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May 19, 2003

A Family Affair

The Dark Oracle of Fire series tells the story of Agasha Tamori's descent into curruption. He was
the former daimyo of the Dragon Agasha clan during the time of the Hidden Emperor. Because of
Mirumoto Hitomi's erratic and unexplicable behavior as Dragon Champion, most of the Agasha
lef the Dragon clan because they feared Hitomi. Agasha Gennai lead the defectors to the Phoenix.

This betrayal incensed Tamori because Gennai was one of his best students and closest friends.
A magical duel to the death was prevented only by the intervention of Tamori's wife, Tsutomu.
At the Battle of Volturnum, Tsutomu was slain and Tamori was Tainted. Gradually the Taint began
to eat away at Tamori's self-control until he gave himself freely over to total curruption. Rokugan
thought that Tamori had died a Hero at Volturnum, little did anyone know that he survived.

In the War of the Spirits (Spirit Wars), Tamori immersed himself in revenge against the Phoenix
by helping Hantei XVI (the Steel Chrysanthemum). With the conclusion of hostilities at the end
of the Spirit Wars, the Dragon clan was granted a new Tamori family by Hanrei XVI in recognition
for Tamori's assistance. Again it was thought that Tamori was dead, for his daughter Shaitung
took over as Daimyo of the Tamori.

In a miguided attempt to restore the family name, Tamori's brother Chosai conspired with a
Phoenix to invite the Dark Oracle of Fire to attack both clans. Chosai had hoped that by defeating
a common enemy the Phoenix and Dragon clans would be brought closer together along with
restoring the good name of Tamori. See the Dark Oracle of Fire. part 2.

Who is the Phoenix conspiraor? In all likelihood it is none other than Agasha Gennai. Why Gennai?
Once a Dragon Agasha, it probably pained him to have disgraced the Agasha name by disloyalty.
By raising the honor of Tamori's daughter Shaitung,, Gennai may have thought to make amends
for his betrayal of her father years earlier. Find out for sure when Dark Oracle of Fire, part 3 is
posted at Alderac.

Remember, if I'm right you heard it here first. If not, then it was just a wild Scorpion rumour. :)


April 12, 2003

Look! Real Monkeys!

Separated at Birth? This image of a samurai was found at A Picture Tour of Japan.

February 1, 2003

Is it Enlightened Madness or is it the Secrets of the Dragon?

AlEG and Rich Wulf have been publishing the Enlightened Madness series over the
last few weeks. What started out as the Dragon Clan's attempt to retrieve Togashi's
Daisho from Kokujin has metamorphasized into revealing the mysteries of the ise
zumi and of Togashi himself. As the Dragon Clan learn about Kokujin, they also find
out more about themselves. This leads them to more questions about their origins and
of Togashi's true nature.

Dark secrets are revealed and the distinction between good and evil is fading. Can evil
acts ever be justified "for the good of the empire"? What price survival? Do the mystic
tattoos enslave one's thoughts or do they open one's eyes to the truth? In the past, these
questions have been left open to one's interpretation. The Enlightened Madness series
is different in that it reveals specific details that up until now has just been speculation.

Is Kokujin a madman or are we mad not to see things from his point of view? If your
image of the world was suddenly revealed to be totally false what would you do? If you
found out that all your beliefs were due to someone's manipulation would you go mad?
The Kolat were portrayed as evil but what if they were right?

What if the Kami were not benevalent benafactors of man but instead were predators
and opportunists, using man to further their own goals and perhaps even consuming
them as food?

Perhaps Kokujin is right, that immortality of a sort can be obtained ... for a price.
Whether or not you agree with his methods, he has learned how to survive in hostile

Who is Kokujin? The Enlightened Madness series may reveal some clues:

Part I - "The blood of immortals runs in our veins. Mortals are beneath us. They live
only for our amusement."  - Kokujin

Part I - "Truth," the ise zumi mused. "To live a lie for the truth. What a wonderful life!
Tell me, Togashi-san, where does one become the other? When does the lie end and
the truth begin? Is there any difference, really?" - Kokujin

Part I - "The madness is the enlightenment! You say that I have seen too much. I have
not seen enough! What other secrets are out there?" - Kokujin

Part I - "I carry Fu Leng's blessings as well Togashi's," Kokujin said with a nod, "I
would collect the blessings of the other Kami as well, but they feared me so much t
hey fled the mortal realm." - Kokujin

