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Cheerleader Forum

1997 Pro Bowl Cheerleaders

1998 Pro Bowl Cheerleaders

1999 Pro Bowl Cheerleaders

31 Teams... 31 Questions

Official NFL Pages

Why Politics Is Better Than Sex

Judgement at the Vet

I've Got Issues

Welcome to my personal bile duct, the bilge hold of my psyche. If the old addage is true that it's better to light a single candle than curse the darkness, then the dim light you see here represents my efforts to expose what's wrong with the world today. It may sometimes be controversial, but I suspect mostly it will be whiny. As for solutions, sometimes yes, but primarily it will be suggestions; ideas that sound good in theory, but have never been tried, and for all intents and purposes never will be tried. So, why even bother. Well, while I doubt if any of my ideas will be taken on a global level, if even a few are taken to heart locally, then it will be worth what amounts to a minimal time investment to post an article every week or so... Besides, I'm thinking this stuff anyway.


03-30-98 Standard Response

04-06-98 Lost in America

04-13-98 The Passing Game

04-20-98 Loyalty in Sports

07-06-98 The Sequel Mentality

07-13-98 Ulterior Motives

08-08-98 Casual Obscenity

03-13-04 The Liberal Media Litmus Test: the Free Pass

