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Cheerleader Forum

1997 Pro Bowl Cheerleaders

1998 Pro Bowl Cheerleaders

1999 Pro Bowl Cheerleaders

31 Teams... 31 Questions

Official NFL Pages

Why Politics Is Better Than Sex

Judgement at the Vet

I've Got Issues

In my ongoing efforts to expand the scope of my page, and somewhat broaden the spectrum of opinions and subjects on which those opinions are offered, I would like to welcome you all to this latest creation called "Cheerleader Forum." This section was initiated by sending out letters to several NFL Cheerleaders I have met over the past three years, and soliciting their assistance to either send in an article, or enlist a teammate to contribute. What I would like to do with this section is have a very loose format where Cheerleaders can offer some of their experiences and opinions with a minimum of editing. They do not have to relate to cheerleading. If they have a favorite charity, or cause; if there is an issue that needs to have attention called to it; if they want to vent on a particular subject, or even if they just feel like describing a typical day, that is what I want this page to be. I could not imagine the page being interesting for very long if every submission was about the rigors of practice, and the joy of performing in front of thousands of fans. Granted, a couple would be appropriate, but what I am interested in knowing is what they and, by extension, we are passionate about. It can take many forms from a simple essay, or a question and answer session to a top ten list, or some format I may not have thought of. I hope to run an article a week, but I am dependant upon submissions arriving in a timely manner. I would like to thank the contributors for their time, their effort and their insights. Keep up the good work.

Jesse - Miami Dolphins

Dina - Buffalo Jills

Diana - Buffalo Jills

