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1) Ted Lee: Everyone's ignoring me!
Mrs.Miedowski:Awww too bad.

2) Susan: I'm gonna get DSL and it comes with a free Webcam!
Colby: Why do you set up your own show and exploit yourself on the internet? Susan's a porn star!!
Susan: No I'm not!!

3) (During music class) Joe: Oh my god, what is Sam doing to my pen? (Of course Joe learned then that Sam Binder cannot tell the difference between his own pencils with anyone elses =) )

4) (During the time when we had an extended amt of 2nd period)
Michael: Hey Joe, tell them to get of the drum set.
(A little later Mike goes to play the drums)
Angry Cirminello: Mike I told you get people off the drums! Why are you on it?

5) Mrs.Bogosian: The cutest sibling and the cutest pet catagory is a joke.

6) Mr.Lewis: Everybody who's not on the basketball team has to do all of the work. If your on it don't worry about it.

7) Tiffany: (After interview results) Heejae, you should sue for emotional damage!

8) Joe: (After seeing Lip's video essay) That, was the worst video essay ever.(Of course just about everybody said that, even Bogo)

9) Ali: (Video essay awards) ...and the best supporting actress is...Rita Fermano!!

10) (I'll give you a dose of what Laura and Elena has me and now to Joe)
Laura:(Online) Heeeeeeeeej! This is what Elmer(Laura) and Pookie(Elena) are offering. All you have to do is answer these questions and pay us $600 dollars for our friendship. $900 if you can't answer these questions.
Ok first question, what is a football that went to the Superbowl and rhymes with Matriots...

11) (At the concert)
Monteleone: Oh! I love disco...Disco this...Disco that...O yea...!

12) (Also at the concert)
Mr.Cirminello: Heejae, we need you in Tenakill Singers. Look I'm so desperate for male voices right now that I'm gonna consider using 6th about free ReBirth lessons if you join.

13) (Guess what? At the Concert)
Ms.Monaco: Ok.. we need to be strong. And really scream when it says scream. Ok? (After Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer Space when the 7th graders juss go Ah~) What wuz that? That sucked (Ok, so what if she didn't say that... o well)

14) (From, Romeo and Juliet)
Romeo: Hey Fag, we wanna get married now.
Friar Lawrence: First of all my name isn't fag, it's Friar Lawrence.
Romeo: Fag...

15) Kevin: My god...all of the girls at this school are lesbians.

16) Matt: See it's simple, its hump tag...whoosh.

17) Richie: Ha ha ha...She Fitzgerald...