Part I - "We found Kokujin on the Plains Above Evil. He was waiting for us with two
hundred bakemono. He had carved his designs upon them, the tattoos he uses to control
the weak." - Kaelung

Part I - "We were prepared. We had taken every precaution. It amounted to nothing.
Kokujin was ready. This is a game to him, and so long as we follow the rules he
makes we cannot win.
We need help. We should turn to the Hida, the Hiruma, the Daidoji. We must find
allies who know how to battle the Taint. If we continue fighting alone out of stubborn
pride he will continue to destroy us."  - Kaelung

Part II - "It was not Hitomi who killed your family, it was the madness that Kokujin
bestowed upon her. The murderer still lives, and he carries the daisho of your Kami,
of the god who gave you your tattoos." - Kaelung

Part II - "I know only that my Kami commanded me to lead Hitomi to her destiny and
that destiny led her to murder my family and embrace a madman and led Togashi to his
death. When I see Lady Moon shining in the Heavens, I know that all came to pass, as
it must have. I am only left wondering why? You ask for truth, Kaelung, but I do not
think that there is any" - Mitsu

Part II - "I know that whatever you saw last time caused you to leave the Dragon, to
hunt him on your own or perhaps with questionable allies." - Mitsu

Part II - "You know, don't you?" Mitsu asked. "You know the truth about Kokujin."

Part II - "Why sully Togashi's swords, when I can make my own?" - Kokujin

Part III - "Togashi used me. So did Hitomi. I used them in return. Now they are gone
and I am not."- Kokujin

Part III - "I am a Dragon, Satsu. We are more alike than you know, and I find I miss
the Dragon as they once were. Without the wisdom of a true god to guide you, the
Dragon Clan is a pale shadow of itself. The mystery is gone. The riddle is no more."
- Kokujin

Part III - Togashi and Hitomi were both very powerful, but their power was tempered
by suffering. It gave them focus, gave them perspective. If you are to take back your
grandfather's swords, then you must suffer as well, Satsu." - Kokujin

Part IV - "You forget that I am a Dragon too, so not all that I say is as it appears.
You think that my objective here was to force you to condemn a friend and watch
him die. No. My goal was for you to condemn a friend and watch him live. Now
every time you look into Hitomi Hogai's eyes you will remember how you damned
him." - Kokujin

Part V - His power outlives him," Hoshi said. "The boy shows all the signs. He has
great power, Mitsu. He is tamashii.

Part V - "As you know, my father was one of the original Kami, the gods who
fell from the Heavens and founded the Empire. When the Kami fell, their father
Onnotangu cursed them. When they touched the earth, they were bound to it.
They would grow old and die like mortals before they saw the Celestial Heavens
again." - Hoshi

Part V - "My father had the gift of foresight, and he knew that one day his wisdom
would be required to save the Empire. He lived on, but not as himself. He borrowed
a page from his brother, Shiba." - Hoshi

Part V - "He learned to reincarnate himself," - Mitsu

Part V - "Shiba's soul could live in peace in the same body as another, becoming
part of that person. But Togashi was not Shiba, and he could not do what Shiba
had done. Each time he passed to a new vessel, the former soul was consumed.
Usually the vessel was so wracked by the process that Togashi immediately died
again. The first time my father died, it took him twenty tries before he could find
a host strong enough to bear his spirit." - Hoshi

Part V - "Togashi came to understand that only special mortals could contain his
essence, those with extraordinary self-control. Togashi called these individuals
tamashii, the "souls" of the Dragon Clan. The ise zumi tattoos were, in a manner
of speaking, a test for his followers. Those who exhibited the greatest control of
the tattoos were the same people with the discipline and willpower to serve as
future vessels. Whenever such an individual arose, Togashi told them the secret
of the tamashii and offered them the chance to become the future Dragon
Champion. Mitsu was the last tamashii to bear the Togashi name." - Hoshi

Part V - "Togashi died before I could fultill my destiny," Mitsu said. "Hitomi killed him."

Part V -  "It was an easy secret to keep," Hoshi said. "The ability to contain the
essence of an immortal is very rare. Sometimes only one ise zumi per generation
is found with such a gift, and very rare was the tamashii who did not willingly
sacrificing their existence so that Togashi would live on. My father took their
names not only to disguise his presence in the Empire, but to honor the men and
women who had given him a chance to live."

