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Chris Lee: I met Chris at the same time that I met James, Marc and Bishop. It was grade 11 in high school, (that was around 1990). Once again, our mutual friend David Nault met up with Bishop, and through him, I met James and Chris. Through the years, the games increased and flourished. There was a dry spot with Chris where he didn't game for a few years because of other commitments, but he came back to the table and we continued. Things really took off with the creation of Classic Farfetched: The Department of World Justice, where Shadow was conceived.

A very devoted Player, he thoroughly enjoys the challenge of the games that he's in and lives his characters to the fullest potential they are capable of. He has at least one character in all the current gaming realms that I know of. His strength is clearly in the area of Role-Playing. Chris loves to contribute to the story of the character and the encounter. In situations where it looks like the only course is violence and combat, Chris's characters have been able to talk themselves out of the situation, or to delay the inevitable until help arrives.

A current list of characters:    Shadow (Farfetched)
                                            Carlton (Modular)
                                            Triad (Villains)
                                            Nathan Onyx (Espionage)



The Department of World Justice DWJ NPC's Villains & Organizations Neutrals & Vigilantes  
Villains Triad NPC's Heroes  
Espionage Orion Web    
Modular Modular: 
Downtown Venus





Tony Gluwchynski Marc Guenette James Jackson Bishop Klydesdale
Credits The Realms

The Players


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This site last Edited: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 10:45:16 PM