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Below are some random astrological insights to act as a point of departure for our converations together: synastry, sabian symbols, numerology, applied numerology, full moon, new moon, eclipse, orb, ephemeris, feng shui, western astrology, vedic, chinese, native american, sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, return, solar return, saturn return, uranus, neptune, pluto, asteroids, trine, conjunct, conjunction, harmonic convergence, sunrise, sunset, love, self-discovery, self-awareness, yoga, breathwork, insights, venus mars conjunction, new year, california, united states, usa, san francisco, new york, chicago, los angeles, san diego, washington, d.c., seattle, paris, rome, tokyo, california, united states, usa, san francisco, new york, chicago, los angeles, san diego, washington, d.c., seattle, paris, rome, astrology, astrology for lovers, spiritual astrology, modern astrology, history of astrology, astrologer, mountain astrologer, astrology3d, dusty park, robert hand, marc edmond jones, life readings, astrological, readings, psychic, relationships, dating, compatibility, charts, chart, map, maps, relocation, tokyo
astrocartography, natal, astrology for women, spiritual astrology, metaphysics, mysticism, composites, synastry, sabian symbols, numerology, applied numerology, full moon, new moon, eclipse, orb, ephemeris, feng shui, western astrology, vedic, chinese, native american, sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, return, solar return, saturn return, uranus, neptune, pluto, asteroids, trine, conjunct, conjunction, harmonic convergence, sunrise, sunset, love, self-discovery, self-awareness, yoga, breathwork, insights, venus mars conjunction, new year, astrology, astrologer, mountain astrologer, astrology3d, dusty park, robert hand, marc edmond jones, life readings, astrological, readings, psychic, relationships, dating, compatibility, charts, chart, map, maps, relocation, astrocartography, natal, astrology for women, spiritual astrology, metaphysics, mysticism, composites,
Astrology is a topic of which many speak, yet know very little about.

Do you know which famous scientist said to a skeptic of astrology, "Sir, the difference between us, is that I have studied the subject and you have not!"

Astrology actually tracks the cycles, like the seasons, which predictably recur, though each with its own fresh insights as we spiral upwards, like the DNA which makes up our genetic composition.

As above, so below.

Astrology for Lovers is one of the most popular applications for this science because people are so engaged with their relationships. Click on the link to read more about readings for those interested in romantic compatibility.

Spiritual astrology is the study of planetary effects for our evolution of consciousness. As we progress from uncivilized to civilized, we seem to want to be more aware of life and our purpose.

Today, in modern astrology, there are many facets that have changed since people first started studying the planetary movements. We learn to see potentials, and not doom, when a configuration suggests a challenge.

The history of astrology is quite fascinating. Early astronomers were astrologers. There was no separation until religious dogma began to irk these natural philosophers.

To an astrologer there is ever more to learn.

Reading astrological journals, and magazines, like, Mountain Astrologer, or viewing new websites, like,, by Dusty Park, we can learn a lot about the direction that modern astrology is headed. Greats like Robert Hand, Marc Edmond Jones, Dane Rudyhar, Liz Greene, and so, so many others, have contributed so much to the field.

For the beginner, a Life Reading is a great place to start. Life Readings are astrological readings, that incorporate planetary data and psychic impressions to address issues such as, vocation, personal development, relationships, dating, compatibility, past lives, relocation, and more.

Astrological charts are created for each person, place, or even group, or event. Current events have charts.

We can map out the current trends of consciousness and social activity in the world. Both political astrology and spiritual astrology make fascinating studies.

For those who love to travel, or are forced to move, looking at geography maps may only tell so much. Relocation astrology uses, astrocartography and other astrological charts to determine someone’s best destinations for any purpose.

Natal charts are only the beginning. Astrology for women or astrology for men can help each individual better understand their psyche and full potential, both in the mundane and in the area of spiritual development.

Spiritual astrology directs us toward more esoteric avenues of study. With any metaphysics, or mysticism, we must understand symbolism and how our lives are part of a greater macrocosm.

Where relationships benefit from composite and synastry readings, spiritual astrology uses any chart to reflect more profound lessons for the individual. Using the sabian symbols channeled by Elsie Wheeler, in Balboa Park, San Diego, in 1925, to Marc Edmond Jones, have proved infinitely useful for my readings.

We all know astrology is applied numerology. And numerology is merely the study of numbers in our lives.

If you want to know if astrology has validity, begin to notice the phases of the moon. Carry a pocket astrological calendar and refer to it to observe, not project, the changes you may see over the course of a year.

Watch the full moon, new moon, the eclipses; notice orbs of influence, learn to read an ephemeris. These and other tasks are part of astrological studies.

Feng Shui, whether Chinese, Indian, Japanese, or intuitive, is another way astrology has been applied in various cultures. Western astrology, vedic astrology from India, Chinese astrology, Native American, etc., all follow the movements of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Return, Solar Return, Saturn Return, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Asteroids. They observe is planets or signs are trine, conjunct, in conjunction, making a harmonic convergence, occur near sunrise or sunset, etc.

But really, it’s all about love, self-discovery, self-awareness and personal transformation. Sometimes we need to use our minds to inquire into the mystery of life. Astrology is good for this. Other times, we want to feel with our hearts, and souls, or bodies…yoga, breathwork, aromatherapy, and such are good for this. Eventually they come together in the gestalt of Life. We want personal transformation for ultimate fulfillment.

The more we integrate, the more we naturally transform from the caterpillar inching along to the butterfly who is flying free and enjoying life fully.

So this New Year, whether you live in California, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, Washington, D.C., Seattle, Paris, Rome, or Tokyo, in the USA or abroad, pay attention to the world around you, as well as the world within you. Watch how you are part of Nature, the Sun, Moon, and stars…the forest, the ocean, the wind, the heat, the cold, the wet, the dry…

You are a child of the Universe. Enjoy!

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