Part V - "Togashi is dead. There is no more need for the tamashii." - Mitsu

Part V - "Just because my father does not need Matsuo does not mean the Empire
does not," Hoshi said. "We cannot teach him, Mitsu. We do not understand him.
He will never reach his true potential unless you are the one to guide him."

Part V - father once said that you had a great destiny, Mitsu-san," Hoshi said. "You are
the one who assumed it would be to die for him. Perhaps he meant for you to live for
him. Do not turn your back on us, old friend. Do not turn your back on Matsuo."

Part V - And what should I do if I discover that you are a fool?" - Mitsu

Part V - "We must act swiftly," Mitsu said. "The Anvil uses souls to power its
nemuranai, but any person chained to the Anvil must die or the product will be
ruined. If we can save his prisoners before he completes his work, then there is
still hope."

Part V - "You say that you know no master," she said, seeming to draw strength
from the words. "You lie. Pain and darkness are your masters You serve them
because you fear thelight Love burdens you and hope always betrays you."
- Chieko

Part V - "No," Satsu snapped. "That is why you no longer desire my grandfather's
swords because you can no longer stand to hear his voice. You can no longer stand
the burden of hope You are what you are not because you are your own master but
because to be anything better would be too much effort. You are a slave to your
own madness."

Part V -"You shall see. My crimes may seem great now, but in time you may
understand." He looked up at Satsu with a faint grin. "I do not ask for forgiveness.
Only understanding."

Part VI - "The First Oni was the most powerful of all demons," Haru said. "He
marched at the vanguard of the Dark Kami's army. His power was said to be limitless.
He could alter his form at will, becoming great or small as the need arose. His blood
corrupted the earth wherever it fell. No weapon could harm him, no warrior could
overcome him, save one blessed with the power of the Celestial Heavens."

Part VI - "Shiba and the First Oni left one another mortally wounded. The demon came
here, where it was born, to die deep within the earth." - Haru

Part VI - "I think that the First Oni carried the true name of Fu Leng," the stranger said,
"the name that no mortal can ever know. That is why he is merely called the 'First Oni,'
for his true name cannot be spoken. That is why he was so powerful, for his power was
drawn from Fu Leng's boundless might. That is why he has never returned to the mortal
realm, because his master is also bound beyond this realm as well."
- sohei from the Temple of Osano-Wo

Part VI - "The truth is the truth and it cannot be changed," Kokujin said, holding up his
katana to study it in the light of the fire pit again. "I am a tamashii, heir to the Dragon
Champion. That was why Mitsu feared to face me. That was why Hitomi sought my
help. Who would know how best to bear the burden of divine power but Kokujin?"

Part VI - "That is what I have always hated about the Dragon Clan," Kokujin said with
a sigh. "You lie even to yourselves. Wrapped in so many secrets, is it any wonder that
you have such difficulty fulfilling your potential, Satsu? I have mastered the power of
two gods. In me, Fu Leng's corruption and Togashi's enlightenment find balance. I am
my own master, poised to elevate myself to a level of power you cannot begin to
understand. You cannot even keep yourself out of chains. I find it sad."

Part VI - "Kokujin studied the sinister black katana he had forged with a satisfied smile.
He lifted the matching wakizashi from where it lay nearby and circled around to the front
of the anvil. He held both hands in a loose Niten stance and looked down at Chieko."
"Two swords, forged with the divine blood of countless Togashi and the black blood of
the Twilight Mountains. I wield Heaven and Hell in my hands. Now tell me the name,
and our pact shall be sealed."

Part VI - "What is it that I have always said, Kobai?" Kokujin asked.
"Never assume the enemy is dead," Kobai replied. "Until you have devoured their heart."

Part VI - "Kokujin has given them the power of the crescent moon," Kaelung shouted.

Part VI - "Grandfather," Satsu whispered...."
"I am here," replied a deep voice, echoing with the wisdom of eternity.

Part VI - "Those who you love will die. This cannot be changed," Togashi said. "It falls
to you to be certain that their deaths are not in vain."

Part VI - "I never saw the future, Satsu. Not in the way that you mean. I saw only patterns of
the past as they built to inevitable conclusions, reflected through countless ages of experience.
The only destiny that I could not predict was my own. It is impossible for any creature, mortal
or immortal, to see his own fate clearly." - Togashi

Part VI - "So is that why you so seldom came down from your mountain? Because every
time you interfered, the future became your own." - Satsu

Part VI - "You are everything that I was and more," Togashi said, "We are one."

