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First Updated 4.12.02

GeForce 4: Just Another Video Card?
Nvidia has again made another revision to the world-renowned Geforce 2 GTS core. Not long after the release of GeForce 3, GeForce 4 came out in February, giving consumers a crisp and clear picture that looks nearly life-like. Also, the GeForce 4’s higher performance in multimedia simulations such as movies and games is nearly unimaginable. This chip is now the fastest GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) available to the consumer.Just as an example, the superiority of the GeForce 4 Ti 4600 chip cannot be compared to other chips such as its predecessor. A GeForce 4 Ti 4600 chip can do 1.23 trillion operations per second (OPS), but its predecessor can only do 960 billion. This margin of 270 billion OPS is surely a very noticeable and large difference.
Although this chip may be a new solution to video problems with one’s computer, like all new creations, there is bound to be some flaw. But hopefully, this flaw is miniscule and will not need much attention.
Currently, this chip is available in retail stores such as CompUSA priced at a range of $130 to about $400 depending on the product and store.

Windows XP: The Second Windows Revolution
Ever since its debut in October 25, 2001, Windows XP has marveled computer users by being more advanced and stable than any other Window OS (Operating System). Its drastic change of totally demolishing the DOS-based Windows 9.x code and using the more stable and reliable Windows NT and 2000 foundation makes it as revolutionary as Windows 95 was to Windows 3.1.
It is simply the master of all Windows versions. Though more related to Windows 2000 and Mac’s OS X, it is compatible with all Windows 9.x, ME, 2000, NT files. Unlike Windows 2000, it also has a broader range of hardware compatibility. It then features network capabilities with firewall options, making it easier for even beginners to protect their own computer from hackers.
Windows XP even helped inflate the sagging economy a bit. Its seven million copies sold in the first two weeks prove that this OS is surely the cream of the crop. Not only does it have little competition from OS X and Linux’s Red Hat, but it is also thought to be a much better solution to desktop computers.
Its stability may be its asset, but Windows XP has some downsides. For example, a CD must be bought for installation on each computer. This may prevent piracy, but it is definitely negative for those with more than one computer.
Cable or DSL?
Today’s endless search for faster Internet connections brings us to two very popular broadband connections. The competition between Cable and DSL brings forth a plethora of reasons why some people cannot choose which one to apply for. Although the two are similar, there are still some dividing factors.
First, it depends on how far one lives from the provider. It is better if a user lives close to the provider since there may obviously be some packet-loss or speed-loss during use. Normally, this is only a problem with DSL because the coaxial cable that Cable modems use does not experience much of this. For Cable users, however, it does not make much of a difference for they need to be close to a provider in order for Cable to operate.
A large difference between the two deals with the fact that DSL provides a totally separate line from other DSL users; Cable is similar to a giant network using the same T3 or fiber optic connection—one of the fastest connections. There are times when Cable is the evident faster connection but during its peak hours of transmission, Cable can lag, falling to speeds even comparable to the ordinary 56k modem.
Although it may seem, through this article, that DSL may be the better solution, it truly depends on what one’s neighbors use. If most are using DSL, chances are Cable will give more speed. But before an individual purchases Cable, he or she should research first and see if it really can give speed. There may be a problem in the area preventing great speeds. For instance, for many years, the Closter area has been receiving poor connections with DSL; therefore most households now have Cable for broadband.
Another method of determining is by comparing prices and packages. If one provides a free modem and discounted service for using the service for three years, it will probably be a better choice since it is more cost-efficient.
With advancing technology, high Internet speeds are an important quality for most users. Although there is no correct answer in this controversy, it all relies on the judgment of the consumer.
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