Left + B)
Farore's Wind (Up + B)
Transform (Down + B)
Needle Storm (B)
Chain (Right or Left + B)
Vanish (Up + B)
Transform (Down + B)
Bow (B)
Boomerang (Right or Left + B)
Spin Attack (Up + B)
Bomb (Down + B)
Luigi (How To Get Him)
Fireball (B)
Green Missile (Right or Left + B)
Super Jump Punch (Up + B)
Luigi Cyclone (Down + B)
Dr. Mario (How To Get Him)
Mega Vitamins (B)
Supersheet (Right or Left + B)
Super Jump Punch (Up + B)
Dr. Tornado (Down + B)
Ganondorf (How To Get Him)
Warlock Punch (B)
Gerudo Dragon (Right or Left + B)
Dark Dive (Up + B)
Wizards Foot (Down + B)
Falco (How To Get Him)
Blaster (B)
Falco Phantasm (Right or Left + B)
Firebird (Up + B)
Reflector (Down + B)
Young Link (How To Get Him)
Fire Bow (B)
Boomerang (Right or Left + B)
Spin Attack (Up + B)
Bomb (Down + B)
Pichu (How To Get Her)
Thunder Jolt (B)
Skull Bash (Right or Left + B)
Agility (Up + B)
Thunder (Down + B)
Jigglypuff (How To Get Her)
Rollout (B)
Pound (Right or Left + B)
Sing (Up + B)
Rest (Down + B)
Mewtwo (How To Get Him)
Shadow Ball (B)
Confusion (Right or Left + B)
Teleport (Up + B)
Disable (Down + B)
Mr. Game & Watch (How To Get Him)
Chef (B)
Judgement (Right or Left + B)
Fire (Up + B)
Oil Panic (Down + B)
Marth (How To Get Him)
Shield Breaker (B)
Dancing Blade (Right or Left + B)
Dolphin Smash (Up + B)
Counter (Down + B)
Roy (How To Get Him)
Fire Blade (B)
Double-Edge Dance (Right or Left + B)
Blazer (Up + B)
Counter (Down + B)

Go to Stages page