Part VI - "After the Day of Thunder, your father became Hitomi's greatest enemy,.. Do you
not think it strange that he led the Dragon back to her side? It was you that changed all of
this, Satsu. On the day you were born, your mother would have died, as would you have. I
led Hitomi to your mother's side. All that was left of my soul, lingering within Hitomi,
passed on to be reborn in you. You gained the strength to survive, strength that you shared
with your mother. That is our power, Satsu. The power to alter destiny." - Togashi

Part VI - "I never said that,.. You are Satsu, son of Hoshi. We are two beings, yet we live
on in one soul. We are both mortal and immortal, both divine and human. I have lived in
the corners of your soul, walked through your memories, passed through your dreams.
You are a wise and noble man, Satsu. You bring honor to my name. You are my true heir."
- Togashi

Part VI - "What is about to happen?" Satsu asked urgently. "What is Kokujin's plan?"
"Is it not clear?" Togashi answered. "He intends to become a god."

Part VI - "Togashi Mitsu," Kokujin said in an excited voice. "Meet the First Oni."

Part VII - "Take Chieko from here, Matsuo, as swiftly as you can. Fail, and Kokujin triumphs."
- Togashi Satsu

Part VII - "I thought you were once a Crab, Hogai," Satsu said.
  "I only killed oni," Hogai replied. "I left studying them to the Kuni."

Part VII - "Oni do not truly exist in the mortal realm," he explained. "They can exist only
in the more abstract Spirit Realms, such as Tengoku and Jigoku. Those that steal or are
given the name of an inhabitant of the mortal realm can create spawn, lesser versions of
themselves, to wreak havoc in this realm. This demon carries Fu Leng's name. His blood
is poison. His touch melts flesh and bone. He is unstoppable."  - Satsu

Part VII - "The true First Oni marches with Fu Leng's army against the forces of Heaven.
It would not come here even if it could. Even so, its spawn is deadly enough. After Fu Leng
was banished eleven centuries ago, the First Oni was too weak to send its spawn into this
realm. \Each time it tried, the Shakoki Dogu fought it back. For over a thousand years there
has been a balance between the demon and the spirit of the mountains, preventing either from
overcoming the other. Now that has changed Kokujin has used the Anvil of Despair to give
the demon a feast of blood and death and pave its resurrection."  - Satsu

Part VII - "Do not underestimate Kokujin," Satsu replied. "As mad as he may be, he does not
act with out a plan. It was Kokujin's destiny, long ago, to become a vessel for the power of a god.
Perhaps he plans to fulfill that destiny yet, but on his own terms."

Part VII - "My grandfather is with us," Satsu replied, or seemed to. As soon as he spoke, the
words left Hogai's mind, leaving only impressions of what was said. "His wisdom and his
power wax and wane with need, but our need has seldom been greater."

Part VII - "Our war is done, Mitsu. Togashi would not stop me. Hitomi could not stop me.
Hoshi did not care, and Satsu was too weak. I have won. The Dragon Clan is defeated."
- Kokujin

Part VII - "You claim the power of heaven cannot help mortals," Satsu roared defiantly.
"Are you so confident now, Kokujin?"

Part VII - "I must not die," Chieko whispered. "I must not die"

Part VII - "But with the Shakoki Dogu, I will remain free," she said. "Perhaps if I am
even a bit free, I can bring some peace to the souls entirely trapped in Kokujin's swords
Perhaps one day they can be free."  - Chieko

Part VII - "You have done well, Matsuo," she whispered. "Now there may yet be hope"
- Chieko

Part VII - "Swallow your pride, Rosanjin! This is no way for a samurai to die!" Kaelung snapped

Part VII - "It is a Togashi's duty to see what cannot be seen, to believe in the impossible.
It is a Mirumoto's duty to drag you back to reality when you are wrong."  - Rosanjin

Part VII - Mitsu?" Satsu replied. "He is a legend among legends. If he has died today,
he has died as a hero. If he has not, then who can say when we will see him again?
Even with Togashi's guidance, I cannot say for sure."


Rumours Pre-2002  ||  Rumours Summer 2002  ||  Rumours Fall 2002 ||  Rumours Spring 2003



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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright Alderac Entertainment Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group
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Other art work, names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.
Web design by Mirumoto Genji.