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James Jackson: Once again, I met James back in high school with Chris, Marc and Bishop. James and I have been through a lot together, around the round table and outside of it. We spent a lot of time talking about issues with the rules of the game all the way to personal problems in real life (Don't get me wrong, I've talked with the others about non gaming topics as well, but James does have a unique insight and view on things). James is very creative and has a logical way of looking at things, even if it not for real, we can sit down and discuss ideas for hours.

In the game, James is a very analytical thinker. Weighing all options and their consequences and discussing his ideas with the group before rushing headstrong into a particular challenge or obstacle. But when the "ship hits the fan" in the game, his characters are very calculating and will usually think of some unusual or unthought of tactic to use to his advantage, which usually work.

Listing of current characters:    Goldberg (Farfetched)



The Department of World Justice DWJ NPC's Villains & Organizations Neutrals & Vigilantes  
Villains Triad NPC's Heroes  
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Downtown Venus





Tony Gluwchynski Marc Guenette Chris Lee Bishop Klydesdale
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This site last Edited: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 11:00:38 PM